Cannabis Current Events (Part 2)

i just looked at all of them and didn’t see any changes on any of them on my part. i saw a few that were edited for grammar or spelling errors and some that had things added to them, but nothing changed other than that. i also made a mistake during that exchange and pretty sure i said something about that too. of course you were arguing in circles there for a while and totally missing the point right before i made that comment you have in the picture.

yeah, right. i’m the least racist person in wv, or damned close to it anyway. i’m also not stupid and know very well how things go. i have to so i can raise my daughter not to get shot for being the wrong skin tone.

sensible talk right there. i think i will.

We will have full constitutional rights with Schedule 3

We dont now

As far Feds are concerned and even state laws any gun with any crime raises the potential penalty

Schedule 3 script would adequate protection Constitutional rights back

I would just avoid guns

If you have a significant crop of marijuana avoid guns

find less lethal defense or alternative that wont enhance penalties

Because if they can call what youre doin’ a crime and there’s a gun there…its just bad

The only real clean advice I can give is avoid firearms w/grows


Legal Consequences of Rescheduling Marijuana (

“With respect to the manufacture, distribution, and possession of recreational marijuana, if marijuana were moved to Schedule III, such activities would remain illegal under federal law and potentially subject to federal prosecution regardless of their status under state law.”

ATF: Until recreational cannabis is federally legalized, pot users cannot own guns - CBS Minnesota (


more bullshit to add to the pile here already. they can’t really say this, and a quote from the article proves it. it says the same thing i determined last night when i stopped thinking about it, that nobody knows what is going to happen, although it will turn out like any other drug that is on the same schedule 3 when it gets rescheduled. you can look up what happens when you have a prescription for codeine or hydrocodone and have a gun or try to purchase a gun. from the article showing who is responsible for the feds and their back peddling:

" “It’s an interesting song and dance we’re going through with the federal government,” he said.

He and Doar both want some clarity coming out of Washington, whether that’s through Congress or executive action in the Biden Administration.

“It would be great to get some clearer guidance from the federal government that would make people in legal markets more comfortable that they don’t need to be worried about the federal government knocking at their door,” he said.

But he doesn’t think there will be federal legalization anytime soon.

The Obama Administration a decade ago issued guidance, saying the Department of Justice would not interfere in states that had legalized marijuana if it didn’t interfere with their law enforcement priorities. Then-U.S. Attorney General Jeff Sessions under President Trump rescinded it."


You’re feelings don’t determine the law…

The biggest cannabis news of 2023 was the potential that cannabis will be rescheduled to schedule III of the CSA. If that happens, I expect that some people will be confused and think that cannabis users can then purchase or possess firearms. However, the federal law that I cited above makes no distinction between CSA schedules. An unlawful user of a schedule I, III, or even V substance will be barred from firearm ownership and possession. Rescheduling will have no impact on this. Unfortunately, some people may even wind up facing legal consequences for misunderstanding the effect of rescheduling.


July 21st, 2024

Join us July 21st, 2024 from Noon until 5:00pm for the 3rd Annual Mendocino Craft Farmers Auction. This very special event will be held at the lovely Madrones in Anderson Valley in southern Mendocino County. Our thanks go to Jim Roberts and Brian Adkinson of The Madrones / Bohemian Chemist for hosting our silent auction on their amazing site.

Proceeds from the auction will benefit Ethos Environmental, a 501(c)3 nonprofit dedicated to helping small family farms, equity, and rural communities meet environmental challenges and increase sustainability through grant writing and educational opportunities. Not only is this a chance for us to give back to our community, but also a way to raise consciousness about the high quality of the craft products produced here and the incredible people who produce them.

This is your chance to meet local cannabis farmers, the best in the world, and become part of this community which began at last year’s event, which was a huge success. We look forward to seeing you there!


9000 CA-128 Philo, CA 95466
July 21st, 2024 • Noon to 5pm


swami chaitanya. i discovered the “mendo mulcher” grinder from this guy. he’s a little too far out there for me personally but here’s an interview you might like to see,


The material you’re propagating is not the absolute truth either, frankly I’m surprised that you’re reinforcing the draconian construct that’s a by-product of the failed war on drugs.

Food for thought:

I didn’t say I agreed with the way things are, just that that’s the way they are and there’s plenty of other law experts and lawyers who work in this space that are stating how it is.

I look forward to that case along with other similar ones making it to the supreme court and I hope the decision is in line with the cicuit court decision.


He is propagating the absolute truth. Right now, as of this moment, possession of a firearm while in possession of a federally illegal controlled substance is punishable by up to 10 years in prison and a $250,000 fine. That is a fact. The Supreme Court, 5th U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals and ATF do not make laws. The courts set precedence based on their rulings. All that means is if they rule a specific way on a case that favors the plaintiff or the defendant, that ruling will be referenced and potentially taken into consideration in the prosecution of future cases. It does not mean the law has changed.

Just because someone defends the truth does not mean they agree with it. Do your own homework, take your own risks and/or talk to a lawyer.

I’m not trying to be right; I’m trying to prevent people from making a life changing mistake because they listen to people on the internet giving legal advice (myself included).


To emphasize the above post, the law of the land is extremely complex and now more than ever it is fluid.

If you’re willing to take the risk, start with the worst case scenario in mind and make peace with it.


Never met the Swami, but he seems pretty cool. I’ve seen this video before, it’s kinda fun. Makes me want to light up. As for the meet up, I don’t think it’s his, but he promotes it among other things. He recently stopped growing for legal sale. Anyhow I’ve been too close to the house for too long, fixing things, and now experimenting with avodados, when I used to move about a lot. So I’m going to what’s to see and maybe meet some cool people which is always a good thing for me.

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the article he linked to has a title that says, “cannabis and gun rights: predictions for the future”, so unless he has a crystal ball or some other means of establishing that this prediction is correct, it is not the truth at all. you need to reply to what is posted, not what was said previously. all of the comments i was involved in referred to how it was going to be in the future and not the law now.

try reading this part again, and then one more time. then look at the title of the other link, and notice how they use “predictions” in there. as in they don’t know, just like you and i don’t know for sure. i’m just basing it on precedent, as they tend to do in the legal field. the precedent right now with all drugs is, if you have a prescription for it it isn’t illegal use. for any schedule drug, no matter what one they put it on. after that, if you still have questions, by all means post them. i’m out though.

all of this is speculation, just like any of your "predictions for the future are. i know what the law is now, and has been for the last few years, and just what is prohibited and what is not. i read it thoroughly after having made a mistake on it during this conversation.

have a great day. gonna be hot out there, stay hydrated.

No, you don’t, or else you wouldn’t have written most of what you did about the topic.

There is a difference between you’re uneducated speculation and multiple educated lawyers discussing the current and future state of gun laws in relation to cannabis.


Data breaches are not great.


man, you’re reading comprehension is shot. i’ll help you a little with it. i said, “i know what the law is now, and has been for the last few years, and just what is prohibited and what is not.” after i did a little research and found out i had been wrong about something and have since updated my knowledge. crazy how getting new information changes you a little. you can actually say you learned something if you remember it and adjust your mind accordingly.

after the *your that i would let this one go with, i have to say that it is most certainly not uneducated at all since i have been trained in legal research as a paralegal for a bit, almost got a degree and an occupation but changed my mind. i still recall the training however and have toyed with the idea of returning to college for a law degree but decided against it. there are only four specific cases recently in wv that i can find and none of them set a precedent for legal drug use and gun removal, but i don’t have access to lexxisnexis any longer so may have missed something. and since i am not a lawyer one should not rely on any advice i give as legal advice. but that should have been obvious by now. have a great day.

just a small point about the links you’ve been posting. when they say things like “predictions”, they have about as much idea of what is going to happen as me. i base my thoughts on precedent like the legal system. the precedent with drugs and guns is, at least in wv where i have researched the laws

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