Cannabis Current Events (Part 2)


The fake thc numbers are crazy. When ny opened up a newspaper bought the 10 highest flower products available. 9 where completely inaccurate. This should annoy consumers since they are paying extra for higher thc


It’s not just MI or OK, seems to be everywhere. Ohio’s med market seems to be testing off the charts, seems like 1/4 of our flower strains are listed at 30%+ which is highly suspect to me.

Couple years ago I read about this being a problem in OR or WA as well. Cultivators were sending bribes to test facilities in exchange for better lab reports. One lab test technician acted as a whistleblower, the story is online but I don’t have time to find it atm.

As long as the THC% is used as a marketing tool this testing problem will continue, IMO. It’s all hype!


The whole thc thing is crazy to me. Just had outdoor bandaid haze test at 12 %. People who smoke it love it. The dispensary won’t even look at it :rofl::disappointed:


Dispensaries are the worst.


Legalization Nation: corporate cannabis passes the collection plate


What was the saying… “There’s a sucker born every minute”
Give your hard earned money to help stomp out home growing is what the sign should say.
This is why awareness is sooo sooo important.
I wonder how many people gave them money thinking they were doing something good.
Instead scotts/monsanto will use the money to fight against the will of the people.
I bet they will collect millions of dollars in the name of legalization and it is nothing but horse shit.

Some folks really love this form of legalization.
Me not so much…LOL


You know what? There will be idiots who, in their idiocy, will donate to these corporations in the thousands upon thousands of dollars, helping to defray their costs to shut down legal home growing.


Rep. Susan Valdez likened the bill to “big government coming in to take a business from the little guy and give it to somebody else,” like might have happened in Fidel Castro’s Cuba.

I laughed when I read this…What the fuck is wrong with these people.
Can’t they see this is exactly what happened to cannabis.

These folks are just a joke.
Those who sell weed in a store are model citizens but if you grow at home you are a scummy drug dealer… :astonished:
And it is just weed in a store, but if you grow it in your basement it is a dangerous drug.

Rep. Marie Woodson said the bill is “really, really hurting Floridians,” driving people who currently participate in the hemp market to “drug dealers so they can function normally.”

Rep. Angie Nixon said that Medicaid expansion would stop people from having to “resort to hemp and all that other stuff,” demonstrating a seeming faith in patent medicine with those remarks.

Sounds like they wanna make CBD pharmacy only to me.
I know …I know…“Shag that is never gonna happen”. :joy:

GOP Rep. Joel Rudman said “today’s a day of reckoning” for alternative cannabinoids

New regulations or outright banning will be coming for alternative cannabinoids in every state before too long.
The govt. does not do anything quick or efficiently. :wink:


Have to give big donors time to decrease their investment and not take a loss @shag :rofl::disappointed:


Convenience is cancer. First big box stores killed mom and pop shops, then Amazon buried them in cement, and the same thing is happening with weed.

I can’t give my friends regular seed because they don’t want to bother with sexing their plants. They’re happy taking clones, but its all the same polyhybrid hype stuff.

If communities like this didn’t exist, everything would quickly become varying degrees of quick to fade indica/fem/auto/triploid and most people would be perfectly fine with it.

Breaks my damn heart.


COLUMBUS, Ohio (WCMH) – Nearly 300 drug-sniffing police dogs in Ohio will need to retire in the near future as the legalization of cannabis has rendered their marijuana-smelling snouts a liability for law enforcement across the state.

Several agencies, including the Ohio State Highway Patrol, have already begun replacing their marijuana-imprinted canines with narcotics dogs not trained to root out cannabis. Others have plans to quickly phase out their K-9s for fear of the legal ramifications of their alerts.
The latest state to legalize adult-use marijuana, Ohio is also the latest state facing a blow to its police dog force, something Rep. Sean Brennan called an “unintended consequence” of the passage of Issue 2. Dogs trained to detect marijuana cannot be reliably retrained to forget it, meaning any alert they give to the presence of narcotics can be challenged in court.

Seems like it was a little bit irresponsible use of taxpayer dollars to train dogs to hit on a decriminalized substance (at the time) when half the country was already legal for rec use. Clearly throwing even more money at them seems like the best course of action given their track record at wasting it.


Surprisingly, Ohio is one of the few states where it’s been decriminalized since the '70s!

There was actually a fairly large pro-decriminalization movement nation wide during the early '70s, which is also when NORML was founded. Lots of campaigns & efforts to educate the public as well as arguments made for safe adult use. Year after year the public sentiment was showing a growing trend towards support of outright legalization. MJ activists were riding high on this wave until… the dreaded parents groups stepped in.

Thousands of concerned parents (mostly mothers) formed a grassroots movement to oppose marijuana legalization efforts. In fact, these parents groups were largely responsible for many of the pot myths that most of us heard growing up. These groups spoke to legislators directly whenever possible to spread their message and to tell elected officials that these groups will strongly oppose anyone who supported marijuana legalization. These groups even managed to speak to one Dr. Robert DuPont, head of the National Institute on Drug Abuse (NIDA), who would state that “marijuana is the most dangerous drug.” The parents groups somehow convinced DuPont that cannabis is “dangerous” to their children and from that time going forward the conversation shifted from “safe adult use” to “untold harm to your children.”

Source - Grass Roots: The Rise and Fall and Rise of Marijuana in America by Emily Dufton → excellent book, highly highly recommended.

All of this goes to show that public sentiment can change, and laws can change along with public opinion. I often think of “progress” as a line going up on a graph. The truth is that progress is made with every step we go forward, no matter how many times others are trying to make us step back.

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