Cannabis Current Events (Part 2)

Weird. It’s almost like all that talk about “social equity” and a “thriving industry of Jersey based companies” was complete bullshit to get to the part where tax money was being generated as quickly as possible.


It is good to see some folks feel the way I do.

This is worth repeating… :sunglasses:

I really need to get this off my chest because this bush league shit has gone too far. A multibillion-dollar industry existed for 60+ years in the shadows because YOU sorry fuckers, or your parents for that matter, insisted that it remain there. Your friends didn’t go to prison for growing a plant, ours did. You didn’t have to risk multiple felony charges every time you got in your car, we did. A lot of growers still do for that matter. Weed has been legal in California since 2018 and I can’t even smoke a joint in my backyard without overhearing my neighbor tell her children that we’re disgusting.

Now, all you skim-milk-drinking cretins are going to your respective state legislatures whining all the livelong day about the black market stealing your business. First of all, losing business to someone playing with less than 100 plants when you’re playing with thousands of lights and millions of dollars is pathetic . Second of all, can you even blame the black market? Why would any financially literate person want to throw their hat into legal weed in 2022? Anyone who graduated the third grade can understand what a red downward arrow on a graph means. All the farmers “taking your business” are breaking even at best every year for the same reason I’m writing this article: we simply love cannabis and we don’t want you anywhere near it.


giant national companies that have set up shop in the Garden State and own and operate all 21 stores selling adult weed.

It would seem these big companies have a bit of a head start they are selling now before the big price drop.
“Are these smaller operators being squeezed out?


That is just you imagination running away with you.
They would never put money over what the people want, would they? :roll_eyes:
I think they are giving their buddies a head start before the bottom drops out. :money_mouth_face:

If anyone thinks these greedy fucks don’t want every red cent they can get their greedy little hands on, you may need to rethink things here.


very amusing and funny if it wasnt so true.


A whole ten years of growing for the high times writer…lolz.


Not in missouri as much as before. With the micro licences available now to grow 125 flowering plants, and with micro dispensaries that can only buy from micro growers. It really does give the little guy a actual chance. They even refund your application fee if you dont end up getting a licence.

The medical program allows one household to grow on three total medical cards resulting in 18 clones, 18 veg and 18 flower if the care giver also had a card too. I read the recreational bill before the polls opened. 12 flowering plants per household, 12 veg, 12 clones.
I think with the new constitutional admendment its now one if the best cannabis programs in the country with probably the lowest tax on commercial cannabis products in the country as well.

Also of the 5 qualifications to aquire a commercial licence, the qualification that if you had negative consequences from from cannabis in the state if missouri providing you didnt sell to a minor, didn’t get a dwi or did something violent as with the cannabis charge, even if it was a family member then you qualify to apply for a licence…and from what i read it was only 100$ to aquire a home grow certificate from the state not 150$.

The property isn’t as expensive as the rest of the country, might think about a move brother.


Thank you very much for your input on this topic.
Just so ya know I live in Michigan.
We have very similar laws here currently.
So now you may be sayin’ “What the hell you bitchin bout then shag”

While it is good for me, I could even expand if I wanted to, but I don’t.
Others all around the country seem to be getting the short end of the stick.
So in short, I bitch for those kinda folks.
Even here in michigan those greedy bastards are trying to eliminate any and all competition.

Very nice! :exploding_head:
This is where things really need to move toward.
A craft cannabis market.
Let those that don’t know any better buy from walmart at deep discount prices.

This is very very cool too! :star_struck:
Now this is what every state needs, so they can not change the game on you when big money comes rolling into town.


No problem shagg! Thanks for the reply brother.
The biggest change is yet to come. The real monopoly. The elimination of cash and eventually outlawing gold like they did in Vietnam. Central banking digital currencies are being “tested out” in several countries, even though the first DCBC code was first wrote at yale in 2016.

The US rolling out in Nov next year. Our next stimulus payments will be utilized with this tech. I believe canada announces it in Dec then its live in july, australians 2024 sometime. The black market will get harder to work in and thrive in gold just to fight basic inflation on things like food. Of course that maybe like 3-5 years away before its truly cashless. Id say it’s the 2030 plan…
Ripple XRP seems to be backed by the world economic forum for a good reason even while being sued by the SEC for 1.3 B$.


Armstrong, a regular cannabis consumer, is regarded as among the first proclaimed medical marijuana users; he called it a healthy alternative to alcohol and said it was essential in helping him sleep and concentrate. An early cannabis legalization advocate who first went to jail for weed possession in 1931, Armstrong’s activism also shone a light on racism, beginning in the 1950s. This earned him unwanted attention from the FBI, which opened a secret file on him.

From below




In order for it to be regulated like liquor there would be limits on % of alcohol.
Be Much better if the government and the boot lickers just fucked off.


an interesting story from my jazz history professor at college:

Louis Armstrong had a ritual to stay healthy while he was on tour.

Every morning he would drink a big cup of swiss kriss herbal laxative, lock himself in the hotel bathroom, sit on the throne, smoke a big joint rolled with 2 cigarette papers, and quote, “leave it all behind.”

After that he was ready to eat, drink, play, and party all day.

Definitely a unique wake and bake ritual.

Louis Armstrong on cannabis-

“It relaxes you, makes you forget all the bad things that happen to a Negro. When you’re with another tea smoker, it makes you feel a special kinship.”

In addition to being a medical cannabis advocate, Louis appointed himself as an unofficial advertising spokesman for swiss kriss, and eventually, went on to do paid advertising and variety shows sponsored by the laxative company.

He signed all of his letters with the phrase “Swiss Krissly Yours, Louis”
and included this post card with all his personal correspondences:


Instagram Is the New Neighborhood Pot Dealer


California has a new tool in its effort to regulate the state’s unruly pot industry: an $11 million cannabis testing lab, run out of the University of California, San Diego. The lab’s first task? Shutting down labeling fraud in California’s multibillion-dollar pot marketplace.


The first thing I thought, when I saw the title was, if it’s being run by the gov there will be all kinds of delays getting your weed tested and able to sell, because government sub corporations are always in no hurry to do there job and blame being under staffed lol.

The consumer will still be suffering, but with less weed availability instead of badly labeled potency amounts.


Good morning Mr.Shadey! The title of the article and this quote from the article do not correlate…
“the California legislature has already put the lab to work, passing a law that requires the DCC and its new reference lab to establish a standardized process for testing pot by the end of this year.”


I’m trying to get cooked with a cow.