Cannabis going mainstream: are we marketing to kids?

I think you guys are overthinking things.

Why is it bad to market a toy, or a video game (and i mean a clearly childish game & not violent 1st person shooters), directly towards a child? :man_shrugging:t2:.

You may not believe this, but, most of that marketing towards kids really sparks their imaginations; think about it, marketing a doll to a kid isn’t indoctrinating or even brainwashing them into wanting it. A kid either likes a thing or they don’t, and when they do, they REALLY REALLY do :man_shrugging:t2::rofl: lol

You guys are splitting hairs a bit IMO

What if thier parents can’t afford it. How old does a child have to be to learn fiscal responsibility.

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And devout atheists. :slight_smile:


I mean you don’t have to burden your kids with the atrocities of paying bills, but you can responsibly explain to a child the inability to afford a thing.


Eh, I think we should just impose bigger punishment on people who contribute to the delinquency of the/ir children instead of limiting privilege of trivial things to the majority of the populace who tend to be responsible. I’m a firm believer in the “it takes a village” mindset, but also, fuck them kids.


LOL, fuck them kids. I agree with that to an extent

But on the flipside, I also say fuck the village :man_shrugging:t2: and the biggest reason for that is the majority of people are absolute fucking idiots & wouldn’t trust em with a can of kidney beans let alone my kids


Kids , Leave Them The Fuck Alone. Same as Cannabis seedlings.


I’m not in favor of it, but I’m not in favor of big cannabis in general. I dont market my cannabis, so it doesnt really concern me. c’est la vie.


Bad way to lead. This is typically said by underthinkers.

I could think of a LOT of reasons why this would be bad. Don’t ask a question you don’t want an (hours worth of) answer to. :slight_smile:

As a parent, I do believe it. I know it, too. It sparks their imagination to a DEGREE, though. LOTS of things spark a kid’s imagination. Books. Movies. Fables. Fairytales. But marketing? THAT has a point of view, and that POV is ALWAYS in favor of the marketer, which means it puts the kid at LEAST second, which means it can’t be good.

First off, this is unrelated to the previous line, right? Even though they’re in the same sentence.

Second of all, re-read that please: it’s so full of shit, I can’t see out. Advertising of any kind is brainwashing. Period, end of story.

True, but this would only matter in a weird world where kids saw something once and never saw it again. Kids are, uh, persuadable, shall we say?

So yeah. . .

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When we were kids , we got a Battleship game from the church. My neighbor and I played it so much the pegs would no longer stand upright. We had gotten a TV and I saw the Electronic Battleship, with full on blasting sound ! And crash sound upon a hit ! I Only wanted that for my 7th Christmas and I got it. My Great Uncle came in long enough to get it for me. I immediately set it up and it worked about 5 minutes. Broken , we couldn’t even play manually and it sat on the shelf waiting to go back for years until they threw it away. So yeah , I’m adverse to marketing and I despise electronic technology. Coincidence, maybe.


Sorry to hear that you’re in marketing. I definitely don’t entirely think that you and all your ilk are evil incarnate and responsible for most of the problems in the world. Only about halfway, and that you’re merely doing the bidding of evil incarnate. Congratulations. :slight_smile:

As far as what “we’re” doing with marketing, I’m not marketing shit to anyone, just trying to stay out of prison for daring to keep a garden while all the soccer moms having anxiety attacks about their precious children getting their hands on drugs flip out about this and make it explicitly political, to the extent that it’s not already. I haven’t heard anyone take any stances at the podium yet, but I’m pretty sure I even know how the party lines will be drawn. Talk to Berner and all the Cookies execs about this nonsense, maybe you can convince them that their bottom line will be impacted by continuing to name things this way. Otherwise it’s not gonna stop, so what’s the point of this conversation?


@Cormoran ,you maybe missed the part where he was hired To market to us.


who was hired?

If he was hired to market to us, I haven’t seen any evidence of his actually doing so… maybe he’s working for someone in the industry and trying to do a cheap focus group, but even if so, this is the wrong demographic. We’re all already smokers here and most of us are unlikely to be buying, this is a growing site. Not much of a market to break into. If he actually starts though, the mods aren’t far away and marketing for a major brand without a sponsorship is a definite no-no. :man_shrugging:


You’re right, they’re the reason marketing works/is a thing in the first place. I’m gonna smoke weed no matter what you call it and there’s no amount of cute traps and most interesting men in the world, in the world, paraded around on TV and billboards to make me want to drink.

I can’t even imagine how screwed we are in the coming years and the advancement of AI video and instant tailored ads using all the crap people have posted online to draw from. “Hey, did you know gramma loved to shop at Walmart? Here’s a video of her buying that crap you loved that year for christmas” “Heres a video of what will happen if you buy your loved one this crap.” Might not have to worry about it since I can’t see anything positive coming from its probable use in politics and advancement towards the end of our species, lol.


Maybe I misunderstood, you’re here for the good will,maybe.


Jeezus christ, talk about brainwashing :roll_eyes: i literally want to wash my brain off with soap & water sometimes after hearing some of this and similar nonsense

Curious how you expect someone to sell an item without advertising or marketing it? :man_shrugging:t2:. Haven’t you ever discovered a product and thought or said “i wish I’d heard of this sooner” yeah, well you would’ve if it wasn’t for navy66 & the marketing gestapo :wink::rofl: lol i kid. Kinda.

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Marketing IS NOT brainwashing. BRAINWASHING is brainwashing

What KPIs equate to marketing success with the website?

there’s one KPI for me: have a sponsor happy that they sponsored with OG.