Cannabis Current Events (Part 2)

You’re incorrect. Schedule 3 is still/can still be controlled.


I’m sure you’re aware gun ownership and employment are 2 very different things.

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Not true, hurricane katrina the Feds and Police from across the Nation that showed up in New Orleans went door to door confiscating firearms from citizens who committed no crime.


Apparently 552 guns were confiscated. While not a large number compared to the total number guns, it’s still a very large number of confiscations performed by the government.

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Would you like the regular number or the super special NFA number?


I am beyond their jurisdiction. I’ll take the direct line to the boss.


you know what else has happened in the us? federal troops dropped bombs on civilians in wv in the early 1900’s. you know what else? we actually took us citizens and stripped them of their possessions and put them in internment camps during ww2 because they looked like people we were at war with. i could go on but you get the idea…

i hope.


The ATF has issued a clear statement regarding the possession of firearms and cannabis use. As long as it is illegal at the federal level, it is illegal to possess firearms. De-scheduling is not legalization.

I’m not going to do your research for you.

Take your own risks but stop repeating your interpretation.


Controlled substances and firearms- refer to Biden Hunter on the federal level. The mother of the first grader who shot his teacher in the face was convicted on a federal level for possessing a med card and a firearm.

We can sit and speculate all we want, but face it when it comes to cannabis all bets are off. There is too much overlapping of “authorities having jurisdiction “. And they say it’s legal to prosecute the same crime on federal and state level. There are so many laws they can tailor charges to avoid double jeopardy.

We are at the mercy of politicians who are only interested in being reelected. Little blue haired church going folk was tired to relatives being in jail over weed. They complained to local authorities laws got changed, to the dismay of privatized prisons who loved non violent stoners as inmates.

End of Sunday morning preaching, moral of story- we are screwed as governments like to be able to forced compliance to their desires. They are the borg and they want to assimilate us.



Search form 4473. It specifies marijuana as a prohibited substance. If you purchase a firearm while being a user of cannabis you not only violate the law by purchasing a firearm while being a user you also get slapped with falsifying documents. I’m sure the list of felonies won’t end there but don’t know what else there is.


I don not care what happened before I was alive. Look up the Danziger Bridge incident that happened during Katrina. The police murdered unarmed citizens and went to prison for it. There was all kinds of tyrannical shit that went down during before and fater Katrina.


are you also not understanding the comments? what part of “when it is rescheduled” is everyone missing? it’s not like they can just ignore it, in fact, they already started addressing it with the announcement about how they are not taking away a security clearance for prior use of pot (i looked it up, wasn’t about piss tests, was security clearances and prior use, not current use). they change things all the time to get with the times, albeit at a much slower pace than society moves most of the time.

and? has nothing to do with this debate, unless they were smoking pot before they got their guns confiscated. i expect better from you, you usually are more in tune with things than this.

edit: and the ahidta is what happened during my life time, using special forces active soldiers to look for pot. i applied for a job there but didn’t get it when i was in.

edit 2: also, look up how they can hold you without a lawyer or phone call if they charge you with the right things. not like it’s a secret that they can do whatever they want to do.

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Rescheduled does not mean legalization.
Just because you think something should be a certain way does not mean it is. Go outside, I just did a 4.5 mile bike ride with my 4 year old.


Do you nerd a security clearance for a firearms purchase?

can you ignore the subject any more than this? i did not once say it was legalized, just that it will be just like all the other drugs that you are allowed to have a prescription for and own guns that would disqualify you from said ownership if you abuse them, are addicted to them, or use them without a prescription. since you don’t seem to grasp that very basic difference which is the key to the whole debate, i’m done. you’re obviously either trolling, being obtuse for whatever reasons, or just can’t get it for whatever reasons. either way, it’s starting to be a circular argument. you do you.

you might. i don’t. that was posted for the benefit of showing how the government is already adjusting their stance on it in a very important area. you can infer from that how they will adjust the forms when it gets rescheduled. and you can rest assured that it will change and will not be illegal any longer. have a great day.

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Lol no, you don’t need a security clearance to buy guns you silly goose. What do security clearances have to do with the Atf form 4473?
That has nothing to do with the wrong information you keep repeating.
Now your just pulling stuff out of… Thin air we will call it.


It has everything to do with your statement that the government doesn’t take guns…you edited the statement but luckily someone quoted you. You make statements, get shown it’s wrong, and then attempt to move the goalposts. “ThAtS nOt ReLeVaNt!”… Then why did you bring it up?


More racist stuff from you, I’m not surprised.


really sorry I asked about guns everyone… My bad. :anguished: :frowning_face:
theirs a real good podcast at Civics 101 : NPR about the history of the 2nd amendment which I encourage everyone to listen to if they can, its kinda long, but I learned a lot about how the entire conversation has changed SOO much since it was written.
think we should agree to disagree and move on.

This one sucks cause I got pulled over in TX almost 2 yrs ago and they found maybe a few grams of concentrate on me which is a felony and I haven’t heard a word from them since I paid a ticket for paraphernalia…

fuck yea! people in illegal states can still get they’re buzz on kinda legally! I got friends in TX who smoke thca flower, I been told they’re allowed to test before harvest somehow, they say its good enough for people who don’t smoke a whole lot

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