Cannabis Current Events (Part 2)


Interesting. I bet thats why Amazon sellers shipping cheap pipes and glass from china, their paraphernalia listings were / are always shut down within a few days. Never knew…



WASHINGTON (AP) — President Joe Biden is pardoning thousands of Americans convicted of “simple possession” of marijuana, as his administration takes a dramatic step toward decriminalizing the drug and addressing charging practices that disproportionately impact people of color.

He is also calling on governors to issue similar pardons for those convicted of state marijuana offenses, which reflect the vast majority of marijuana possession cases.

Biden, in a statement, said the move reflects his position that “no one should be in jail just for using or possessing marijuana.”

“There are thousands of people who have prior Federal convictions for marijuana possession, who may be denied employment, housing, or educational opportunities as a result,” he said. “My action will help relieve the collateral consequences arising from these convictions.”

Yes that so.called socialist bastard is actually.doing stuff to.make.lives better.
Go figure.
I thought he would.leave it for Kamala to campaign on. He going for broke.


So, I read that article a few times and don’t see any real anti cannabis bias.
I’ll say here that this comes from a background of working in industry, and dealing with the associated health and environmental risks. So maybe I have a different lens here than other folks.

I read that as commentary of a down and out industrial city embracing a boom industry to try and get out of a post industry hole. They are a MSO that came in, set up shop, and started production in a city that has a bunch of others doing the same thing. I’m sure OSHA never set foot on the property until that woman died. I have been in industry for most of my working life and have never seen an OSHA inspector. I have seen DEM, insurance company people, even insurance co lawyers walk the floor, but never OSHA. One time I was walking in a confined space for a couple weeks, parts getting lowered in with a crane, and we would assemble them inside a steel tank. No hard hats were provided, or ever discussed for that matter. But when the safety guy for the company saw us and flipped out, my boss showed up with a bunch of hard hats and distributed them by throwing them overhand at us, like we got him in trouble. Unless you’re bothering the neighbors, little attention is paid to those working in hazardous environments until people start dyeing. The article doesn’t mention THC at all, only cannabis dust. If the boom industry setting up shop in Holyoke (and lots of the rest of the country) was bakeries, you could swap cannabis dust for flour and the article would read just about the same.


I look in vain for the part of the article where they detail the “distributing and dispensing” part of his crime; nope, no dice. Did NJ just arrest a 64-year-old man for keeping a garden in “a quiet residential neighborhood?” - I see no laundry list of allegations against him for causing a disturbance, weapons charges, nothing at all except threatening the corporate dealers.


Yes, the benevolent Garden State strikes again.

Makes me queasy.


That’s a scary article. Are we seriously going down that road in New Jersey now? I can’t get out soon enough

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just read it total lip service :upside_down_face: :face_with_raised_eyebrow:


As much as I’m in favor of people growing however many plants they want, 64 plants outdoor is a lot in a residential neighborhood of single family homes and is bound to attract unwanted attention. One article mentioned the SWAT raid was authorized by a search warrant, and there was some sort of tipster. I’m sure more details will come out.

Plant counts suck.


If 35% of Americans grow their own fruits and vegetables and 1.1 million beer enthusiasts home brew their own suds, how many marijuana enthusiasts will want to home grow their buds too – and what products and services will be available to serve them? I think we’re about to find out.

Pulled from:


Good to see someone turning the law around and using it to highlight the Feds laws lol.

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I think that cannabis firm is about to FAFO.

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Hmm another reason to grow your own. No worries about unknown substances being applied to other unknown substances.


I think I have the solution to Michigan’s problems. Lower the got damned taxes on cannabis products.