Cannabis GMO

Yes that’s what I would be afraid of. Maybe you can keep everything separate and know the dangers of accidentally or purposely cross pollinating something and then releasing it to unsuspecting growers. But other people might not be so careful. If the Frankenstein genes get mixed in with a regular crop it could cause untold damage to the lineage forever


This is why bio ethics is something that needs to be considered. Of course the way our society works, it will be fastest way to get profit. That probably means that they will get the 10x trichomes and increased THC and bulk and terps etc on demand. The boutique/craft/old school stuff will be what we are doing now. It’ll be “grandpa weed” because it won’t be able to keep up. 1 by 1 breeders will die or give up due to lack of sustainability and it will go back to hobbyists like you and me who keep it alive. Back to the way it was before partial Legalization. Rogue “purists” who cherish their old untainted “natural” genetic information.


Grow one or 2 out for fun and distribute the rest to anyone interested

Same answer I got I just hadn’t posted it up yet lol

Your name is on there. Maybe you do not care.

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Nah I don’t care im legal. Thanks for asking tho I appreciate it

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I use axiom harpin cheat codes that were made from piss of gmo bacteria.
I’m gonna try to make my own gmos with oryzalin.

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The tools are there for someone with more computational power.