Cannabis Current Events (Part 2)

Gimme the money, please.

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Thought the alphabet boys already been sucking up all the info on the interwebs like kirby


Seems more like a public relations piece to make everybody feel good about /justify having their 4th amendment rights violated on a daily basis


From the woman whose application was deniedā€¦ but we donā€™t know why as of yet. I imagine the East Orange city council must record their meetings, maybe they say why they were denying her company the license?

I presume East Orange will have more than one retail establishment? She makes it sound like they were deciding between the two businesses and hers lost out, but it isnā€™t clear thatā€™s the case.


Still 4th amendment violations in most peopleā€™s estimation, that legal jargon doesnā€™t change the reality on the ground of the unconstitutional stasi-like surveillance state we call home. The Obama White House commissioned a study that showed zero terrorist plots were foiled because of our mass surveillance system, so what gives? The so-called Patriot Act/USDAA also provides cover for indefinitely suspending haebeous corpus (due process) at will and allows Uncle Sam to assassinate US citizens on US soil ā€” that kind of flies in the face of what our country is all about.


My favorite quote from an prof I once hadā€¦ ā€œRemember, itā€™s a court of law, not a court of justice.ā€

In other words, it doesnā€™t matter how we feel about it. Third party doctrine is precedent, until SCOTUS decides that we have a broad privacy interest in information we willing send to third parties a person probably wonā€™t have much success arguing warrantless searches of that transmitted information raise 4th amendment privacy issues.

ETA: Also, not supposed to be talking politics in here, trying to toe the line.


It was a good ride, Mass was smart to be the first regulated adult use retail market on the east coast.


Thatā€™s what I always say, we need courts of the truth, not courts of law. Why donā€™t they just polygraph test everyone in a court as plaintive and defense, it would be quicker, less expensive for the public and there would be no miscarriage of justice.

The lawyers would be screwed for a change as we wouldnā€™t need them, so itā€™s not going to happen.

After 4 years of dealing with workers compensation, my caseworker said to me, after my first case refusal, itā€™s not what is true, itā€™s what you can prove that matters, which was a mistake on her part as being a lateral thinker I then understood itā€™s also what someone canā€™t disprove, and the balance is always with the injured person. So I stuck to my fight and won after another 3 years.


Definitely not a slow week for Jersey politiciansā€¦ Iā€™m running out of Jersey thing memes!

Sadly, the paper already put a paywall up on it, so not much use following the link. I read it before the paywall was up though; theyā€™re not entirely doing it for the right reasons, but at least itā€™s the right thing to do. Theyā€™re dealing with worker safety and mistreatment, DGAF that Gov. Murphy is in bed with the Russian oligarch who owns the companyā€¦


Ditch your phone.


Because they are unreliable. Iā€™m a generally nervous guy and would fail one for sure.


It almost seems like that was the real reason for the patriot act. :thinking:

If we keep sliding into the political realm the moderators are going to step in.


I smoked a cow once but it was for eating.


I presume hempcake is probably much better than a lot of the stuff they feed cows (on an industrial scale).


Tell this to my Quebecois friends I have sent seedsā€¦

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Yes Iā€™d be inclined to agree.

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I hope Quebec never becomes independent. :angry: