Cannabis Current Events (Part 2)

i will admit to playing chicken with cigarettes and cigars back in the day, and the one time we played russian roulette with a 5 shot .32. maybe i was the idiot…

nah, that can’t be it.


Plenty of cutters in schools as of 12 years ago.

:point_up: This story seems like a big deal to me. Or at least it’s an early small sign of bigger change sweeping through.

A major alcohol trade group is saying “legalize it, prohibition is not the answer.” That’s something I didn’t expect to see today.


Alcohol is losing to pot every day. They simplify want to be able to get involved in the new business


Agreed, the WSWA wants to be part of the cannabis action. The alcohol companies diversifying into the cannabis space and lobbying for it to be regulated like alcohol is predictable, but I think this might mark a shift in the discussion about re-scheduling vs de-scheduling. When the big businesses start lobbying the government to regulate like alcohol is when I think we’ll see the change push in the direction that we hope.

Then again, I sometimes have a naive sense of optimism about the situation…


They aren’t saying that because they are nice people. They want to make weed infused drinks/alcohol.


Agreed. But I don’t expect them to be able to sell those drinks if cannabis is at Schedule III

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I don’t know. I’m not so sure schedule 3 is going to be what people think. It’s already treated different than other schedule 1 drugs, as it should be.

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I do wonder about this, too.

My preference would be for us to have laws that don’t require it to be treated one way vs another, depending on location, med programs, etc. So hopefully the laws will be clear around it once a change occurs. And I agree overall that Schedule III is a big step in the right direction. I hope that a move to Sch III won’t cause any unforeseen loopholes or legal ramifications for users & patients.

EDIT: That said, I would still prefer de-scheduled “regulate like alcohol” instead of Schedule III :smiley:
It would probably be better for users and medical patients in the long run. I also worry that a move to Sch III will prevent any further change from happening for a loooooong time.


I am 100% with you. Descheduled is the goal but I think this is part of the process.

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There is potential for a lot of plants out there to share the genetics to make CBD through horizontal gene transfer.


The same as it ever was…


People are starting to understand why the founders did not allow a standing army or armed agents appointed by politicians. All Law Enforcement was Elected by the People and Beholden to The People.


Meet the new boss, same as the old boss.


it was a terrible idea then and worse now. maybe not so much if the people were electing them, but it isn’t the people doing the choosing, it’s the money and the power. there were so many things wrong in the founding of this nation, beginning with racism being baked into the very fabric, but doing it again these days would make it so much worse we have to play the cards we were dealt.

You mean you smoked a blunt in sf right? you didn’t actually smoke a blunt in sf international airport right? haha

Yeah you can smoke in san francisco with no concern.
(other than some upper class assholes taking offense, but you can just ignore that.)


i carried edibles through the actual airport, and yes it was in the town not the airport (except in the parking lot) where the blunt was smoked. i use the airport letters for town names for brevity. except for well known abbreviations like nyc. i also try to not use sf for san francisco since the sf in my username stands for special forces and i don’t want confusion over it.