Cannabis Current Events (Part 2)

Never trusted that stuff anyway. People are way too lax about what they heat up and inhale and don’t think about possible risks. Younger me was certainly guilty of it to some extent as well though.

She put a decent amount of them in jail in the first place!

I’ll be curious to see what his sentence will be considering the mandatory minimums are gone and rec is live. Then again 62 plants is hard to argue personal use.


It’s NJ. Pretty sure they’ll be throwing him away for decades and labeling his property “proceeds of crime” because he’s considered guilty until proven innocent, and it’s impossible to prove a negative. The state will confiscate it all and use it to fund the police department so they can find more people whose property they can confiscate. This is how witch hunts work. Whether he’s growing for personal use or not is irrelevant unless he can prove that he wasn’t selling. Granted, 62 plants is a lot even if they’re small, but if he’s extracting to make edibles that could very easily be personal use… oh, wait, extraction is another felony so he’s screwed either way. Making edibles is also a crime if I’m not mistaken, come to think of it. As you’ve mentioned to me, even having seeds is a crime. Repressive, draconian systems of laws tend to work that way - if you’re not guilty of one crime, you’re guilty of another so no matter what you’re doing, they can get you depending on who your friends are. It’s entirely based on the whims of the cops and judges in this particular case, just like every other law in our great state of corruption.


I didn’t like Kamala when she was a wrestler.


Shit, somehow I didn’t get that homegrowing isn’t legal in NJ. When they mentioned he had more than 10 plants I figured that was a plant count or something.

Looks like he’s facing 10-20 years if he gets convicted of the charge they mentioned.


You must not be from NJ.

Hackensack is more city than suburban. There is ZERO chance those were outdoors in Hackensack, they woulda been stolen and smoked in July by the local kids if they were. There’s NO place to hide outside in Hackensack.

I’d bet 10 to 1 odds they were indoors.


I agree with everything else you said except this. I know this to be true for medical but it should apply to legally purchased (as in taxed) bud also- you can do extract/make edibles/turkey baster it up your ass.

Most dispos require an orientation visit for first time patient visits and a few have given me edible recipes in the little packet they give you. The cannabis is considered legally yours to ingest in whatever way you want. Like you said it’s NJ though so they can twist anything.

I don’t get the reference but I would love to see her get put in a piledriver!

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I can’t seem to post a pic this morning but Kamala was a wrestler in WWE he was billed as the Ugandan Giant. Laffable character.


It’s funny they share that description!


Kamala (wrestler) - Wikipedia

Dude I hated WWE / WWF whatever its called and even I knew this guy… Did you live in the wilderness, or a hole, growing up?? Asking for a friend…


Maybe I’m just confused. I can’t find anything written that covers it one way or the other, but I thought it was illegal to make concentrates or edibles at home because they treat it as manufacturing, same as meth or heroin. Maybe it’s just that they reserve the right to arrest you anyway unless you can reconstruct the dissolved receipts from the dispensary, though. It’s not legally yours unless you can show dispensary receipts proving that you paid the taxes, because without those receipts it’s the deadly and immoral marijuana rather than the nice, corporate-friendly cannabis…


The time frame he was in would have been right in that year or so I liked wrestling as a kid but it just doesn’t ring a bell. I remember Yokozuna!

I think this is the main gist of it right here. Paid taxes - enjoy your cannabis however you’d like. Didn’t pay taxes - that’s a dangerous illegal substance and anything you do to refine it further makes you Walter White.


Clearly this state writes laws “to be applied as needed, when wanted, by who wants what they want to occur”

Its epic levels of stupidity, greed and desire to control the population when they legalize cannabis for the recreational market, and then WANT to try to control what you do with that legally purchased product. I can’t see them telling you that you can’t make edibles with your legally purchased buds, so long as you aren’t selling them.

Concentrates - same thing. If I wanna buy 4oz of bud and make hash, or RSO, or whatever, and I am the consumer, where do they have any right to put their nose in that? I can create a concentrate with alcohol and raise the proof if I have a still, if its for personal consumption. The courts would have fun with this one.

Hey, @Slick1, I liked Walter…


New Jersey has earned the dubious distinction of having more fed up residents fleeing
this corrupt, dysfunctional and creepy state than any other state in the country.

Well done, NJ!


I wonder WHY! :rofl:

Shall I list the reasons? (its a LONG list)


Generally speaking, my preference is outdoor.
But I never leave my outdoor plant outside overnight.
I always move them to a nice safe space indoors, then back out each morning if the weather is favorable.
Best of both worlds, IMO.



Why are they unsafe outside at night by you??



I actually started this routine when I was growing in NJ many moons ago.
Becoming increasingly frustrated with autumn weather exacerbating multiple outbreaks of bud rot on my pendulous, almost ripe buds, I decided to move my container plants indoors with fans and a dehumidifier for 12 hours of dark. In contrast, my in ground plants continued to be ravaged by nasty rot, but the containers I moved indoors were much less afflicted, thus enabling me to harvest juicy, unblemished buds. I have been doing this ever since, and even though SoFla plants are less prone to PM or botrytis, moving them eliminates possible breakage by sudden pop up T storms and shearing winds/torrential rain.
And I like to use smaller containers, because in addition to moving ‘em inside every evening, I move the plants in order to follow the direct sunlight throughout the day.

Nothing good happens to plants left alone outdoors at night.


A good idea…interesting take on legalization in the UK