Cannabis Current Events (Part 2)


Does marijuana legalization bring crime? The data may surprise you


Cā€™mon letā€™s share the Co2


Missouri medical companies bribed and cheated like crazy to get their awful bill on the ballot. This is an industry written bill, designed to look enticing, while filtering more money out of your pockets and into the hands of politically-connected individuals who obtained their licenses under the corrupt medical process enabled by Mike Parson and Steve Tilley, as well as out of state industry players. If that isnā€™t enough, possession charges are literally built into this legislation.

Anybody who produces, delivers, or possesses more than 3 ounces of marijuana is subject to fines and forfeiture starting with the first infraction. One marijuana plant is capable of producing much more than 3 ounces, yet weā€™d be legally allowed to flower 6 at a time, while producing more than 3 ounces gets you sanctioned?

The Legal Missouri 2022 proposal creates a Constitutional mandate that individuals incarcerated for marijuana felonies must serve out their sentence of incarceration, probation, and/or parole and cannot be released if their felony is a Class A, B, C, or D felony for more than 3 pounds of marijuana.

The Bill also takes away your fourth amendment right if you get a home grow license. Once you are on the list the police can at any time come in and inspect your house to make sure you do not have too many plants or posses to much cannabis.

Tim Gilio of the Missouri Marijuana Legalization Movement: ā€œThere is no reason why Missouri entrepreneurs, and particularly in minority communities shouldnā€™t have full access to commercial licensing opportunities. The LM22 ā€œmicrolicenseā€ approach is a second-class, Jim Crow proposal."

Christina Thompson, with ShowMe Canna-Freedom: ā€œThis initiative eliminates nearly all competition through constitutionally protected license caps. Recreational licenses created under the initiative will go straight to established businesses as well, meaning instead of opening up more business opportunities for others, money only goes to those who are already profiting."

If you are a Missouri Citizen you have to vote No on this Constitutional Amendment.


Exactly!!! Too many Missourians wonā€™t look past ā€œweed is legalā€ to see how this bill is structured to benefit the large companies that have been profiting from medical patients. Many licenses went to groups who donated to our governor in the initial offerings when Missouri went Medical. Those folks would still control 80% of the market. Many patients who donā€™t grow cannot afford to purchase their medicine, so we need MORE competition. Only 18 new micro-licenses would be given out under the LegalMo22 amendment - thatā€™s the minimum - and those could be issued over the next 3 years. That sounds like itā€™s designed to keep the powers that be in powerā€¦

And that whole ā€œyou can grow 6 plants but only possess 3ozā€ would be laughable if it didnā€™t mean people would face legal consequences. Iā€™m voting No and trying to spread the wordā€¦


Driver caught with 420 lbs. of weed in car after traffic stop on I-95, cops say (

Soā€¦ How stupid is it to be arrested for weed, in a state where possession for recreational is legal? Oh wait, he had about 419 1/2+ lbs over the ā€œlimitā€ of 6oz.

Even better, how stupid are you to be speeding while transporting that much?

SMH at the idiocy on all sides hereā€¦


I swear, the only state that has been logical about home growing is Michigan. 12 plants regardless of maturity. Between 12 and 24 is a misdemeanor. 2.5 Oz. on your person. 10 Oz. in your home. And the 10 Oz. number is in addition to anything you grew out yourself!

And thatā€™s why Michigan is a major target for changing the home growing laws by the corporations!


Because supply is bigger than demand. When legalization for recreational looked like it wasd going to pass in California,many of those who came here to cash in on the cannabis boom, began selling their rural pot farms they bought for maybe $10,000 - $40,000, for $1,000,000 and up to the next batch of folks thinking they were going to get rich quick. Family farms harvesting mayby 10 - 20 pounds of pot camouflaged in trees and bushes, sprouted hoop houses producing100 pounds Then came the industrial sized growers with fully automated mega greenhouses and pounds that used to go for $3,000 - $4,500 now go for $700 - $1,000 and even thatā€™s dropping.
This seems to be the typical route of industrialized societies. Somebody comes up with an idea and the big money moves in, takes over and the original people get little to nothing. In our neck of the woods, small farmers are getting together and finding ways to deal directly with customers. I went to such a farmerā€™s market recently and pot that did well in big cannabis competitions was selling hand crafted, connoissuer grade pot for half the price in the retail markets.


Do you know where you can find the full bill? Not just the highlights they want you to see.


Police in NYC seize 20 trucks being used to sell cannabis



yeahā€¦ The negative effect is productive people are incarcerated for a love of gardening and enjoying the bounty of their gardenā€¦

For me? Pot IS less harmful than alcohol. Stoned I am chill, talkative and relaxed. Drunk? I am an asshole (but not buzzed, seems I go from sober to drunk quick with my low tolerance and actual thirst). Most would rather me smokeā€¦ LOL