Cannabis Current Events (Part 2)


Seems to me that this is a bit of a stretch.


Older people who use marijuana are more likely to be stressed or depressed than non-users, according to a review of studies published in the journal Gerontology and Geriatric Medicine

Or maybe more people over 60 use Cannabis to treat there stress and depression more than non users who have depression.

I am not even going to bother to comment on the other NOT surprising side effects propaganda, because it insults my intelligence and is not worthy of comment lol.


Lovely, modern day Reefer Madness…


Fox News will blame mass shootings on anything, as long as it deflects attention from gun control laws… nothing to see here other than politics at work, imo. More sound and fury, signifying nothing. Republican or Democrat, they’re not going to stop the legalization train because they see a payday in it… they are going to delay the train as much as possible to get the other riders to grease their palms so they can write more favorable laws for them, though. :man_shrugging:


These days legalization is all about insuring maximum profits for the largest corporations. Note how many states have legal weed, but highly curtailed or illegal home growing. Makes me want to move to Michigan.


Oh, I don’t need to note it, I’m living it. :frowning: It’s a felony to grow a single plant here. Meanwhile they’re inviting more large corporations in, telling us they need time to “let the market mature” before legalizing home grow, and writing laws to legalize homegrowing of shrooms first because nobody’s interested in selling them.


I said the same thing in a conversation with my kid

It’s absolutely unbelievably Asinine


Just wait until the Psychiatric Industrial Complex figures out how much money could be had from 'shrooms.


Sadly I’ve always said when the right people get positioned they’ll legalize. They gonna use the next ten years or so to collect lobbyists.


yeah but for me russia isnt on my goto list lol just as whats her/his name yeah you know the one who doesnt like theUSA and wants to kneel for the amthem bah abh abhh bahhaaa



c’mon dude… Pot makes you have a poor diet (at times). I mean, I can’t say I look in my fridge when I got the munchies and choose the broccoli over the cake!

Cognitive issues with people over 55? Say it aint so! I bet they have them regardless of the herb!

I can see side effects with other meds though. Smoking a little herb before a physical will get your Blood Pressure up. Some medications are specifically to lower BP. I learned that it raises BP getting my own physical! I figured it would lower it as you are “relaxed”, but nope. returned the following day for a re-test, didn’t smoke prior, and BP was “within limits, but high”. Other meds? Hell I got no clue, thats what your pharmacist is for!


I think you mean money lost from shrooms replacing pharmacuitacles.

The problem is a psychiatrist will never prescribe anything that can’t be specific about the dosage amount. If they can’t look it up in a book that says x amount milligrams a day they don’t know what to do, it may as well be voodoo or witchcraft as far as they are concerned.

Pharmaceutical’s are a one size fits all therapy regardless of the fact we are not all one size, but so long as the health authority says it is, in their book, they are covered from mal practice law suits.

That’s why in Canada your normal doctor will refer you to a weed doctor for your prescription, as they can’t look in a book that says 1 gram a day for X symptoms or 2 grams a day for Y symptoms.

The pharmaceutical industry don’t want you replacing their drugs so they are not interested in teaching doctors about alternative real medicine, because that actually treats the cause of disease and not just the symptoms as pharmaceutical’s do. It’s all about repeat business.


Very true. However, I woukd say that they are trying to write that book right now, and using veterans in the US for trials. They have trials for MDMA, Psilocybin, and Ketamine going right now for PTSD. They give you the medicine, or the placebo, then do a really in-depth session that lasts a couple hours. I have heard from 1 veteran personally that the ketamine sessions work wonders, like a good 6 month relief before noticing a regression.

Here’s a link from Forbes, it says synthetic pscyilo but pretty soon, we will have companies extracting and distilling the mushies to be able to get the exact mg from natural sources.

They love to use veterans as the first line experiments these days. Just like we are still in haha


I’d love to hear from some international folks across the pond on this. I know the US is a reactive and heavy pharma country, is Canada as well? When I was in Utila, I chatted with TONS of European backpackers who said their medical systems were more proactive and less reliance on big pharma. And I mean dozens and dozens of people from all over Europe… Not having health insurance of my own at the time made me really listen to what they had to say, and I realized just how bad our own system in the US is… :frowning: Money talks…


I said this was their game from the start.
In 2014 I was shouting vote no to legalize cannabis on ICrag.
It is still there if anyone cares…LOL

After legalization became a thing, my shouting changed to the War on home growing.

Folks just wanted store-bought weed.
Soon after they wanted to eliminate home growing in all states.
Yes even here in Michigan, they sent all their store employees to Lansing (capital) to protest caregivers and home growers.

So you see legalization has always and will always be about the $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$.

My idea of legalization…if anyone cares…is…

A plant in every yard.
Cannabis would become almost free, everyone would just give it away cause everyone has too much.

No limits, but who can make big money on that idea?
So it will never ever happen.


Total decriminalization of cannabis. It should be no different than all the millions of people who grow roses or tomatoes.


Hmmm, that’s called freedom - not allowed.