Cannabis Current Events (Part 2)

I expect plant count to shrink as things go forward.
Some folks think plant counts will get more relaxed.
I see that as almost impossible.
I guess to hold on to hope is not a bad thing, just not realistic in my eyes anyhow.


Project an image of public virtue, and people are more likely to ignore your private vices. My folks were pot-heads in a small town in Arkansas, but they were also EMTs. They knew every cop in 3 counties, and had actually saved a few copsā€™ lives. The cops knew about their weed, but never did anything. They made sure no one could ever prove it, and they had dirt on a lot of people.


This has not been the case, in fact quite the opposite has happened.
Enforcement is ramping up everywhere you look.

The black market is the enemy of these folks and must be stopped at all cost.


somewhere in that i saw that this is a game. lol a game is what most are considering it as or a lottery type thing where you gamble ā€¦but in both of those there is risk you have people and or corporations out there betting their money on cannabis and hoping for a big windfallā€¦ sucks to be them if it doesnā€™t work out all i want to do is grow mine and recoup the $$ it cost me to have my garden. not everyone that smokes can grow so they have 2 choices sub par smoke at a dispo or getting from some one who they know and can trust for good weed


But Missouriā€™s law that just passed allows for 6 in flower, 6 not in flower over 14" and 6 under 14". Thatā€™s an increase over most states. Itā€™s going to be dependent upon the Cannabis Industrial Complexā€™s influence on those who write the laws in each state. Washington state had some major influences because recreational is legal, home growing is a felony. Michigan didnā€™t have as much influence from them as their law is 12 plants flowering or not, with more than 12 all the way up to 250 being three tiers of minor offenses if not done commercially.


I am sorry to say this sort of thing will land you in handcuffs my brother.
You will be seen as part of the problem.
You will be part of the black market.
If you sell any of your stash and get caught it will be as if cannabis is illegal for you.
You will be charged and jailed if convicted.

They will not show you any mercy, just because it is legal for cops and judges to grow and sell.

You will be viewed as a criminal and will be treated as such.

I wish this were not true, but it is.

This is not how I viewed legalization.
My vision is a plant in every yard.
But that cuts into all those $$$$$$$$$$$$ so that is never ever gonna happen.


Itā€™ll be like that in some jurisdictions for a while. Letā€™s hope that once cannabis is removed from Schedule 1, the various agencies tasked with cannabis enforcement wonā€™t be able to justify those kinds of expenditures. Remember that legalization is a process, one in which weā€™ll be dealt setbacks from time to time. Remember also that there are literally thousands of jurisdictions in the USA. What the cops do in one county, they might not do in adjacent counties. The same goes for states. Cops canā€™t enforce every law in every jurisdiction to the letter, and they know it. Once all of this fuss over cannabis blows over, things will be very different.
Iā€™m in my mid 40s, and Iā€™ve seen attitudes about a lot of things change radically over the years. We even put a black man in the White House. Anything is possibleā€¦


For 50 years, weā€™ve been out-witting zealous, dogma-fed drug warriors with multi-million-dollar budgets. The result: cannabis is more popular than ever, and the cops know enforcement is a losing fight. While some jurisdictions are cracking down on home-grows, two more states and numerous other counties and cities legalized and decriminalized.


im thinkin popo has a lot better things to do than bust me for suppling a couple of friends i have known for over 40 years besides now a days its mostly misdermeanor and fines and im sorry that you think of me as the problem


Any cop who can put 2 and 2 together knows how benign cannabis is, and that busting people for it is a major reason so few people trust the police anymore.


I had a similar outlook, however with the advent of legalization came onerous regulations as well as ill advised, heavy handed taxation. Sad to see this when I once naively envisioned cannabis being treated the same way as tomatoes or any other crop grown in a backyard garden. Government should keep their filthy, greedy fingers off of any plant that I can grow for myself.
Alas, this will never happen in my remaining lifetime, and actually I donā€™t even care that much anymore.
I started smoking in 1967 and then began growing in 1970. Iā€™ll just keep on keepinā€™ on until
I croak.

Freedom? Not so much.


agree whole heartedly most cops now have family and close friends that bare 420 friendly and donā€™t really care about cannabis anymore myself i have several family members that are in law enforcement and a couple who imbibe or their significant others do or their children ie my cousinsā€¦lol so im not to worried about the cops and its the same all over the country nowadays


Not fair, I did not say thatā€¦

That is what I said.
What I meant by this was the cops will see you or anyone else that makes illegal sales as the black market.
This is surely true.
I can post many many links of the continued busts for illegal grows in legal states.
I have posted many links to where corporate cannabis wants to completely eliminate the black market.
All legal states have spoken, and corporate cannabis is taking drastic action to eliminate the black market.
The next step is to eliminate home grows too.
They have been open about this too.
I have several links posted here about that already.

I am sorry if I seemed like I was talking about you in specific.
I was more speaking on the level of the action itself, not on a personal level.
My intent was not to single you out, so forgive me if I did that.

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Welpā€¦if thereā€™s a knock on the door and a Leo says it smells like cannabises and it does.
Long as your covered by medical or recreational for said smell its not a problem.
I say sure does,have a nice day.


I feel like Mass has the best homegrow laws Iā€™ve seenā€¦ 6 plants per adult over 21, up to 12 per household if there is more than one 21+ resident.

Thatā€™s the power of the voter ballot initiative.

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I wish we could get those regs here in VT. I was listening to the Adam Dunn show today and he was suggesting just removing vegging plants from the counts alltogether. That I can get behind. They should qualify as federally legal hemp based on their THC content, so Iā€™d be down to see the law as re-written to just regulate flowering plants and veg as many as you want. Iā€™d take that compromise for sure


Well it took 80-90 yrs (depending on residency) of ignoring laws to get this far. Letā€™s educate the youth to continue the struggle. This does not mean to just roll over and eat crap. I salute Arkansans for saying ā€œNo, we want more and we are not going away till we get itā€.

Persistence over comes resistance said the stream to the pebble that was once big boulder


So it takes a jury to convict, pull at their emotions. Laws allow gifting. What if one was willing to gift weed in exchange for a money order to some charitable kids group (if kids you fill the jury with mothers) say an organization fighting childhood obesity. One is not personally profiting and if big pharma wants to bitch the negative publicity will blow up in their face. We need direct the conversation in a manner it makes it hard to argue. Like putting speed cameras in a school zone.


my dausghter is well educated on cannabis being a medicine hell she knows as much if not more than i do about growing strains and what medic inal properties and qualities each strainhas for a certain health or medical problem the internet can be a very good educational tool


RI medical is up to 12 plants in veg, 12 in flower. Gotta buy tags, $25 ea, though they are supposed to become free with legalization.