Cannabis Current Events (Part 2)


LOL - but not really LOL!!!
Isn’t that the Monsanto way?

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a federal appeals court case, the Department of Justice argued in a filing earlier this month that marijuana users “are more likely than ordinary citizens to misuse firearms,” likening them to “the mentally ill” as well as “infants, idiots, lunatics, and felons.”

Take as many pharmaceuticals as you want to, no problems there, right?
WTF is wrong with these people at the D.O.J.? :grimacing:


Also, drink as much alcohol as you’d like.


You can even mix alcohol and all the legal drugs you want.
Smoke some weed and you are mentally ill” and treated like “infants, idiots, lunatics, and felons.”

I wonder if any judges and ex-cops have to give up their guns now that they are in the weed biz?


No shit. The complete lack of rationality in our weed policies are just beyond the pale.


Kinda getting into politics here, but I don’t think it has anything to do with marijuana other than as a pretext - more about trying to get as many people as possible barred from gun ownership. I wouldn’t take it personally, calling people idiots or lunatics is kinda tame as politics goes lately. :roll_eyes:


An alien legally in the U.S. is not prohibited from purchasing firearms but a medical cannabis patient is prohibited from purchasing firearms.


The piece you pulled that from took some liberties. What the government argued in their appeal was that a law banning drug users from possessing guns was constitutional, and they argued it bore comparison to laws banning the mentally unfit, intoxicated people, and “dangerous people” from possessing guns. They did argue that cannabis users are disinhibited to engage in violence in a similar way as the mentally unfit…

The district court had found the law unconstitutional.


I will give you that.
You seem to have missed the whole point of my post.

Can a medical cannabis patient purchase/own a gun?

Should a non-citizen have preferable gun rights to a citizen who is a medical cannabis patient?

A judge ruled in favor of someone in the country illegally who was in possession of a firearm.

It would seem medical cannabis patients are not afforded the same rights as noncitizens and folks who entered the country illegally.
That was the point I was trying to make.

Does this mean the law has changed in favor of cannabis users?
I am not sure what point you are trying to make with your last post.

The words you chose to use were more politically correct but in the end, both statements say the same thing.

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In the 5th Circuit Court jurisdiction, it has. This is the circuit that covers Texas, Louisiana, and Mississippi (though there are no medical marijuana patients in Texas). In US v. Daniels the court ruled to overturn the conviction of possessing a firearm as a user of illegal drugs. It currently rests with the Supreme Court who have not ruled on granting certiorari, but could also dismiss this appeal based upon a ruling from US v. Rahimi, a domestic violence case where the defendant had his guns taken while under a domestic violence restraining order. The ruling in that case could make ruling on US v. Daniels moot and make it legal for medical cannabis patients to own firearms, not to mention make it legal for recreational users in states where recreational cannabis use has been made ‘legal’…


It’s true, a district court judge did just rule that the second amendment applies to people in this country unlawfully (who have committed no other crimes).

I don’t make the laws, so…

But it’s fair to say the state of the law on cannabis use and firearm possession is slightly up in the air at the moment. Hard to say whether SCOTUS would punt or take a look at the issue.


California’s notoriously strong cannabis is suddenly getting weaker

By Lester BlackMarch 19, 2024


As I don’t reside in California nor smoke dispensary weed, How does this impact the quality of seeds being sold? I imagine breeders base their THC levels based on plants grown and flowers tested.

Just how deep does the conspiracy go? I suggest follow the money.



The corruption is unreal…WTF?
Are these folks really this stupid?
We all have known the potency numbers are bullshit for many years.

“We will revoke licenses if they find labs issuing inaccurate results.”
Why did it take 10+ years to figure that out?
A bunch of stoners figured that out but with all of their think tanks and all their money they just could not get it…laughable… :joy:

All kinds of unscrupulous things going on inside the legal cannabis industry. :grimacing:
What about all of the other states, will they continue to allow unscrupulous labs to intentionally undermine the regulatory space, scamming consumers and threatening public health.”
How long with they allows this sorta thing to continue?
Scamming consumers and threatening public health is no big deal as long as the money is right. :wink:

DCC Director Nicole Elliott told the Cannabis Business Times in 2022 that potency inflation was “the result of unscrupulous labs that are intentionally undermining the regulatory space, scamming consumers and threatening public health.” In September last year, the agency issued a warning to labs that it had begun actively retesting products, and would revoke licenses if they found labs issuing inaccurate results.