Cannabis Current Events (Part 2)

I’m litterally ironing my face because of the irony.


Stop being so dramatic @JustANobody


I think that is a great idea. :rofl:

that’s enough for a perpetual grow of three different strains. 1 flowering, 1 vegging, and 4 clones of each, or seedlings, or whatever. you may have to find a friend and share the count when popping regular seeds of a new strain, or just ensure you have enough stash to sit one out in case you get all males, or just push the plant count for one grow until you see the males to pull. i’d be happy as hell to have a deal like that in wv.

Missouris’s Plant Limit is 6-6-6

I litterally circled it for you lol

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LOL… love the photo. Not exactly guerilla growing.


With an additional 6 per patient if you’re a caregiver. I believe it maxes out at 18 total flowering plants, but I’m not so sure right now.


I can not be the only memebr on this forum who did stuff like that when Ronald “Lock Them Up” Reagan was President. Court House, City Park, Library, High School. City Hall would all have sprouts. Back then my town hand these big aggregate flower pots that held shruds and small trees all over city property and side walks. Those were perfect to host cannabis in them.


I think they grow pot plants on the capital steps every year

Part of the whole teaparty hash bash in Madison …very fun time

Good Celebration this Year!

“Biden administration reclassified marijuana from a Schedule I to a Schedule III drug”

Biden ‘Smokes’ Trump On Marijuana Policy, Campaign Says After President’s Rescheduling Announcement?

:sunglasses:Lets’ Go …Lets Overgrow !!


Lol the biased(sponsorship) from that article is dripping off the page. I know, i know - orange man bad. But the farm bill changed the industry more than anything any administration has done in decades. The only step left is to de-schedule, protest this re-scheduling gift for big pharma that will further destroy the medicinal aspect of this plant…


Declassify is starting to work it’s way through Congress. May actually happen within the next decade given how long it takes Congress to do anything.


in reality this is a major step and probably more than the farm bill when you consider that after the reshchedule we can now use the plant as a medicine would be and have federally funded research done on it without all the extra hassle of it being classified as useless. that looks like it needs a comma in there but i can’t figure out where.


I suppose it depends on what you prioritize in your reality. Definitely a major step for big pharma’s foray into the industry. Personally, I prefer practical results and one that doesn’t hinge on the government’s benevolence. Since they have such a great track record of looking out for us :grin:

You’re saying getting money from Uncle Sam for research is a bigger win than the defacto legalization, where Burner & co shipping across the country with accompanying COAs to make everything kosher. We already know the plant is medicinal, this is clearly a political stunt in election year that doesn’t actually give us what we’ve been looking for.


Well said brother… :wink:


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no, i did not say that at all, and nothing got legalized except seeds. and from your statement about not relying on big govt, well, i hate to break it to you but that’s who passed the farm bill you are happy about. then you went on to nail the answer in that last sentence you wrote. we all know what’s going on, and yes, you were right with that very first part you wrote about orange man as well. but that’s political and i won’t get into that, despite what someone thought about my gas statement on the other thread. have a great day.


Looks more and more they will be turning cannabis over to big pharma, which will be worse than wht we currently have.