Cannabis Current Events (Part 2)

In Missouri there was a company that was selling moldy weed, weed with pesticides and other nasty stuff while dodging testing. They sold cannabis for over a year to unsuspecting Missourians. They also trafficked in out of State black market cannabis. They turned that cannabis into concentrates or vape cartridges for another company called Clover.

They got away with it just like other companies in other States, by bribing corrupt officials. I mean by giving them campaign contributions.


Disgusting, and really upsetting to hear. What a shame


Do not buy weed from MO dispensaries. There really is no functioning inspection testing program. As long as the companies only screw the people and not other companies they can continue as long as the campaign contributions flow.

There is also no testing/inspections of Caregivers. Make sure you know your caregiver here and they let you inspect your plants.


I know, I donā€™t get it. The CCB has a list of approved pesticides/fungicides, and itā€™s pretty damn short. Youā€™re supposed to have a pesticide license to spray almost anything.

Kinda glad I went back through the guidance because I was thinking BT was somehow not allowed, but I realized they seemingly allow a whole mess of Bacillus species. Shows I should really use Google before jumping to conclusions, I saw they listed Serenade as one of the products allowed under that category and moved on without realizing that another (Agree WG) is BT.

In a decent year I feel like I could get by on BT alone.


When they popped a cultivator around here for pesticide in flower, they claimed it was from spraying for ants outside their grow building, and that the pesticide drifted. Aside from sounding like bull shit on face value, borax kills ants. And it doesnā€™t drift.


the cannabis was not registered with the Cannabis Control Board, and the board is trying to determine how it made its way onto store shelves.

I wonder how it got on the shelf, being not registered and all.
The biggest crooks are now in the canna biz.
Capital cronyism at its best.
They said commercial cannabis would be much safer than buying from a scummy drug dealer.
That does not seem to be the case.

Some folks can see the truth. :heart_eyes:
Crooks everywhere in this business these days ā€¦everywhere. :money_mouth_face:
Employees allege that store managers pocketed more than $125,000 in stolen tip jar money.

It would seem we have traded scummy drug dealers for hard core career criminals.
That certainly was a good move for the people.


Unfortunately, itā€™s all about money. I said from the beginning, the pot biz was going to blossom, look beautiful and then wither away because in business, itā€™s about the money. Thatā€™s the governments who see pot as their private golden goose, right down to commercial growers, many, not all, who cut corners and grow with chemicals, inferior weed. People can grow their own but canā€™t grow, itā€™s not hard to find someone who is growing. The very nature of pot and its affects preclude most in the faster and faster industrialized world from using it. Pot, sun grown organically wants to enlighten in a country that doesnā€™t want to be enlightened. It wants to make money.
I suggest you learn to save seeds because there are people out there trying to patent seeds. More and more you see feminized, less and less regular. OG is doing us a great service because we can trade our seeds insuring we have the ability to grow not just weed, but superior pot.


Wow, really well said brother @EpiKatz
I have been saying the same things since 2014.

The thing is when I say these things folks spit right in my face, call me all kinds of names.
So what I am saying here isā€¦
It is good to see someone who knows the truth and is not afraid to speak the truth even in the face of adversity.
Spread those words around, good folks need to hear them.

Oh, and you forgot one important thingā€¦
OVERGROW THE WORLD :star_struck:


The 2 big companies caught in Canada with banned pesticide/ fungicide said, it was only used to keep their mother plants free of problems, but a newbie employee used the wrong sprayers in the flower room.

This will probably be the stock response to getting caught now, as it seems not as bad as a deliberate use. Personally I think it should not even be on the premises that way there is no possibility of a fuck up that wrecks peopleā€™s health.


But arenā€™t a lot of the banned substances absorbed into the plant? Spray the moms and the clones would test positive.


What I hear isā€¦
ā€œReally mom, I am just holding it for a friendā€ā€¦ :rofl:


I think the idea with that is you spray the moms with say eagle 20.
2 weeks later you cut clones.
Say you veg those clones for 2.5 months.
Then you have 2 months or 60 more days till they finish flowering.
So 5 months has gone by some pesticide residue will be left in the plant.
Some of them above testing levels some will be below.
I forget but eagle 20 was found at high levels after 120 days.
I would have to check as that is off the top of my head.

Good call! :star_struck:
That is a simple way to solve that problem no doubt.
Strange us stoners can see this but those in charge can not?
Or can they?


Wait until they put terminator genes into the seeds,

Edit Im all out of likes. When they refresh I will


For us peasants and serfs ignorance is no excuse for the law, we make a mistake and the law buries us.


I am pretty sure they already have.
None have been in the public hands.
I know the labs have been working on this for some time.
I would be really surprised if this is not a done deal.
Some say it ainā€™t soā€¦
I would say, just ask the skunkman why he was collecting sterile cannabis plants from around the world several years back. :thinking:


Thatā€™s how it is for now. Fortunately, cannabis isnā€™t outright prohibited in any form anymore. Society is being de-sensitized to cannabis incrementally. Things will change. Things ARE changing, and quickly. Just be patient, and count your blessings from time to time.


This is good advice, and I do everyday.
I live in michigan we have it pretty good here, better than most.

They are indeed, some good, some not so much.
Like for example:
In hong kong they just past a law that possession of CBD can get you life in prison.


As Frank Zappa sang - ā€œIt canā€™t happen here. Iā€™m telling you my dear, that it cannnnnnnnnnnnā€™t


Not a day goes by that I donā€™t feel thankful for living in the West, or at least under a more tolerant, classically liberal society. Iā€™ve been to a few other countries, and let me tell you: things could be a whole hell of a lot worse. Itā€™s kind of amusing now, that there is something of a competition among some political candidates to see who can be the most ā€œpro-legalization.ā€ For once, maybe We The People can benefit from political dick-waving.