Cannabis and Fibromyalgia

Hey guys. I have an amazing friend in my life that suffers from fibro. Im making this thread to collect as much info on helping people with fibro using cannabis (and anything else really).
Please post as much as you know, links, threads, articles, posts, pictures, everything. I wanna collect as much as i can to read myself and to show her. Maybe we will find something she hasnt tried that actually helps!:slight_smile: thanks a lot overgrow family! Much love​:heart:


Hi @lotus710. Thanks for the topic. Sorry but I don’t have first hand experience. I’ve heard that heavy indica are working best for this diagnosis. What experience does your friend have using stony indicas?

She has used every kind of cannabis she could find. She found some GTH#1 oil that worked. But it was from the government and they were jacking her with their prices.

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For pain, I recommend a cultivar named “Chemo” that was created at the University of BC. It’s function is pain relief. It’s a pretty popular clone here in Ontario, with up to 26%THC.


Damn ima need to find this clone! I wish i lived closer to van so i can actually get cuts!

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I just might “know a guy” who has it :wink:
I have patients with MS. They usually report the best pain relief from high THC varieties, specifically pine-smelling kush cultivars for some reason, (like the “chemo”).


I need to meet “this guy” and get some clone shippers;) hahahahaha