Oregon, earlier this year, has banned for sale Azamax (azadirachtin) due to possible adulteration with bifenthrin and permethrin. https://www.oregon.gov/ODA/programs/Pesticides/Documents/2018Advisories/AzaMax.pdf
Azadirachtin, itself, has historically been considered safe with low human toxicity. There has been some concerns with possible bio-accumulation leading to toxicity (CHS). However, there isn’t a definitive link at this point (that I’m aware of). If the Aza products are truly adulterated, this is perhaps more damning.
Along with the concern of accumulated toxicity of azadirachtin, I believe Parry America (e.g. via general hydroponics) has made a statement that the levels of the noted adulterants are below the regulatory levels and/or not used in the manufacturing of the product. They are disputing the test results from Oregon. Not that is of any comfort.