Cannabis Current Events (Part 2)

nope. seeds not for human consumption are industrial hemp, and they are up for less regulations. not a gray area in the new one either.

The DEA is trying to implement the source rule again for seeds derived from high THC plants. It’s true they are trying to deregulate industrial hemp seed production but at the same time they are trying to control the spread and sale of high THC seed. The big money interests don’t want everyone to have seeds.

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not with this language. they need to change it if they want to do that.

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I hope you’re right about that. I couldn’t find the article I was reading about the possible changes that could happen regarding seeds. It’s basically the government trying to close the THCA and synthetic THC loopholes and at the same time close the high THC producing seed loophole that classifies all seeds as hemp. Those were the three supposedly unintended consequences of the 2018 farm bill.

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more hype. i may be wrong but the language i just read in the actual draft of the bill says “seeds not for human consumption” which would be for growing. they most likely mean animal feed or the like, maybe fiber hemp seed stock, but it says what it says. and it is still a draft, and i am not a lawyer. who knows? i hope i’m right too.

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Hope in one hand and crap in the other and see which gets full first. Call your Representative and Senators demand they keep seed and clone trading the way it is now. This is election year, this is time to get yours from the political machine.


I know missouri has a special permit for seed

“The Missouri Seed Law requires any person who sells, distributes, offers or exposes for sale any agricultural or vegetable seed in the state of Missouri to obtain a seed permit. Fees are set by statute and range from $20 to $400 depending on the classification of seed sales performed. Permits are valid for a period of one year (January 1 – December 31). Permit renewals for the upcoming year will be emailed and will be followed up with a mailed renewal notice, if needed. A permit must be obtained prior to selling seed in Missouri, even if exclusively selling online.”

I imagine something like this is the most obvious solution. I dont think cannabis is going to go the way of the auto fem triploid, although I am very worried it could. Call me cautiously optimistic, but I think theyre going to find a way to make a buck off of a permit and then fuck off. Some will pay, most will not, and we wont see very much of a change, besides possibly more seedbanks going to cash/money order by mail.


i much prefer shutting the hell up and counting on them forgetting about seeds and letting them go after the loopholes. that way the language doesn’t get changed to include seeds rather than hoping they will protect them.

not really. the most obvious solution is as i stated above, letting them leave it the way the wrote it this time. it pretty well protects seeds that we will grow and not eat or otherwise consume as humans. status quo is the best we can hope for as far as seeds go.

Survile is the word that comes to mind. You have to let people know what YOU want or they can not represent what you want. This is a Representative Democray, you are suppose to talk with your Representatives.

If peole in the 1970, 1980s and 1990s remained SILENT we would not have any States with Medical Cannabis today.

Get up Be Loud, Be Heard , And Be Understood.


sure, maybe it worked that way then, but not now. they have gotten so much better at infiltrating and discrediting the activist groups these days, and we are way too divided. if you don’t think so, try getting more than 40% of the folks on this site to agree on something controversial. good luck getting it to stay up because “political”. right now, at this date and time, being the loud one will get you in trouble at best, and killed at worst. it may have once been a representative republic, but after citizens united it most certainly is not that way any longer.

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You are a defeated dispirited individual. You need to realize WE hold all the power. We stand toghter and the Elites will piss themselves and do what they are told. They need us we do not need them. Everything the Elites have comes from us. They do not build, fix, create, grow, harvest or mine anything themselves.

Let them hear ALL of us. Do not stay silent be a Human with a Spirit of Defiance.


fixed it for ya. nothing about me is defeated, in fact, i adapted pretty well over the last ~40 years of this bullshit prohibition, except for losing two careers to it. no, i am not defeated at all, in fact, i now have a license to grow it on my farm, industrial cannabis that is, something unheard of when i first started smoking. what i am referring to is reality where the majority of americans can’t seem to agree the sky is blue long enough to get anything done. sure, you and i know what it takes for things to happen (and it will not be bloodless if it ever comes down to it) but as a society we are way too divided and comfortable to do anything to jeopardize that comfort. we have been guided that way for centuries, way back when we were peddled the “rugged individualism” bullshit and the “liberty and justice for all” pot of lies. sure if you were free, white, male, and over 21 you had that, but for most of us it was never that pretty or easy, despite the lies told and the “good old days” bullshit we hear. and this one will most likely get flagged as well since there is a definite spirit of “play by the rules and don’t upset anyone” here. enjoy the day, i have to work. fun stuff though, i get to go play carpenter with a lot of bondo.

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I am 54 I leved through the Reagan Bullshit. We are divided becuase people are demoralized, defeated amd dispirited AKA they keep silent and stay to themselves. We have to talk to the other demoralized and isolated groups to come back together. Do not stay silent ever. And never give the elites peace, always call your representatives when there are bills up for vote.


hey, i’m 54 too! i used to run my mouth all over the place and then i almost died and my life changed drastically. i will never shy away from writing letters and calling people though, it is the only thing we can do that helps besides take to the streets. that will never happen because of the reasons i mentioned. i have been known to join a march though, for most things anyway. almost took a chain and took a statue down with my 4wd truck one time but ended up painting it instead. that isn’t me any more.

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In order to use government-issued cannabis in their studies, PSU researchers were obliged by the DEA to store the cannabis in a 700-pound safe that needed to be bolted to the floor of the lab. They also had to install Fort-Knox style steel doors. And all for a tiny amount of cannabis in a state that has been selling legal weed since 2015.

The above excerpt made laugh out loud!!! The sheer absurdity! Hahaha

Full piece below


It’s like a Macabre theater production by residents of an insane asylum at this point.


I’m glad it sounds like they will not be passing the senate version of the bill.

