Cannabis Current Events (Part 2)

You are addressing the US. I’m addressing everywhere on Earth. Granted, @shag said “…in the world…,” but in what’s left of my mind, they’re the same thing.

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Thats all seemingly true

However, its people behind the govt that make these moves… possibly the president

I dont think we really know who they are…Next few years will be interesting!

Mods will shitcan this if it gets too political…thats ok with me

We cant really have heated political storms…kind of wrecks the vibe

…This place they keep pure of all that…I enjoy that aspect of overgrow

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Ofcourse they were really going to give big pharma a payback for their donations/bribes.

Political masterclass in paying back your donors and not actually giving the people what they want, but making it seem so for the masses that don’t know the difference.

Regarding the people behind the government perpetuating draconian policies, party affiliation doesn’t really distinguish between them since they are all about control in the guise of the greater good. The most egregious travesty has been the continuous “end-runs” around the Constitution, and we let them do it, time and time again. I guess if there’s too much resistance, they could just increase the Flouride in the city water, get everybody nice and passive.


You really think the world elites arent stitched together like a human centipede lead around by the masters the Banking Cartels.


No, I do not believe that.

However, you are going off topic. The topic is, is the AMA the most powerful entity in the world. I argue the Roman Catholic Church is the world’s most powerful single entity.


I have to agree with @Mota that while the US military and resources are vast and without a doubt, They have thousands of years of a head start and being their own country while maintaining insane influence in nearly every part of the world on a much deeper level than political or business. Plenty of these converts give something to the church even though specific tithes are not practiced.


I’m not sure I’ve ever been so sad to be out of likes as I am right now.

And I’ve got a lot of experience being out of likes. lol (1)

Too political for me to comment on here. And this is literally the only place on the internet that I visit with any regularity.


There is a reason a large % of the World is leaving the Financial system is use today and making their own system. Look at what the BRICS are doing.

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At least they included home growing even if it is only 3 mature plants, 3 veg plants and 12 seedlings.
Not horrible, but again the mature plant counts keep getting lower and lower.
Edit: looks like home growing is not allowed.

@mota talking about the AMA is a bit off topic and it was not my intention to select who was undoubtedly the most powerful entity in the world.

My point was simply the medical community has a ton of power and has contributed the most lobbying dollars.

Also, the medical community just coerced billions of people to take an injection that may or may not have been needed.

I can’t think of another group that has that kinda power.
Now I do not wish to have a discussion about injections ect. so everyone please don’t bring that into the discussion.

Again I do not wish to debate who is officially number 1, but I think it is safe to say the medical community is in the top 3.

Are the words of others here as scrutinized as my words? :thinking:
I suspect they are not.
I really have to watch what I say, if I happen to choose to use the wrong word…oh boy… :grimacing:


Pulled from above:

the Dept. of Health and Human Services (HHS) concluded that a Schedule III reclassification was appropriate. Despite all of this, the DEA has yet to finalize its position on the appropriate schedule for marijuana.


Where did you see they are allowing that?

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Sorry bro, if you were more kind, I would be glad to help you out anytime.
As it stands not so much.

That’s because that’s not included in the bill.

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Your a big boy you will figure it out…one day…LOL

That bill that had that was defeated. Please be more accurate with your info. People’s freedom is at stake.


Friends, chill, we are all in this together, better to stand united than to be divided!

Have a greet weekend, cheers!
eS :tropical_drink:


A bit dramatic don’t ya think… :wink:

Well said, some folks round here like to make things personal.
I try to be helpful but alas I am human and make mistakes…OH nooooo! :astonished:
As I admit I did here.

You would think if the other gent wanted to help and not throw stones he would have provided the correct information.

But as you see here he just threw his stones and left…LOL

Does anyone know the real deal for New Hampshire?