Cannabis Current Events (Part 2)

Couple vape carts for an illegal arms dealer, sounds like a fair trade…


wtf thats just so not right but they are leaving a UNITED STATES MARINE there to rot correct? sad just sad


We lock our own citizens up here for the same shit…hypocrisy at its finest.


They got what they could get. Whelan’s case is very different and he will likely never be released or an even bigger figure will be traded for him.

I will add this, you have to be NUTS to travel to Russia any time in the past ten years if you are a US Citizen. If you do, you never know if you’ll get out.

One final thing about the former Marine. Google his name and dishonorable discharge.



I hate politics so much.


Same old tune it sounds like. So disgusted with the inefficiencies in this system



It won’t be any time soon but I believe it will be within the next few years that we will see it. If nothing else homegrow for patients is inevitable and now that they have their tax revenue from recreational there’s zero argument against patient homegrow - and I mean literally 0 gained for them since there is now zero sales tax on medical purchases. The only argument they can make at this point is that they’re concerned that patients will take advantage and sell on the black market but it’s a pretty lame argument and the legitimate points to letting patients grow far outweigh any argument against in any functioning mind.

I’ve been saying for years they’d tax the air we breathe if they could figure out the tax rate.

Yet they had no problem attaching the NDAA bullshit to a military budget bill :roll_eyes:


Without a lawyer present, I would say you are right on.
Anything to do with medicine will be schedule 2.
You are not allowed to make your own drugs, it is referred to as an analog and making an analog is a felony.

CBD is already a big pharma drug, if you get caught making drugs you go to jail.

A good example of this is the recent weight loss supplement taken off the market because big pharma found a drug use for it.

There was a case here in Michigan, the guy had a med card but got busted with wax and was charged with a felony, it really fucked up his life bad, he was a full time college student about to graduate, the felony caused him to have to change his major and start over for a different career.

That is why I suggest federal legalization may not mean what some folks think it will.
I feel it will add more restrictions.
Sure you will buy it at 7-11’s everywhere, but is that really where we would like things to go?


From article below;

“Not only did legalization fail to eliminate the marijuana black market, but it actually made the black market stronger.
Talk about unintended consequences.”

Unintended? Hmmm? Well, well maybe not so much?


When you exclude anyone who has actual experience you get the current legal kerfluffle of low quality and high prices.
Any prior drug charges makes one ineligible in my state.
Having walked several legal commercial grows here I saw first hand how amateur hour it is.
Harvest way early, spray constantly, over dry then try and rewet using humidity.
All for $50 eighths with financing available… financing w.t.f!
Of the three dispensaries in town only one is still there four years later and they are failing as well.
The black market offers far better product,prices and customer loyalty and is thriving.
Home cultivation creates a economy for quite a few people not just the grower.


This book is available as a free download. A great book to read.

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Here in Detroit the weed stores are always getting popped for back door sales.
It is supposed to be seed to sale here.
So it seems the legal market feeds the black market too, in the case of Detroit anyhow.

Proposed laws would double prison terms and fines for illegal growers.

I tried to tell folks this was coming, but as usual, they just called me crazy. :woozy_face:


It may have been unintentional but was an obvious result to anyone involved with growing weed prior to legalization.


Germany is like the US to the Americas, once they legalise it at a federal level most other EU countries will/should fall in line. They know without closed borders inside the European Union that the black market will run rife with illegal German imports if they don’t get on board themselves. Travelling through Europe on the train line with your meds and no hassles has been a long time coming :pray:t4:


The Germans don’t have the power grid for home heating this winter how they gonna grow indoors?