Cannabis history

Hi OG,since I started growing autos I ve really loved It,watching them hatch,grow and ripen.
I love It all.
But I Ve started to look at the market with a different Eye.
I know automatic plants are quite new and what I would like to know is the story of the plant itself and the oldest possible strain avaible which are not contaminated by today’s commercial crosses.

I would like you to tell me about the strongest,the most pungent,the purest strains we got out there avaible or how one could achieve an automatic cross that will result in the same without the photoperiod trait.
I would like you to talk,express yourself and your ideas,your experiences and your stories.

I would like to see this thread expand so don’t bother with the text walls

Example:I understood the best strains for hash come from Pakistan or Afghanistan,what are they,what Is a landrace?
I Ve Heard a lot about Acapulco Gold,what Is that?Is It still avaible as a non contaminated strain?

Tagging @DougDawson to bring some veterans over here if you don’t mind Brother,and,thank you a lot.


I am not much help but when I think of cannabis history I think of @SHSC-1 :wink:

Good luck on your journey


I would vouch to say @ReikoX and @Mr.Sparkle are probably the most prevalent auto growers/breeders on site and probably have a good bit of knowledge on the start of crossing c. sativa and c. indica with c. ruderalis and the beginnings and further research and development of autoflowering strains


I would agree with @toastyjakes recommendations. When I think autos, I think @ReikoX, @Mr.Sparkle and I would also tag @BasementBeans as I know he has done a pile of work with autos.


I’ve seen ruderalis listed for sale within this past year that are supposedly being collected from the wild, so I’m thinking with some care to your sources you could get a fully wild type still.


thanx for the tag @shag although my knowledge of auto flower genetics and breeding them is extremely limitted.
I can’t see it being any different than breeding any other cannabis. Sourcing the right genetics to fit your desired end goal would be the challenge.
Really you are just selecting for traits and breeding towards the end goal.
Now there may be tricks of the trade that those who have bred autos for years are practicing in thier selection processes but I’m not aware of them.

So if I was going blind into an auto flower project, first I would write down my clear end goals and what I expect to accomplish. Then I would look for known and trusted sources for non hybridized “ruderalis”. For the other half of the equation , your selected photoperiod plants.
combine the two and start popping seeds and only keep the ideal plants… be ruthless in selection. Always working towards the auto flower traits and the flavors/effects desired. No idea how many generations you will need to hunt and recombine but I can’t see it being any different than any other breeding program that seeks to isolate and amplify certain traits be they flavors, structure, flowering time, potency , auto flowering , ect ect.

That’s my 2 bits anyways.


Ruderalis from the Ural region

I’ve not grown auto’s only photoperiod.


@Star_Dog I ve read It.Seems a good ruderalis to start with.The only issues Is when I cross It I cannot check the THC and cbd contents,Is there any home kit to check cannabinoids contents?


Hey @Andrexl it’s an interesting cultivar, its not quite what i expected.
For thc/cbd testing I’m not familiar with that side of things.

Best of luck with your search for suitable stock.

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i dont know the history though alot of older stuff would of originated from siberian ruderalis, of old varietals the two that stand out in my mind that were at or around when the first wave of autos came about and considering were kinda in the late second or start of the third wave in my mind as its just common place now.

But those would of been the original Lowryder, and Mighty Mite


image image


i remember those pics what they were associated to i cant remember


Hey @Andrexl . You should check out “The Real Seed Company” website. They have several “wild type” strains and many are autoflowers. And their blog is very informative.


I am interested in a pure ruderalis and pure landraces/strains that are untouched or not much processed or crossed with strong strong effects or big yield of extracts
@RainToday Will have a read Thanks
@Mr.Sparkle I know those 2 are the precursor to the big autos we have today


No better way to keep that density and small stature in autos than using a little lowryder in it


Yep still around for a reason! You can get the original from Joint Doctor on Cannapot still:


Are they good?I Ve read across lot of Pages in the net that they were very low yielding.
Also,I Need a pure ruderalis strain,are those good starting point to make some good photoperiodic automatic version


If you wanted to use landrace autos like ruderalis I think this would be a good option too:

As to Lowryder use the search bar my friend lots of people have grown it here and everywhere it’s one of the best documented modern strains since it started the whole autoflower movement. Yes yields are small but all full autos that are wild and hardy will be, autos that yield well are a very new thing to be able to depend on.


Lol im in an area where there is soooo much wild, fast, giant growing hemp every summer… could get you a billion seeds or enough pollen to ruin everyone on OGs fem grows lol


Ask DJ Short the man IS the Pionner with ruderalis

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