Cannabis Current Events (Part 2)

I find it mind boggling that with all we know about alcohol and the devastation it has on families and whole communities that the federal government turns a blind eye to it and prohibits cannabis.


Non of the federal employees could have guns if alcohol was a factor. Thatā€™s why itā€™s not talked about


alcohol is known to cause cancers everywhere it touches from lips to assholeā€¦ I hope after weeds legal and accepted big alcohol will have its day in court like big tobacco and they donā€™t get off like big pharma aka the sacklersā€¦ Iā€™ve lost more people because of those 2 industries than everything else combined.


They tried, we ignored that stuff too.


It requires changes to the atf form.

this is untrue. as long as itā€™s used legally, ie with a prescription when it is schedule 3, it does nothing to your ability to buy a gun. owning a gun was never illegal with or without a prescription regardless of your use of any substance, legal or not. and if you were smart about it like some folks i know, just say no to using it illegally on the form whether you have a card or not and youā€™ll be fine. i know this for a fact as a medical card holder for two years now.

Itā€™s all illegal, even if you have a medical card because itā€™s a federal law.


now, but when it becomes schedule 3 at federal level it is legal again as long as you have a prescription and/or card.

edit: it was only illegal because of answering that question on the form. nobody comes to get your guns, ever, anywhere in the us.

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We donā€™t know that for a fact, as it lists any controlled substance. Schedule 3 is still a controlled substance. Giving bad legal advice is not great, especially when no one wants a gun charge tacked on to other lesser charges.


did you read the words and understand them? both on the form and the ones i wrote. try again and pay close attention, on the form, to the part after the warning. then read the ones in my comment and pay close attention to the one i started with in the last comment, ā€œnowā€. and then show me where it says that it is illegal to own a gun after smoking pot. iā€™ll wait. (i already know the answer to all of them and have a medical card and a closet full of guns - well, enough of them)

as for that bad advice thing, maybe practice it sometimes, like now.

I did read the words and understand them, as well as read the atfs multiple statements on it (they like to make a statement everytime recreational legalization happens in a state). Just because you havenā€™t run into any issues lying on Atf form 4473 doesnā€™t mean itā€™s not illegal at this point in time. Owning guns and using illegal drugs is not legal. Selective enforcement doesnā€™t make it legal. That being said, I donā€™t think hemp, growing or smoking it, is the issue, itā€™d be for people growing weed.


apparently you failed to understand the ones i wrote then, because most of them deal with the illegality of it when it is schedule 3. after that, everything changes federally. right now it actually is illegal to use marijuana according to 18 U.S.C. Ā§ 922(g)(3). that will also change when it gets rescheduled. so itā€™s good news for anyone with a medical card, but the implications of recreational is where the real surprises are going to come from.

as for lying on an atf form, that would be all you pal. i have never once made an untrue statement on any federal form. that is how i can still qualify for the job i have. be careful accusing folks of things that are illegal without proof.

The atf disagrees with you.


Sounds like you haveā€¦ Recent court decisions cover this.

must be too early for your reading comprehension. iā€™ll wait til this afternoon to continue this one. some folks just canā€™t seem to get it. have a great day.

oh, and itā€™s ok to be wrong. i just found out that i was on one of my statements.

Itā€™s good to admit that when youā€™re incorrect. Iā€™m proud of you.

waiting on you now.

Where was I incorrect? If youā€™d like I can give you the ATFā€™s phone number to verify these things. They are actually really good at responding and answering questions via phone or email.


Iā€™d like to know if their refrigerator is running.


this is the first one, since all of what i said applied to after it becomes schedule 3. like a lot of other drugs that i am allowed to have a prescription for and still own guns, as having said prescription and abiding the dosage instructions implies legal use of an otherwise controlled substance. hell, the govt just released a statement a month or so ago that said they would no longer test their employees for pot if they had a prescription.

edit: and anyone taking legal advice from anyone on the internet in a forum, especially from me, deserves their fate.