Cannabis Current Events (Part 2)

HHS is ‘expeditiously’ reviewing whether cannabis should be removed from Schedule 1. It’s obvious that it doesn’t belong on Schedule 1, and everyone knows it. Cannabis is at a tipping point; anything done from here on in will only result in massive changes (mostly for the better). The reason so many resources are dedicated to cannabis eradication is its Schedule 1 status. Removing it from that list brings a whole different set of laws and regulations into play. Be patient. Things are changing.


A large majority would still prefer to buy from dispensaries than grow it. To get people to buy legal, the government will have to do the exact opposite of what they’re doing now. High taxes and complex regulation are why so many people buy on the black market, and will continue to do so. Unfortunately, raising taxes and complicating regulations are what the government does best.


Parts of the USA, as well. The entire Gulf Coast from Florida to Texas could produce even long-flowering strains. I imagine some people in that region are dreading the day cannabis becomes legal there. The day cannabis is grown (outside of a secure compound with razor wire and armed guards), it is going to take root and become very common. People who believe in the Reefer Madness nonsense aren’t going to like that, but they’ll realize it’s not the end of the world. By 2030, cannabis will be legal and most people will understand how absurd prohibition was, or at least accept what’s happening.


Couple question jump out from that article for me.
First it says take online payments…who processes that?
I thought that was federal and still a crime?
Second they gotta get their product from the state office?
They buy their weed from…who?

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It’s ridiculous that you can get cannabis delivered to you in one state, but go to prison over it in another.


In michigan they got everything from the caregivers.
Now they wanna call the caregivers the black market/criminals.

Don’t forget the ex-cops, judges, DEA ect that are making real money from cannabis.
Some of the folks they put in prison for cannabis are still locked up, meanwhile judge judy is out making bank doing the same thing she locked the other guys up for doing.

I said before, if you are a cop, judge ect…everyone you ever jailed should be at least set free before you make a dime selling cannabis.
They would say pot was not legal when they made the sale.
Cannabis was made illegal based on countless lies, we know that is truth now.

So the law is unjust because it was based on these lies.
I am no lawyer, but there should be some way just to remove an unjust law, a law based on a lie.

It really should be that simple.


The worst part is these are people who took an oath to support and defend the US Constitution. An offense that perfidious, that also affects the entire country (and the world) is nothing short of high treason. It makes my blood boil.


Every dollar profit made in the first 5 years of corporate cannabis should have gone directly into the pockets of anyone ever charged with Possession of Marijuana/paraphernalia. (Or any drug charge for that matter).

The $ & opportunities lost from having ANY criminal record are so high as to be incalculable.


The hyperlink headline is wrong, it’s about Pygmies growing weed in Africa if you click through


I’m still a little skeptical that federal courts invalidating state laws prohibiting licensed cultivators, etc, from selling their products out of state, would lead to de facto legalization - because interstate trafficking is illegal under federal law, and I don’t share others’ belief that the feds will simply look the other way.


They will use it to their advantage with stealing your property…

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The insane part is these legal gymnastics are necessary because of Schedule 1. All of this over something the DEA could have done years ago, with a few signatures.


And people act like we’re all united and part of the same country…if I don’t have the same rights as someone that lives in the same country as me, that’s fucked up.


Almost like there are no rights only privelages that can change at any given time.

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Almost?.. :sunglasses:

