Cannabis Current Events (Part 2)

During WW1 Henry Ford made the model t body out of hemp when there was a shortage of steel and it appears to be very durable I saw a video where someone duplicated the process today and made a car door out of hemp and then took a sledgehammer to it and a sledgehammer did nothing to the door

But at the early stages as we are in now of cannabis products being developed it’s expensive

I wanted to start by buying paper good for the house ( toilet paper, paper towels ,plates ect ) but wow

Toilet paper 20 $ USD plus shipping 4 rolls damn way too much for what it does
The industry needs to kick in gear and use more of this renewable source NOW

Do the math 20 years to grow a tree
Cannabis 3 crops a year
No brainer


In the early days of the model t many were made to run on alcohol as did the tractor and all farm machinery, with each farm having a still. After the model t came prohibition and the standard oil trust. Same railroading of alcohol was done to pot and the other drugs but that prohibition goes on and on and on…


Also in the early days Tesla converted one to run on bio magnetic earth energy. He offered the design to Henry Ford for free, who basically said, I dont want anything that can run for free, or does not need to be serviced or repaired. As he was also sharing the Rockefeller oil industry money.


Here’s a response from VGA to the article posted above earlier for anyone who’s interested


I watched a few episodes of Jerry Seinfeld’s “Comedians in Cars” and one of them was Seinfield visiting Jay Leno and his massive car collection.

The video shows Jay Leno driving around the streets of LA today in his 100% street-legal 1918 electric car. Yes, fully battery-operated cars were in production and being driven in 1918! Who killed the electric car? I don’t know but the murder occured over 100 years ago.


Dude. Fuck that guy. At least pretend to understand what your job is, these representatives are supposed to be working for the will of the people who voted them into office, for him to sit there and collect a paycheck from their taxes and tell his constituents that he doesn’t give a fuck what they want … I’d say it to his face: fuck that guy.


He’s a perfect example of why I HATE politicians, regardless of what party they are in. They didn’t run for office to serve you, the did it to serve themselves :frowning:
I hope he gets voted out in bigtime fashion!


Second that, anyone who stands up and raises their hand saying they know what’s best and should be in charge is immediately suspect in my mind.


Rockefeller and the US government conspired to murder Tesla, and steal all his inventions and ideas that he had patented.


They’ve had a hard on for something like this for a while. I think what they’ll ultimately end up using is some type of cognitive function/reaction test seeing as impairment levels are so subjective from person to person. The real test needs to be “are you together enough to be able to hit the brakes at the appropriate time??”


A weed breathalyser is already operating in Canada since legalizing weed. I haven’t seen any reports on the convictions from its use though.


For real? I had not heard of this. I need to research this. Not that I like the idea, but I figure it’s coming. I was thinking of finding a company doing R & D on a roadside drug testing device for police and doing some stock trading.

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It’s amazing to me how quickly things have flipped in Canada. In 2001 weed became legal for a while in Canada “Summer of Legalization” and it looked like the whole country would go legal years before anywhere in the USA. For years I thought of moving to Montreal for its more liberal, cosmopolitan, libertine culture over the northeast.

Now the tables have turned. My friends in Montreal are locked down in a totalitarian state of martial law while I’m out at the pub with friends, and Canada has the worst weed legalization law. (Oklahoma has the best) In Quebec the government is still trying to make the plants illegal. Trudeau says people that won’t take Pharma’s drugs are misogynists and racists. Wow, things changed fast, no friggin’ way I’m moving there. They’re going to kill Montreal’s spirit and turn it into another Boston or New York.


yuck…big corporations are doing their “processed food” thing to cannabis


Ireland Puts Minimum Price on Alcohol to Curb Binge Drinking

The new rule, part of broader legislation aimed at stemming alcohol-related illnesses, sets a minimum price of one euro per standard drink and came into effect on Tuesday.

Some critics of the measure said it would unfairly penalize poorer people and those struggling with alcohol abuse.

“A flat tax of any kind is going to disproportionately affect those families on the lower scale of the economic pyramid,” said Róisín Nic Lochlainn, the student union president at the National University of Ireland, Galway. “It’s not going to stop people buying alcohol. It’s just going to push people further into poverty, especially people who live with addictions.”