Cannabis Current Events (Part 2)

It is the way it seems to always go, sadly.


Leaked Report Shows Heightened Scrutiny of Marijuana’s Rising Potency


This threadbare canard keeps getting trotted out, basically ignoring the very existence of hashish, which has been consumed since time out of mind.

Any imposed cap would certainly be a boon to the dread black market.
Numbskulls on parade.


“It’s not your grandpa’s weed”

When you impose prohibition on a substance a lot of complete CRAP will be sold on the black market. Same crap happened with alcohol prohibition. This “grandpa” will tell you I still cannot find weed as potent as some of what came into this country in the 60’s and 70’s. Those landraces are long extinct, never to come back.


Posted at 4:20 PM today. My Ganja sense is tingling!


Rescheduling seems to be long overdue, my crystal ball predicts it will likely will be saved for an election cycle.

Government testing sentiment:



Pray that it doesn’t wind up schedule 2 because there goes the home grow if it does


I feel like everyone here is holding their breath to see how equitable the market in VT ends up being to the little guys. The CCB is still rolling out licenses and companies are slow to get through testing to get product on the shelves so we’re very much in the “crawl” phase right now. The rhetoric seems to be to embrace these little guys but time will tell if that’s how the actual picture ends up developing over the long term once the market is properly up and running


There’s something like a 3 week waiting game for testing results… and so far all of the labs are in the Burlington area (probably because they can recruit lab techs from UVM). From what I’ve seen the bulk of licensed cultivators are in the NEK, though there are others spread throughout the state. That could easily make for a 2+ hour drive each way depending on where someone is coming from.

Judging from the menus at dispos near me (still haven’t visited one but I keep an eye on their menus) the bigger operators and people who worked in the industry in other states certainly seem to be at an advantage, whether you’re talking about the companies that have established CBD hemp businesses or experience in California, etc.


Yea I’ve been to the one in Essex, Winooski, and Burlington. Bare-bones menus in all, especially considering I’m not really looking for any flower. The spot trying to open up by me in Cambridge just got its license approved so I’ll be popping in there soon to check it out. Each place says the same as you did re: the labs, not a lot of em, and a 3 week wait for results.


That’s really cool news, I feel like this idea will be in every dispensary eventually. I love it!


Why does schedule 2 status threaten home grow?


My understanding of it (could be wrong) is that schedule 2 would put it in the same class of drug as like ibuprofen and aspirin which are currently only able to be produced with a federal license, so the same requirements could suddenly apply to growing cannabis theoretically. Skunk VA talks about it briefly in his potcast interview and id heard the sentiment elsewhere too, admittedly not from verified policy experts, but concerning enough for me to know that I want it DE-scheduled and not RE-scheduled. If I’m incorrect on this matter though someone please educate me cause id love to not worry about that shit lol


depends on how much $$$ gets thrown at the govt from lobbyist


The State of Missouri is arguing that THC concentrate is not marijuana and therefore not subject to the same decriminalization/legalization, as far as I can tell from this file.


The appeal’s court is arguing that the dude’s wax is not marijuana, but is “THC.” Since there’s no minimum weight for “THC” to be a felony, their argument is that the guy is guilty of a Class D felony and his conviction and sentence of 1 day of jail stand. All of it would have been avoided if he had paid the $100 to get his medical card.

I would guess that with the right lawyer and defense experts, you could easily convince an appeals court that wax is a marijuana derivative, but not pure THC (which is what the schedule 1 classification covers), and therefore does not rise to the standard of possession of pure THC.

If the appeals court upholds the claim that a marijuana derivative with some unknown amount of pure THC in it is the same as THC, then why isn’t marijuana flower considered by law the same as pure THC, since it also contains some unknown amount of pure THC. This is a spurious argument, but it happened in Misery, so anything’s possible.

Best of luck to that guy. He got crucified for almost nothing, and now his life is ruined because of it. Fucking drug war…everyone involved in it is a piece of shit.


Wow that’s a shitty case, I wish the guy’s trial attorney had convinced the prosecutor to go with a lesser charge (i.e. not a felony). I suppose it might have been tough given how little substance was involved, tricky going from a felony to a minor misdemeanor.

Note, the linked case was the appeals court decision. I suppose the appellant could go up to the state supreme court, but I wouldn’t expect a different result. Given that it involved a felony conviction I suppose it was worth trying, but good luck convincing an appeals court to overturn findings of a trier of fact.

I wonder how hard the defense pushed the “wax = hashish” argument at trial. Maybe they tried and the jury didn’t buy it.