Cannabis Current Events (Part 2)

The senators are claiming there is “no science “ behind the decision to legalize cannabis (it’s a popularity thing. Fine, in that case show me the science that supported a “Class 1” scheduling in the first place.


They mean it is a Democracy Problem. If something is popular with the majority that is The Will of The People.


it’s all about control with those idiots, always has been, always will be. they don’t care about unborn children, just controlling women. same thing here. they don’t care how messed up you are, easier to control that way, just need to control what you can use to get messed up and who makes the money off of it. you say it’s free and anyone can grow it? no way, no way to make money off of it or control it.

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Couldn’t say it better


It’s time to deschedule or admit you’re crooks.


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Don’t be obtuse. You know damn well he didn’t mean that in a racist way. He’s just referring to the fact that whites get better treatment than people of colour when dealing with authorities.


Its not color it is money.


In America, the federal prison system was formed post emancipation to put the recently freed slaves back in chains, and they’ve been doing it ever since.


money helps but it very much is the color that makes the most difference. hard to see if that the guy walking in the parking lot has any money but you can damned sure tell what color he is.

you did touch on something however, it very much is a class problem we have in the us. the thing is, it is still concealed as a color issue by those in certain classes who wish to maintain the status quo. large groups of people tend to get very stupid and are easy to control with sound bites and dog whistles.

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Poverty is the cause of all the problems we project in the form if prejudice, outside of just straight up hating someone for the color of their skin or where they come from.

Poverty leads to higher crime rates, less education, higher mortality rates (disease and violence), and higher rates of untreated mental health issues.

Minorities have traditionally been forced into low income work through discriminatory business practices and housing. If you can’t live where the work is, you can’t afford or dont have a car, and you rely on public transit, your options are sparse…

There’s also the psychology of policing, which feeds into the general critical thinking crisis and emotional wellbeing crisis we are experiencing. It’s hard to look at the big picture when your day to day revolves around a series of patterns that were set into motion long before you were ever born. It’s much easier to create broad generalizations as coping mechanism to preserve ones ethos.


Money over people is the story of America and Western Civilization.

Months after Missouri’s Division of Cannabis updated a rule to allow 25 times more of a dangerous chemical in the state’s cannabis products, advocates still have questions.

Advocates indicated that Vitamin E Acetate does not occur naturally during marijuana growth and has been added to organic products, like vaporization cartridges, to enhance the viscosity of the substance to make it more appealing to customers($$$).

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looks like a good time, again I’m wishing my state had such a large active industry/community… we’re growing but damn that looks like a good time lol


No worries, it’s coming. Like the weather, it starts in California and heads East. If it’s legal get a few people together for a BBQ or at a park or wharever and have a good time. People will want to join in on a good time.