Cannabis microscopy

ok here you can look 'em in the beady eye. And say…not today thrips.

did someone call for synthetic fibers?


Once you take a photo of the control group, you can compare it to other samples. Hey…Anyone care for some bugshit? Totally organic man!!!

compare that to the control group:

You have to keep going back to look at some Goodness among the nast lol or else it gets depressing.


hell make sure to stop and smell the trichomes along the way. Money shots like this play great!

Find that “perfect trichome” under lower power then slide it higher while focusing on your target. Adjust the microscopes focus then take several photos, not every one of them is a winner.


Flea beatles don’t really go for weed, but I killed one anyways just so you could see it.


wow some unreal photos from the study on spider mites. They can only travel 90cm from the host on foot!

Their colony was surrounded by inhospitable nothing, I wanted to see how long they could live if there was nothing to feast on but metal surfaces and the host plant. They can’t go far!


mildew colony got hurt bad. Do you see how the microscope can be used to crush your enemies as well? Nothing like seeing if that thing you did just wiped them out or made them angry.


I detect…evil. Looks like a thrip exoskeleton to me, in dried weed. Nasty!

hrmmm…anyone call for…whatever this is? I could never figure it out, but it looks synthetic, almost like a tiny shard.

heh heh now you know most of the scanning is two eyes and a good microscope and lots of time. I think it’s an ability anyone with lots of patience can master. Oh but don’t forgot the microscope - sadly they are worth sweet loot. You can get some more crazy tech and optics these days though! You get what you pay for though.


here’s that crazy video of hash dissolving in alcohol. It’s another tech I use to unleash contaminates that can be hiding behind trichomes. I have another video heh heh just wait.

ok here’s a classic hash contamination scan. I mean…is there more contamination in this sample than hash??? gross.


This is so interesting. Do you happen to have any recommendations for entry level scopes for general inspections? Having this level of reassurance would be awesome to know what something is. I plan to cultivate for mainly myself for medical. Also, it would be interesting to see necrosis/nute burn/different visual symptoms/diseases.


sure mine is a trinocular biological research microscope capable of up to 1600x resolution with oil immersion lense. It has darkfield, lightfield and aperture. I would just hunt around I mean you can get a decent one for a few hundred bucks, but I really recommend one with a darkfield condenser. ok summary:
biological darkfield research microscope. :crazy_face: probably worth 1000$ still.


I’m not selling this thing or something but it would be sort of like this:


Ive seen some microscopes on surplus auctions for plant/warehouses just didnt know anything about them. Can keep an eye out now. Thank you so much!


I swear I could hear “I’m melting” in the Wicked Witch of the West’s voice… :rofl:



Wow, what a difference between the two… This one is ‘just nasty’ in comparison.


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I think I remember he used a silk screen to make that hash. Claimed it was the best…est hash ever. He never knew I took it home, scanned it, and threw it out. ohh yah forgot, the alcohol one is hash I made, aka control group.


I figured the 1st one was yours about 30 sec. in, too clean to be any other source :laughing: :+1:
It fascinating and creepy :exploding_head: to see the detritus in ‘normal’ hash.

Nancy Reagan would have been a lot more effective with her “Just say no to drugs” campaign if she used your style of images to highlight what crap was being imported at the time.



I got a new campaign for people it’s “Just say No to shitty Drugs, say Yes to good ones”.
“In My Opinion, The Drug Is Ready” - Brain Candy. Little did they know… the drug put you into a coma for the rest of your life…hey, perhaps they WERE talking about my hash…


So I’m guessing that sample was grown in dirt, by an angry yeti who likes to point massive fans directly at the surface of his medium…? Did I solve the riddle? Also, did this grower own more than one grade of bubble bag? Or was he just one of those crazy fuckers who thinks it “improves” his yield to just mix that first bag worth of chaff in with the other bags?

I feel dirty even saying this, but I’ve seen someone do it… felt like a ghost walking over my grave to see that happen.

And I never smoked his hash again after that.:wink:

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naw it was silk screened I’m pretty sure. I only use a hash bag set with one blue bag and one red one to get the hash. I only ever make one single grade :slight_smile: If there is some problem where the hash comes out like garbage I know the plant did it. I know people with multi bag systems who still can’t compete. There is almost a complete lack of understanding that the plant itself determines the hash grade, not some fancy filtering system.