Please read and let me know what you think. Please!

Last summer one of my best buddies and his brother went in halfs on a bag of weed. He called me up a couple days later saying they both felt it was some of the best weed they’d smoked in a number of years. Then he says, “and we found 13 seeds in the bag” do you want them. Of course being a certified seed whore of course I said yes.

About 2 months later I was finishing up a grow and decided to see if those bag seeds would germinate and see what they would produce. So I dropped five, four sprouted and were growing pretty well. They were under what many would consider to be a toy light, an older 80 watt blurple light. So here is where the question comes in.

I had the four plants growing in 1 gallon pots, they were about 30ish days old when I noticed preflowers on one of them. The other three had no preflowers. A week later the oddball started to flower at about 38 days old. The other three still nothing so I pitched them as the oddball had piqued my interest.

How would you explain a bag seed flowering in under 40 days under 18/6 lighting? You think a commercial grower was running autos? Maybe some equatorial strain?

What I ended up doing with it was pollinate it with reversed Fast Buds Strawberry Pie pollen and got 50 seeds off it. My buddy goes by the nickname Bro and his brother is named Mark so I called the strain BroMar. I have to figure strongly that the seeds are fem autos.

What do you guys and gals think?


I can offer 2 scenarios,

  1. a self pollinated fast version would make seeds where 25% are full auto

  2. some lines can start flowering when root bound or generally stressed

My 2cents


I can rule out #2 as the plant was relatively small and in a 1 gallon pot after being up-potted from a solo cup about 10 days before it showed it’s pre-flowers.

I’m not sure I understand what you mean in #1. You’re thinking it may have been a plant grown from seeds produced by crossing an auto with a photo? If so the first run of seeds from that cross I believe would not produce any full auto plants.


Sound like you could pop those other eight beans?

But now that I re reread it i see what your asking 🤦 lol

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Say the guys were running cream caramel fast version (auto x photo) they are all carrying the auto gene without it being expressed. Assuming the seeds your friends found came from the plant self pollinating, they’d come out 25% auto, 50 fast and 25% full photo.

It’s a long shot :grinning_face_with_smiling_eyes:


I’ve had sativas start showing sex at 60 days while vegging. Not that it applies here, but I’m curiously following along.

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So being that I crossed the plant expressing the auto trait with pollen from an auto plant all the seeds from that cross will be autoflowers eh?

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Oh something too. A couple years ago I had reversed a GG#4 girl to make S1 seeds. During her grow I also had a Sour Diesel Haze auto growing and pollinated her a bit and made about 100 seeds. I would guess that about 60 or 70 of those seeds were grown out and zero autos.

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My local dispensarys offer Mephisto strain name flowers… but iv never stepped foot in one.

So yes. I’d say auto’s have and are being offered in commercial flower.


My Texada heirloom’s That were in smaller pots Did this half ass auto flower type thing that’s not auto flowering but is a half veg half throw pistil clusters thing and I never could shake it.Some landracy stuff likes to pull a half ass auto flower and throw a shit fit in smaller pots.Never hit a day of 12/12 always on 18/6 decided to just Pollinate it and leave it in the tent with the BOG twins and make some BOGWarp Bigger pots and more nitrogen never was able to snap it back to full veg

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They were in smaller containers to help with the stretch when flipping the lights.

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I was trying to do the same thing these ones to moderate for space.The heirloom Texada almost need to be started in a 5 gallon container from seed to be Honest.They grew rootballs so fast they filled pots to the point I almost had to cut them out the pots they were packed didn’t matter 3 weeks later and bam needed a bigger pot.That stuff needs to be grown outdoor it wants to throw deep tap roots

Just a thought here…
Some plants/cultivars don’t like the purple LED lights.
That kind of LED made one of mine flower a while back, I found it very weird it did not happen to anything else.
Just one plant, never happened again either.
But the plant died and I was not able to clone it, they never rooted.

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Assuming the plant that flowered under 18/6 was auto, yes

In this case, the seeds were gorilla sour diesel haze glue#4 fast version (only gene carrier) :yum:

Over the years I had a bunch of stuff start flowering precipitously under longer days.

Green gold by rgs did it
Freezeland bx
Skunk crosses
Mighty might
Purple Nepal
Zombie virus

Usually only a couple plants per batch did it, most green gold flowered under 24h though


Well I can back that up. The chocolate haze purple Thai pheno did the same. A half veg to flower and revert in a 4” pot. I wanted to restrict its height but it kept flowering after a time. Tried to root a clone and couldn’t do it. Maui sativa pheno is like it, so it’s been replaced.


Mine keeps stretching up and out stacking budsites everywhere but not in full flower if that makes sense


I guess there is a chance the cultivar I had coulda had some auto genes in her.
I really did not consider that at the time and blamed the light…LOL
That is the exact reason we do experiments with a control. :wink:


It’s the big one in the corner only one in flower half ass.Everything got sulpher for an IPM and it shot up 5 inches in two days


Sweet tooth was notorious for flowering if she even knew she was in a pot :joy: