Cannabis Current Events (Part 2)

Here in MO, it’s 6 in flower, 6 in veg, and 6 clones.


I always thought pot “should” not be a business. But where there’s money to be made, people are going to try and get it, one way or the other. That included everybody in the business including politicians, growers, and everybody inbetween. Here’s an article from the L.A. Times outlining how corrupt, and crazy the “cannabis biz” has become:


Georgia lawmakers aim to take a bite out of retail sales of Delta-8 THC products statewide


Good. Now move out of the way for the small mom and pop grow ops that will produce a quality product with love and care. Im getting SICK of big business fucking everything good up.


No one can destroy business climate like Government!

Jerry Garcia’s Grateful Dead cannabis brand is leaving California


New Study Finds Cannabis Smoking Does Not Contribute to Reduced Lung Function


In some people regular use leads to chronic bronchitis. I have seen it first hand. This study sounds like the studies in the 1970s about tobacco smoking. They tested young people, no one over 30 was tested.

Get me a healthy in shape 65 year old and a 65 year old that has been smoking cannabis for forty years and run the tests again.


Perhaps you meant something else, but it sounds like you’re suggesting comparing “people who are 65 and who have smoked cannabis regularly for 40 years” vs “in shape” 65 year olds, which already presumes that people who have smoked cannabis for 40 years aren’t healthy. The study would be pretty meaningless unless you found a way to control for other factors that affect lung function.

There’s probably some truth to the idea that people who smoke pot regularly are more likely to be sedentary as compared to highly active (no pun intended) individuals, but you’d have to find a way to remove that from the equation.


What I am saying is it takes decades for smoke to do its work on your lungs. No smoke is good for your lungs, its the particulate matter that makes up the smoke that kills your lungs.


I don’t disagree that common sense says inhaling burning things is bad for your lung health. Still, common sense and science aren’t always in agreement.


Yeah I mean stoners can probably inhale as much or much air or more into their lungs, but for me I feel like the tar from weed coats my lungs so oxygen doesn’t absorb as well


A quick Google search suggests smoking may affect blood oxygenation, but it doesn’t last long… oxygen levels return to normal with 8 hours.

Also, the amount that oxygenation is reduced doesn’t, to a lay person, appear to be all that significant… i.e 93% vs 94%.

Completely anecdotal, but I’ve been smoking herb chronically for 30+ years, I still run every day. If cannabis use is linked to reduced physical conditioning I would guess off hand it’s more about stoners not being motivated to exercise when high. Myself I love exercising when high!


Crap… I suppose several strains from the same cultivator testing positive likely indicates it isn’t a mistake. Looks like the contaminant is an ingredient in Eagle 20?


One more reason to grow you own there. That’s a real fucking bummer, especially considering how hemmed up every single company has been trying to get products through testing around here


Curaleaf is the company that has ties with Russian Oligarchs. This type of treatment of employees does not surprise.


I presume there must be a reason why Pepper (the Control Board chair) said something about not reusing sprayers that have been used with unapproved pesticides/fungicides… I imagine that must’ve been the cultivator’s explanation for how their flower was contaminated.

The real question to me is how the flower ended up on store shelves without being registered with the state? I see that one of the dispensaries involved sells bulk flower, if I recall correctly the way they register bulk flower is different than packaged flower… maybe that explains it?

The whole contaminated sprayers thing makes me rethink all my reusing of sprayers… though I can’t say I’ve ever used anything all that scary (Spinosad is probably the worst thing I’ve ever used… Neem, Serenade, BT).

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Yea, I mean I can understand the means of contamination in that way but it raises a larger question as to why there would have been micobutinol anywhere near the grow at any point in time. We’ve known for a while how carcinogenic that product is and how harmful it can be to consume, any grower at this point should know to have it nowhere near their garden, there’s really no excuse from where I sit. But totally agree that it also raises the question of how that flower could have made its way to the shelf too. In my opinion having that shit in your grow at all should be grounds for losing your license outright, we know better than that shit nowadays. Just my dime store opinion on the matter though