Cannabis Current Events (Part 2)

This is directly from Monsanto corn. If you don’t keep clean source of your genetics they’ll sue you for unlicensed use of their product


My brothers and sisters. I believe the time is fast approaching when we need to take concrete action to stop these insane policies. We need direct (physical) action. legislation is a way for politicians to stall for time while they come up with new ways to FUCK US! I know you guys are sick and tired of hearing about seed-bombs but they are direct, effective and everyone can do it all the time. We need to sow chaos not cultivate the status quo. OVERGROW the WORLD!


Big grandiose gestures like that are romantic, but hollow.

Thorough, beurocratic, consistent, boring activism is the way to what we want.

Everyone wants to change the system, nobody wants to take part in it.


Here’s Swami! He markets his crop with websites, newsletters, podcasts, and visits various pot shops. He has a club membership where you can help produce the crop. He’s working on promotion hard and I think it’s working. Sitting back and crying about regulations ain’t gonna make it. In the words of Professor James Brown, you got to “get up offa that thing”


Oh, Im not talking about “grandiose gestures”. Im talking about beating the government into submission. They could not stop us when we were a small minority counter culture. Now that we are the majority of the population we could have pot plants growing everywhere. Its the RIGHT thing to do. :grin::rainbow:


I appreciate the enthusiasm, but I disagree with the concept.


This is an interesting read


Yep, this is a huge problem, unscrupulous labs trying to cash in with bad “science”.


Rescheduling does not help the average person at all.
Who does it help then?

“We’re talking about almost tripling free cash flows for the entire industry overnight,” he said of rescheduling

Bigger companies can now buy smaller companies.”
“Consolidation is the name of the game.”

Pretty soon only the biggest companies like Monsanto/Bare will be able to compete.

“The big are going to get bigger, and rescheduling is going to help that to happen,” Colombo said.

So you all can keep getting excited for sch.3. if you want to.
Myself, I will remain thoroughly pessimistic. :nauseated_face:


I wonder why?

“there is little to no oversight when it comes to enforcing these guidelines.”

a critical next step is for the cannabis industry to educate consumers on how to make more informed choices by looking beyond mere THC percentages.

Educate the consumer…What the f**k is that shit?
How about you get some oversite to keep these labs from cheating…WTF?
What is wrong with these people?

This industry is filled with crooks and liars at the highest level.
But some folks think legal cannabis is perfect cause they can buy adulterated weed at the corner store.

Wake up people you are being taken for a ride.

If labs are allowed to be deceptive about THC percentages…
Do you think they can lie about dangerous chemicals used in the grow?
I think they can and do.

What ever happend to this idea??
This should have been done from the start.


Very interesting, indeed. I have some anecdotal evidence to support what they’re saying about cannabinoid-acids being useful.

Normally I vaporize my weed instead of smoking. The vaped leftovers (AVB - already vaped bud) get saved so I can reuse them later. The AVB is mostly decarboxylated along with a fair bit of THCa / CBDa etc still in the cannabinoid-acid state. So one of the ways that I use AVB is by consuming it. Put some AVB in a PB&J sandwich and it’s basically a big edible.

Here’s my point: I’ve noticed relief from digestive issues when I consume AVB this way. I do not get this relief from dispo edibles. I do not get this relief if I use the AVB to make an infused oil, either. I think I get this relief because the “raw” AVB contains a mix of decarbed “activated” cannabinoids and also a good amount of “potential / not-yet-decarbed” cannabinoids-acids (THCa, CBDa, etc).

My wife thinks I’m crazy for eating raw AVB in my food. Meanwhile I might actually be on the cusp of a scientific discovery! :frog:


“They have eyes but they cannot see.”

          - Psalms 115:5 -
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Rescheduling opens it up for interstate commerce, afaik, and makes it federally legal enough that companies can get banking services and stop getting robbed of their cash. It doesn’t help the average person immediately, and doesn’t help us at all, but it begins the process of opening up the market - which forces a race to the bottom on prices. Dunno about you, but our “legalized” state is still as expensive as the black market’s ever been, though it’s had the effect of driving down black market prices slightly. It helps in states where it’s not legalized even more, though again, not growers in particular since it’s not going to make homegrowing legal. I’d like to see it completely decriminalized as much as everyone else, but it’s just not gonna happen right now. :man_shrugging: Maybe eventually. Anyway, I’m not particularly excited for it, but I’m also not pessimistic in particular. It’s certainly not a step backwards, as far as freedom goes… more sideways, and maybe very slightly forward.


How much more of a race to the bottom is there. 25 dollar ounces in Oklahoma already

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Meanwhile the dispensary nearest to me has exactly one choice for flower, and it’s $480/oz. :stuck_out_tongue: Rescheduling would benefit both farmers in Oklahoma and consumers in areas like mine. Not me in particular, but rescheduling in and of itself also doesn’t bother me. The possibility of crackdowns on homegrowing does, of course… but that’s a possibility whatever the scheduling status is, until it’s fully decriminalized.


Your prices are higher because of corporate control. NJ is also high for the same reason. NY is actually cheaper than both, because it was private farms first. NY has eights for 25-55 ish


The reason these regs are goofy is because for the most part they are centered on making money for governments (state, county and city) not on the safety or for chemical makeup. Corporations want legalization so they can buy up smaller operators. Probably get government to change so they can grow, manufacture and sell to increase profits. But there is a snag in that scenario - us! and others growing. So be sure to make at least some seeds and keep them safe. Also some must learn marketing because th eindividual can produce cannabis the large corporation can’t but if it is unknown it will fade.