Cannabis going mainstream: are we marketing to kids?

for some strange reason the “flinstones kids” theme song popped into my head. (10 million strong… and growing)



Just like anywhere else.

Some people want to build, some people want to tear down.

Moving on.

Thanks to all of you who were enjoying an interesting discussion. I’m sorry you had to witness my reactions, but I will stand by them regardless.

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Now this says you don’t give a shit about the members here. Am I reading it wrong because I’m stupid? Where’s your supporter badge?

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edit: Cleaned some of this. Keep this on topic and end the bickering.



I made every effort to welcome almost every viewpoint, engage with people, elaborate on things, and let the convo go on its way.

Once again, we can’t even have a thought provoking discussion.

I took a lot of crap before I responded.

My words and the facts were butchered.

It’s not okay to make fun of people’s livelihood choices.

Especially when they have to pay big ass bills and can’t do what they love, because they HAVE to make money to raise their kid because mom split.

I’d never mock a farmer, or a mechanic, or a garbageman, or a nurse, or anyone.

And no, I didn’t want to create a shit show but I made the mistake of thinking I was in a good place.


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Hey everyone, let’s turn that frown upside down. 3 winners will be picked!


I like this a lot. :wink:
But there is the problem.
Cookies don’t smell or taste anything like cookies.
I could name hundreds of names like this.
The marketing is false advertising…as if that were a thing anymore…LOL

Then we have the cartoon packaging.
I think advanced nutrients had something to do with that.
Who needs 12 bottles with cartoons on it to grow a plant?

I do graphics and folks only wanted cartoons for seed pack designs.
I asked why not something professional…nope cartoons.
Reminds me of wacky packages.

Oh and as far as names go…
You could get sued for using names close to anything trademarked.

Josey wales was sued by Gorilla Glue.


This is sad, I am with ya.
Why do folks feel the need to be mean?

This happens a lot to me, so I feel ya here…
I simply ask why?

Not ever. :wink:

This community is not as it appears.


I can’t speak for everyone, but, at a glance, as a person who not only appreciates a good product, I’m also a sucker for a good logo and/or slogan. … a “cartoony” logo on a pack of seeds intrigues me more than something that looks like it’s trying to be too serious :man_shrugging:t2: that’s just me.

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This community is FAN FREAKIN TASTIC.

As in life; you get out of it what you put into it. I will always tout this as one of, if not THE best online cannabis community. I frickin LOVE it here. Sorry if you guys don’t :man_shrugging:t2:


It’s a great place, truly unique. Don’t find too many places like this on the net that’s for sure.


I hate to say that’s an inherent risk of forum life :man_shrugging:t2: not to excuse thievery in any way. But i mean it’s the Internet, you have to hedge your bets when dealing with strangers. I myself have been gifted half my seed stash from people solely here.


I don’t even smoke weed… most of the time


Children don’t have money. By advertising to them they are being used as a tool to manipulate parents into buying things that they end up playing with once. Our upcoming garage sale will be testimate to that.

When they get to an age where they become self aware and have actual real interests then things get fuzzy. The amount of Lego ads I drooled over as a kid was near problematic. I didn’t have money but I was truly interested in those things and still have them to this day. Hell I still stop and look at the Lego isle when I’m in the store. They got this sweet Optimus prime, and the ecto 1 from ghost buster… Ahem… As I was saying.

Advertising trash products to children with no agency over themselves is abhorrent and immoral to say the least. As always there’s a line, just where does it fall and does anyone care if they step over it?


My opinion is that most of the names really aren’t marketed towards children… but to lazy adults with money. These names feel like they want their product to be seen as a sweet treat you can enjoy throughout the day. And then the alcohol companies piggyback and start using names more in line with cannabis terms and the goal is to get adults to use these things more recreationally. I mean… does biscotti or gelato really sound more childish than dude where’s my bike or moontang? For adults who are purely recreational consumers, it feels like they want something that sounds good that they sort of already know they like instead of just reading bunch of words next to each other that make no sense like xj13 or a5.

The packaging itself though could be argued towards kids I guess. Bright colors and whatnot. I don’t know. I like when products market themselves :tada:


That’s a very interesting question and point of view.
For me no tabu there, while referring to cannabis you can name it anyhow that will be attached to our habits.
As with cars you have very suggestive names and within the right ccontext there is no evil there.
People education need to be more evolved placing marketing names with the product, or else… Chiken pot pie, pot atos, don’t have pot in it…

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But the ingredients are made in a pot for chicken pot pie…


Totally aimed at kids. Not a fan of the packaging, but product is nice.



Try to remember that these people don’t personally know you or the details of what you do on an everyday level

People have heated opinions about marketing because it is not always used appropriately and ethically. Some people will forget that you are not responsible for the whole industry or its actions.

So again, try and remember that their negative comments are directed at your industry’s negative actions, and that’s just one aspect of a whole. It’s not really about you as a person, even if it comes across that way.

To address your initial question

Here in canada they have standards for cannabis and alcohol. The names are regulated to some degree and they cannot market the products too much, or in specific regulated ways.

I would agree with say, no usage of cartoon characters, childproof packaging, approval of color schemes etc. I don’t agree that strain names like gelato strawberry sherbet should be changed though. Children shouldn’t have access to these products intended for adults. Advertising specific products shouldn’t be done in public, as in physical ads visible to the general public and underage folks.

It’s reasonable to say, like, no breakfast cereal names because those are marketed towards children very specifically. Adults don’t eat trix commonly. Adults do eat candy though.

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The names are terrible and do need some more thought put in them. The packaging is what is on the Feds radar. Marketing and Ads are not brain washing. They are tools to put an idea in your mind and to get you to accept something you never though of for yourself.