Cannabis Current Events (Part 2)

our peeps in Ohio going to have to suffer in bondage a while longer :zipper_mouth_face:

COLUMBUS, Ohio (AP) – A group seeking to legalize marijuana possession and cultivation in Ohio has failed to gather enough valid signatures to put the issue in front of state lawmakers, Secretary of State Frank LaRose told the group in a letter Monday.

The Coalition to Regulate Marijuana Like Alcohol needed nearly 133,000 valid signatures but fell 13,062 short, reported.

One major development that went overlooked by the mass media is Flock Safety’s role in the ever-expanding network of police license plate readers. From January 2021-December 2021 law enforcement and neighborhood associations across the country have been installing Flock Safety license plate readers at a record pace.

It is my hope that others will see what I have documented and ask, “how can a private company get away with creating a nationwide license plate tracking system during a pandemic?”


NJ has come a long way
Sorry I believe you need to enlarge it to read it


interesting to hear Scutari explain why he still needs to send SWAT teams into your house & jail you for plants…the arrogance of the political class knows no bounds…your freedom means absolutely nothing to him


I didn’t read any sort of explanation. :stuck_out_tongue: Unless you count “homegrow would flood the market” and “marijuana is no longer illegal, and it’s not for sale anywhere” as an explanation… seems like one is the solution to the other, but that’s probably just my simplistic plebian outlook as someone who’s not getting his pockets lined by the pharmaceutical industry.


sounds like he’s saying “I’m a sleazeball and I won’t do anything unless I get paid” :smile: :smile: the gardeners of the world aren’t passing him any envelopes

The govt. has become more like a religious institution, like the Vatican, separated from democracy, just issuing decrees upon us at their whim. NJ growers can console themselves with Gandhi’s words:

“You assist an evil system most effectively by obeying its orders and decrees. An evil system never deserves such allegiance. Allegiance to it means partaking of the evil. A good person will resist an evil system with his or her whole soul.” – Gandhi


What’s the most ethical way to obtain flowers? Overgrow, baby!


I hope this trend continues to grow.


I read “He said he is not against it himself; however, “we gotta let this industry get off the ground.””

To me that says

“I’ve gotta let my campaign contributors, aka big pharma and big canna, get a hold on the market first”

This whole process has absolutely jaded my views on “Freedom” in this state / country…


Lots of money in being the first to market, with a captive demography not even allowed to try competing… haven’t you ever tried to change your cable provider in NJ? Legal monopolies are the way they like it. I’m sure there were lots of legally laundered bribes changing hands behind the scenes on the awarding of those 37 cultivator licenses.


Funny story you guys are abit younger and Wouldn’t know that at one point in time the garbage industry was all mobbed up well when I was a young man and I was running my first store as a manager I tried to cut expenses and I decided to call around to all the trash companies because there was a new guy on the block saying he would cut the prices( waste management) well I started getting phone calls from all the major garbage guys telling me what are you crazy that’s Castellanos route oh well when they started to show up in person and then I realized I’m a little bit too young to get my head kicked in for something as stupid as garbage
It’s the same thing that’s happening right now in our beloved canna industry everybody needs to make the money first and especially New Jersey is one of the most corrupt state going so politicians big Pharma and all the big businesses just got their hands in it and they’re afraid of a little mom and pop shop because they may do a better job than them are hell yeah we’re going to do a better job than they are they don’t know their ass from a hole in the wall let’s be serious ideally there is more than enough room for some craft growers and big Pharma to be involved nobody needs to get greedy us small guys are just interested in producing something good for ourselves and our family I’m too old to be a threat what’s wrong with this industry leave us alone OK one last thing I’m told I shouldn’t hold back that I should get all this stuff off my chest so I’m sorry about the rant

Better life through chemistry peace


I totally agree…

Ya don’t see Coors or Anheiser Busch feeling threatened by microbrewers… And ya don’t see every tom, dick and harry brewing their own stuff, most just wanna purchase it at the store, not even seeking it out from friends who brew… Why is this gonna be ANY different? Some home brewer isn’t putting his product on retailers shelves, nor do they care to most times. Wouldnt home growers be the same? You’ll have those who wanna grow their own shit (cannabis, tomatoes, hops), and those who just wanna go to the store and buy it already packaged up. I don’t see DelMonte or Dole being threatened by everybodys veggie gardens either!

It really is a money grab… no two ways to look at it… Make as much as they can as fast as they can… SMH

And I’ve been on this rock long enough to remember “waste management” lol. It was a very real thing, and still to this day probably real, just more white collar…


The whole of Europe is years ahead of the UK

Don’t think anything will Happen there in the near future.


This is what the exorbitant tax rates paid by NJ citizens buys them.
Sclerotic dysfunction at it’s finest.
Home growing is not even on the distant horizon.


When pot gets national legalization, we can expect this. Commercial pot. A complete industry ruled over by cartels and governments to squeeze every last dime out of their industrialized plants, collapsing the small legal farmer. Maybe try to pass laws constraining individual growers. I believe home grown will then become the “Connoisseurs Choice.”


Judge: Baton Rouge Violated the First Amendment by Trying To Imprison a Professor for Sharing Body Camera Footage

That footage, originally shared with Reason, was captured at a 2020 traffic stop. Baton Rouge Police Department (BRPD) officers cuffed 23-year-old Clarence Green and his 16-year-old brother, pulling down their pants on the sidewalk to look for drugs. Officer Troy Lawrence Jr. and then–Sgt. Ken Camallo subsequently went to the family’s home and searched it, weapons drawn, without a warrant.

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As much as I enjoy this conversation, and I know it can be loosely applied to cannabis and how governments control things, but it’s getting a little off topic and puts Calyxander in a position he may not enjoy, which is up setting people by removing it, because it’s more off topic than on.


Go cannabis!


Thanks for understanding my dilemma.

As much as I generally detest any and all censorship, I am obligated to adhere to OG’s
no political posting policy. Even short detours into the taboo realm of political discourse are
not acceptable here.

Apologies to any offended by these deletions.