Cannabis GMO

@CocoaCoir so it seems that lab got back to me pretty quick! They got back to me in like an hour 5 min and asked if I wanted transformations of my genes or edits. I said umm neither I was just asking if yall had any extra seeds leftover for sale lmao


I’m going to ask the big brain lady next to be the difference between a transformation and edit.

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There you go! I emailed that lady back and said im no big time grower just a cultivator interested in what they have going on and was curious if their was any seeds from the study leftover for sale. Hopefully I’ll hear something tomorrow morning but ill keep you guys posted


@HighTilliDie she’s trying to figure out how to explain this to her dumbass husband.

Edit -
Transformations = Jurassic World (introducing new DNA)
Edits = crispr

Ok that’s not exactly right but good enough for my needs.

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Lmfao that’s a lot more than I had before so ill take it!

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I guess transformation is adding something to the DNA that isn’t present. I used jurassic world because they injected cuttle fish DNA into the dinosaur. Lol. I’m not the scientist.

Can you ask what transformations they offer? I’m super curious now.

Phenotyping is a “future service” on their website.

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That’s cool. That’s actually really cool if it is what I think it is. I wonder if they are building their own database or using one already available.

Yeah I figured that was leaning towards the cannabis

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I sent another email asking about what transformations they offer for the “people” asking in the forum and said if she didn’t mind breaking it down there might be a few people here interested in the information they provide

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We are very curious for sure. In the information and services/pricing.



Oh you want some seeds do you. lol
Those will be the most expensive seeds you’ve ever bought. But I think you could get it patented and name it after yourself :rofl:


I also sent a email to that Mike Peterson who Alvar had cc’d in the email and asked about any leftover seeds available, minimum order amount, and cost. The prices for them to transform a strain is listed in at the top. The bottom one is for molecular service. Anyways for transformation it’s $6,720 for entry


I already have a 14-18% CBG only variety derived from indica and it would be nice to compare. There’s been something about CBG for neurodegenerative disorders let me check…


I like the term “neuroprotective.”


I had the thought while driving home from work today, maybe GMO weed is how we finally get the road kill skunk?


The head of the hemp dept at the crop innovation center in UW Madison got back to me and said that they do not currently have enough seed numbers for distribution. He did say that they are currently working on bulking up a feminized line. Of course they wouldn’t release regs. He said in about 3 months or so that they should be available. I will keep you all updated.


If you manage to get some seeds. What are you planning to do with them?


I want to compare the high CBG no THC/CBD variety I have that was created through “traditional” breeding practices to the germline edited UW seeds to see if they have the same effect.

Stuff like this comes with an even larger responsibility than normal. Imagine a basement pollen chucker hitting every GSC “elite” cut with some CBG/tomato pollen to get tomato colored buds. Once it is out there, it cannot be contained. It forever stains the genome.

You can’t put the genie back in the bottle.