Cannabis Current Events (Part 2)

I can totally support this part of that article…

It’s worth highlighting that the rescheduling of marijuana from Schedule I to Schedule III wouldn’t legalize marijuana for adult use. To achieve this, marijuana should be descheduled from the CSA.


The system is not set up for fast sweeping change, intentionally, so hopefully it keeps moving in the right direction and starts to pick up momentum, it’s been coming for awhile.


Ain’t that the truth….


Story time back about 8-10 years ago, another plant was called out by our gov to be scheduled as schedule 1, that plant was Kratom. During the 60 day public comment period, the tide changed for Kratom and it was not scheduled.

Now is the time during the 60 day public comment period to let our voices be heard. It can be kept very simple. “No to schedule anything. Completely Deschedule Marijuana. Remove Marijuana from the CSA completely.”


Well said! :star_struck:
I agree 100%
Well, really 10 years ago was the best time but we missed that window.
But yea, no better time than the present.
I prefer this idea to…wait and see what the govt. doles out for us and see if we approve.

If you don’t like what they are handing you …speak up!


How is the system not set up for sweeping change? It sounds more like the lozenge of law enforcement or the MSO lobbyists protecting their golden goose.

Accepting the non-sense they present is what allows for them to stick with it. If we want to wait on momentum that is literally dictated by the lobbying dollars falling into politicians pockets, we may all have grand-children repeating the same slogans.

@Cloud Interesting anecdote - the tricky part is Kratom didn’t have a public-relations smear campaign to demonize it for decades


Will hemp grown for Cannabinoid extraction be treated like cannabis?

The 2018 Farm Bill broadly defined hemp, resulting in a surge of intoxicating hemp-derived products entering the market. The new draft, however, establishes clear distinctions:

“Hemp Grown for Cannabinoid Extraction: The term ‘hemp grown for cannabinoid extraction’ means any hemp grown for purposes of extracting cannabinoids intended for human or animal consumption, inhalation, or topical use.”

“Industrial Hemp: The term ‘industrial hemp’ means hemp— (A) grown for the use of the stalk of the plant, fiber produced from such a stalk, or any other non-cannabinoid derivative, mixture, preparation, or manufacture of such a stalk; (B) grown for the use of the whole grain, oil, cake, nut, hull, or any other non-cannabinoid compound, derivative, mixture, preparation, or manufacture of the seeds of such plant

Draft of $1.5 trillion Farm Bill redefines hemp and cannabinoid regulation — Greenway Magazine.

The House’s draft text, totaling 942 pages, is available here.

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so, what do yous suggest we do, tell them “no, we won’t allow it to be rescheduled, remove it completely”? and when they don’t? then what?

i rather like this. it says that i can grow any cannabis that i want for seeds. that’s what i’m doing, breeding them and keeping the seeds.


Yes. I know this is an extreme example, but the three fifths compromise wasn’t good enough, and neither is this.

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Is there a 60 day public comment period for the schedule or deschedule ?


I believe there is going to be, hopefully.

Looks like it already has.

Make your voices heard.


I would assume…
Any low thc cannabis that meets hemp regulations.

Will there be a penalty for growing cannabinoid hemp and saying it is industrial hemp?

I am assuming stalk hemp will be all stalk no buds and cannabinoid hemp will look like cannabis but low THC.

I suggest we tell em to quit lying.
We all know they have been lying about cannabis for decades.
That is at least a good place to start… :wink:

Free the weed.
It is a fucking plant not a drug.
You can call concentrates a drug if you want but cannabis is a natural medicinal plant not a fucking drug.

Sure it will get you high, but morning glory seeds will make you trip.
You can buy them at any garden center.

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Now’s your chance. The more the merrier.


First comment, by someone who was brainwashed by all the lies…WTF? :astonished:

This rule is a horrible idea, this should remain in Schedule I. Marijuana is a gateway drug and ruins lives.

Well I was gonna leave a comment but… :grimacing:

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Page 8 middle.

HHS’s reliance on studies in which D9 THC was actively self-administered by

Maybe the animals were not addicted, maybe they were just happier when they were high… :thinking:

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please don’t. read the letter of the law and leave the assuming for the lawyers. it says seeds are legal, seeds are legal, just like they are now.

sure. it’s a start, but then what?

and if you don’t, then i don’t want to hear another thing about it from you. this is your chance to tell them what you think and you’re gonna just skip it because of a generic boilerplate? that first commenter damned sure didn’t care and neither do any of the rest of them.


Ok, Dad…LOL

Did you leave a comment my brother?

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No, I am skipping it cause they could post my personal information where the public can see it.
Did you read my comment, I thought it was very clear.

BTW just cause I see others do something does not make me think it is safe all of a sudden.
If you wanna follow the pack, go ahead, I prefer to act independently.


I left a comment. Not that it probably matters with all of those billions on the line, but whatever…And I didn’t even call them any names. :blush:

Here it is…

As a life long cannabis user, grower, and member of the cannabis community, I would ask that descheduling be considered and full legalization be put in place, rather than bending to the will of the profiteering pharmaceutical companies, maybe we should consider doing what’s best for the people and the plants? Cannabis has been with humanity for aeons, it is not anyone’s to own, please consider doing what’s right for a change, deschedule and full legalization, sincerely BuckarooBonsai.