Cannabis Current Events (Part 2)

6 in flower 6 in veg here in oklahoma grown in your own home that you own but if renting you need a wriitten note that your allowed to grow my self i have a written note from my landlord that i can grow veggies and “herbs” and flowers of which you can call cannabis a flower and/or an herb :grin: plus in march we will have a special election to see if we can go recreational


In my own twisted way that is what I am attempting to do here. :heart_eyes:
I am trying to give folks some things to think about.

Stand and fight for what you believe is the right thing…No doubt that is good advice!

All of us should have done this from the start.
This is all I am saying really, “If the form of legalization is not right, than you need to vote no until they offer what is really needed.”

Most states took the first deal offered to them.
Not ideal in my book, I feel we could have done better.

Words to live by.

The gifting thing is also being outlawed due to folks taking advantage of the situation.
Make a donation in a set amount and you get a free OZ. ect.
Under this definition, it would seem rather clear that the “gifting” of marijuana after the purchase of another item would be an indirect benefit of purchasing the item, and therefore considered remuneration under the MRTMA. Thus, these sorts of transactions would not be permitted by the MRTMA, and would therefore be considered illegal.

I feel big pharma is immune to such things.
Big pharma drugs kill good folks everyday.
If that has not blown up in their face, I do not feel a cannabis issue will.

These are my educated opinions, I am not saying they are guaranteed or anything like that.

But that is the way I have seen things go in the last 8-10 years.
So you see the writing in kinda already on the wall.

Could things change?
Yes, I think they could, but not if the first cannabis deal on the table is always accepted.
I also feel, “If we accept it” Homegrowing will go the way of the Dodo bird.


A new study purportedly shows the dangers of smoking marijuana—but there’s a catch. Researchers found “higher rates of conditions including emphysema and airway inflammation among people who smoked marijuana than among nonsmokers and people who smoked only tobacco,” The Wall Street Journal reports. “Nearly half of the 56 marijuana smokers whose chest scans were reviewed for the study had mucus plugging their airways, a condition that was less common among the other 90 participants who didn’t smoke marijuana”

“There is a public perception that marijuana is safe and people think that it’s safer than cigarettes,” a radiologist who worked on the study told the paper. “This study raises
concerns that might not be true.”

But here’s where things get iffy: 50 of the 56 marijuana smokers in the study were also tobacco smokers. So while the study is being touted as finding that marijuana is especially dangerous, it’s impossible to disentangle the effects of smoking marijuana here from the effects of smoking tobacco. Even the finding of worse outcomes for marijuana and tobacco smokers compared to those who smoke only tobacco don’t necessarily tell us anything about marijuana; they may just be the result of people smoking more overall.

From here


We fucked smoking in 16.
I cannot recommend A high quality plug in vaporizer strongly enough.

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Everything is up in the air right now regarding cannabis. Things will change. Things ARE changing, and often for the better. I understand your frustration at seeing all the fatuous and utterly absurd laws, but understand this: laws are one thing, the reality down on the ground another.
What we’re seeing now is the best most reformists can do, with cannabis still being Schedule 1. Once it comes off Schedule 1, things are going to change, and much more quickly. Re-scheduling/de-scheduling will bring new sets of laws into play, ones that are much more permissive.


How I see it is a bit different.
When big pharma is in play, there will not be any medical marijuana.
Well there may be, but it will be run by big pharma. :woozy_face:
Also, more of the really big-money players will be hitting the lobbyists to remove any and all competition.

Home grows caregivers and the black market will be marked as the enemy of corporate cannabis.

My song has been the same since 2013.
I do not see it changing any time soon.

Those are my thoughts, I just wish folks would think about what if what I am saying becomes the truth?
If we act now before it is too late we have a chance, if we just watch it all happen corporate cannabis will have their way.
And that way will not be the best choice for the people.



This happened at a grow site



Maybe I missed it but I saw no provision for home growing.
Legalization without home growing is just corporate cannabis.


I too see this as an issue!

who argue that the cannabis industry should not be given a leg up when there are still so many people in other states experiencing arrest and incarceration for marijuana-related crimes.


A 20 plant limit has been decriminalised for years in Colombia, even smoking in public is accepted. I’d say they are on track to liberating the plant before most countries.


Thank you for the response.
That is very nice, that is surely good news. :heart_eyes:


Here’s a recent collection of sixteen academic papers on cannabis, all freely downloadable as PDF or EPUB for reading on your Kindle in the grow room:


Very amusing rant.


I never use vapes, concentrates or flower grown by strangers for a reason.