Cannabis Current Events (Part 2)

I recommend a book titled, Hempology 101, The History and Uses of Cannabis Sativa by Ted Smith who has been a real cannabis warrior for decades working out of Victoria, BC.

He’d run a dispensary for patients in Victoria since the 70’s or so and was a regular contributor at the Cannabis Culture forums for years. Got mad respect for the guy and the work he did furthering the cause.

Got myself a signed copy.



New York’s balanced cannabis plan goes to pot


My guess is they put 11-Hydroxy THC in them. The body metabolizes all THC into 11-Hydroxy, which is what gets you high. Ingesting pure 11-Hydroxy would hit faster.


The only thing I found on this was they add more heat and pressure.
Anyone see anything more on how to make this?


As much as it has a fun tune, I don’t know that I would ever name “Because I got High” as a pot anthem - it’s pretty negative.

The one study they talk about in detail involved finding uses for a brick. Were the study creators high when they came up with the idea for the study?


This was a good article, a bit rare too.
Thanks a bunch for sharing like you do @Calyxander

The newspaper found that California’s dual state and local cannabis licensing system created fertile ground for corruption by giving thousands of often part-time, low-paid municipal officials the power to choose winners and losers in the multimillion-dollar deals.

Local politicians held hidden financial ties to cannabis businesses even as they regulated the industry. Consultants and elected officials told of backroom lobbying and solicitations for cash — while criminal investigations were isolated and scrutiny was sporadic.

Seems to say it is all caused by greedy politicians…Hmmm?
Who woulda thought? :yum:

We fully investigated ourselves and we found ourselves completely innocent of all wrongdoing.

Do you think these dirty politicians used their pull to eliminate the competition?

Could this sorta corruption be going on in your state right now without your knowledge?
Some folks swear this sorta stuff is just not happening.
I feel it is something worthy of “our” thoughts anyhow.

We should ask ourselves…What is the cannabis industry really like behind closed doors?

I feel, if you are worth your salt in this world you know that is where all the real action takes place.

Oh, and what is being done to help the workers in all of this corruption?

Trinity County Sheriff Tim Saxon said, adding that the support focused on ripping out illegally grown plants, not on addressing exploitation of cannabis workers.

Rubio who is working with Newsome said:
“For my colleagues not to even be looking at it is … shocking to me,” Rubio said.


They see the money don’t they… :money_mouth_face: :money_mouth_face: :money_mouth_face:
Only 6 plants are allowed.
This seems to be a trending number.
We can have 12 here in Michigan.
I know that is one of the highest plant counts.
Makes me think we could be reduced to 6 in the future.

They will say why do you need 12?
Everyone else only needs 6 and they are fine.
You will only get 6 now…go away or you get none… :roll_eyes:


@shag 12 in flower?

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sure is big $$$$$ killed it not to mention all the regualtions


I don’t think there ever was a cannabis gold rush, at least not in terms of companies doing real business. There was the appearance of one, brought on by hype and extremely loose financial conditions. Now that the Fed’s tightening up, they’ll have to actually compete and gain market share to find money rather than having VCs showering it upon them for nothing more than a name and a few promises. Either that, or the Fed’s gonna flinch tomorrow and we’ll go back to post-2008 “normal” of an economy operating entirely on rehypothecation of assets and laddering.


The insatiable hunger of politicians for more money and higher taxes dooms everything.


We have 12 as a max in RI for an individual, can get more as a caretaker.
A few years ago they tried to bring it down to, I think, 4. They said that the average value of a plant was like 17k$. Meaning they decided that every plant would be a 2lb plant and would be sold as $20 grams. Total BS. Especially since outdoor is illegal here. But, it got fought, and surprisingly, we won!


Believe it or not but here in some counties the backwards sausage fingered ham fisted knuckle dragging sheriffs would weight the root ball stalk and everything they pulled out of the ground and put that on the charges as the amount of drugs seized.


yes, how many are you allowed?


Yeah, I just assumed they all did that. Just to twist the fucking knife.