Cannabis Current Events (Part 2)

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I ask people about some old-school dry sift and they look at me like I’ve got a phallic object protruding from my forehead. And charas…they’ve never heard of it. It’s all about “bag appeal” and flashy names anymore. On the other hand, we’ve made a whole hell of a lot of progress. I’ll take the problems that come with legalization over the ones that come with prohibition every day of the week, and twice on Sunday.


myself i would rather get 2-4 ounces off a couple of plants instead of a half poud of garbage weed that i wouldnt smoke or even give away . personally if people know i am the grower i want it to be the best smoke in flavor smoothness and the nbest high it can be wether its indica my preference or sative. IMHO


From the article:

  • We get rid of the excise taxes and any/all red tape standing in between the grower and the consumer so small growers can make a living.

If anyone that grew, could sell, even on a small scale the quality would get better.
We would have a race to the top, not a race to the bottom.

I wanna put a lemonade stand on my street corner. :wink:


I agree, but I feel it is time for us to look for a form of legalization that works better.
We know what to expect if new states follow the current model.
To me it is foolish to continue down this same path of destruction.

For me the current form of legaization is not for the people, it is without a doubt for the money! :money_mouth_face: :money_mouth_face: :money_mouth_face:



Weed growers say they’re overtaxed under Nevada scheme

Fixes would cost state millions a year


yes the defintion of insanity is doing the same thing over and over and expecting a different out come several topics in the news come to mind…not being political or anything ya know :upside_down_face: :laughing:


South of the border compressed brown from the 1980s is superior to half the cannabis in Missouri dispensaries. Cannabis in Missouri is a Corporate made monopoly, low production costs, low employment pay and benefits, low quality cannabis at the highest possible prices. We have 1/8ths selling for $57 that are mid grade at best.


That’s so far beyond pathetic, however a very compelling reason for more consumers to Overgrow baby! Regardless of the misguided “law”.

To me, it has been well worth the risk for the past 53 years.


That’s ridiculous, especially for a legal state. At least MO allows home grows. Some states are just as draconian about home grows as illegal states were in the fucking 80s. I bet some cops out that way are about 10 shades of pissed they can’t fuck with people over weed anymore.

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Just saw this on Farcebook… pot, or a “form” of pot going interstate? Weird…the ad pushes Delta-8 rather than Delta - 9 THC. weird, the address on the page shows something about raised bed containers. Maybe to throw off the legals? If it is legal and does get you high, then this could be where the big money steps in and takes over. Get regular seeds while you can.

Thousands of Americans are already getting

high legally with THC, and now you can too!

As featured in

How to get high with legal THC

Because of the 2018 Farm Bill, you can enjoy 100% legal cannabis.

You’ve heard the buzz,

but what’s THC all about?

Delta-8 is a form of THC. It’s structurally similar to Delta-9 THC, the

major intoxicating ingredient in marijuana. But unlike its marijuana
cousin, D8 is federally legal and also legal in most states.


Links removed. No solicitation of finished goods.


Former House Speaker Rick Johnson, others charged in marijuana bribery case


Good. I don’t tolerate corruption and neither should anyone else.


but can ya get the hoes as a freebee? :thinking: :grinning:

It’s just processed hemp. Nothing to panic-buy seeds of, anyway.


British American Tobacco Invests $10 Million in CBD Brain Drug

  • Partner is Charlotte’s Web, a CBD firm that BAT invested in

  • Deal is part of BAT’s plan to diversify away from cigarettes

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