Cannabis Current Events (Part 2)

That’s what I was thinking about the mitochondria and whatnot…


It would be very good if it does. Uncoupling our mitochondria affects everything health wise, as well as slowing and in some cases reversing the aging process. I would be puffing on that all day lol


I don’t need to fully comprehend it to be interested! :laughing:

Haven’t even heard of the concept before honestly.


Well we have a symbiotic relationship with mitochondrial bacteria in our body. They can communicate with our DNA ans switch bad genes off and good genes on. They try to keep our bodies as healthy as possible so they can live longer as well. It’s purely self preservation on their part to keep their host alive as long as possible.

Polyphenols and enzymes that are in plants turn mitochondria on, and so does fasting.

When they uncouple they create brown fat amongst other things, the more brown fat you have the faster your metabolism is.

When you eat spicy food, the heat you feel after is coming from the mitochondria uncoupling.


Interesting. You’re making me want to eat some wings now, you know for the health benefits :laughing:

What exactly do you mean by uncouple though? If they communicate and switch genes off and on wouldn’t you want them coupled? Or do you mean you free them up to work their magic elsewhere which is beneficial?


Basically that yes. When they uncouple they multiply. They constantly monitor your bodies health and internal environment they only want the best for you, they recognize unhealthy genes and cells and alert your immune system to deal with them.

When your mitochondria are low that’s when problems like cancer start.


So it would seem there is a chance that smoking the right weed may actually help you live longer.
I know I may be reaching with that statement but if what you say is true then it could in fact be true. :thinking:
Very interesting indeed.
Thanks for sharing. :star_struck:


I think its Harvard University that has been doing trials and can now reverse the age of mice. They have twin mice after 1 year they treat one with mitochondrial stem cells and have reversed the age of the mouse compared to its brother by half and kept it at that age until its brother died.

THC and CBD may also cause mitochondrial uncoupling as they both have positive effects on cancer, but THCV may cause it more. They are only scratching the surface of our cannabinoid system atm.


Glad to see that the VT CCB is making inquiries, but damned if it doesn’t make us look like total fucking jabronies to have “not known about that” folks have been chirping about this for a while, long before VT rec started. All this lip service to keeping things locally owned in this state and yet there are still giant MSOs like this one afoot


Somehow nobody seems to have noticed, or give a damn at any rate, that the governor of NJ is running an ad campaign with Curaleaf in direct contradiction of his own laws… at least the spirit of the law. I guess the law doesn’t directly forbid government dealings with lobbying organizations funded and led by businesses that are majority-owned by Russian oligarchs, as long as someone’s done the paperwork to make it look like they’re American. He’s still talking about social equity through all this, even as most of the licensed businesses in the state are owned by MSOs and all the equity program is doing is scamming poor people out of their money through usurious application fees and draconian compliance programs.

Governor Murphy Signs Legislation Prohibiting Government Dealings With Businesses Associated with Russia or Belarus

I might be behind the times; at first I was going to say that every single licensed business in NJ is owned by MSOs. Looks like they’ve actually started awarding licenses to small businesses, now that the megacorps have already established themselves. “This opening marks a significant milestone as Suzan is the first black woman and the first female to own a cannabis license in New Jersey.”


Yea that seems to be the way a lot of states are playing it: award licenses to the little guy after the MSOs have had their head start and gotten a firm grip on the market. “Alright, here you go little guy, keep up if you can” :cry:


Corruption and mediocrity on parade
The Garden State is adrift in a sea of turpitude.


That’s probably for the better. You know how the media can be. Cannabis re-scheduling is still a very contentious issue. What’s probably going to happen in more than a few jurisdictions is that it’ll still be illegal, but cops won’t be able to actually DO much of anything about it. Even the authoritarian dickbags over at SAM (Smart Approaches to Marijuana) think it should still be illegal, but possession and cultivation should be decriminalized. Some say decrim is the ‘worst of both worlds’, but it’s actually quite the opposite. Decrim means everyone wins. The cops can still grandstand for news cameras, but people like us can still do our thing, as long as it’s quiet.


It could go down like in Hawaii right now. :thinking:


As long as you’ve got the Deceptocrats and Republicons steering the ship, I would expect more attempts at restriction/control.


It’s a process, one in which we’ll be dealt setbacks. Whenever you get frustrated at an apparent lack of progress, think back to 10 years ago. It wasn’t until then than ANY state opted to legalize, and it was extremely controversial and contentious. I’ve watched legalization of cannabis go from being impossible to inevitable. Even Republicans are jumping on the legalization bandwagon. The process is going to be slow and convoluted, but it’s picking up more and more momentum every day.


Fair enough, I too have followed legalization from the start.
I said from the beginning, don’t take the first deal given.

I think most would agree things could have been done a lot better.
So what if this type of legalization is not the best thing for the people?
What if all legal weed has to be purchased from a store?
And all other is considered black market.

So yea, that kind of legalization will be the cats ass for those who like to buy Walmart weed.

To me, legalization should/could be soo much more.
It would seem now more than ever before, money and power make all the rules these days not the voice of the people.

I myself, am not as optimistic that the Govt. will prioritize the people over greed and power.


Today in the Emerald Triangle, we are seeing more business vacancies. During the illegal period Humboldt State University (now Humboldt Poly Tech) created a study stating 20% to 30% of the economy was due to the illegal market. Today, most of the money that had been going to these businesses, is now going to local, county and state governments.