Cannabis microscopy

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Ok I got this sample said it was “Huckleberry”. Microscopic images say it sucks ass. Nasty! What am I counting 20 trichomes per bud? what a shitfest, I’d never grow that.


Looks beat up, is it store bought weed?

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Have you tried adding a surfactant to the sulfur?

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Yah pretty sure it’s compressed store bought. Reminds me of the purple passion one she gave me last year.

Like wettable sulfur? My question is how would that effect the bug? Doesn’t it just make sure the sulfur is evenly distributed once the water evaporates?

From my understanding the sulfur isn’t a contact killer, rather a feed deterrent.


hmmm, ok that will be a little more difficult to test… But I’ll contemplate. There are many plants outside I could coat 50% of, and see what happens over time. If nothing bites the treated leaves VS the untreated that would be a good signal.

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I recently hit some spots of powdery mildew with wettable sulfur and the effect was dramatic, like it made the bad stuff go all fizzy, then dry, grey and daid!

So many better options for bugs I reckon.

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lol! Yah the effect sulfur water has on mildew is dramatic and deadly! I was disappointed when the bugs crawled out unscathed.
I want to make another 4K video of sulfur destroying a mildew colony and the water drying up, that would be exciting! So far, I am failing at finding the mildew colony… it’s like it can sense death :wink: hiding from me… hah hah naw, I just haven’t gone out with the UV flashlight at night to find the hideous foe. When I do, there’s gonna be one satisfying snuff film! My last one was only 10 seconds worth, but I want to do a 45min time lapse of death. Good stuff! I’m still planning on going to the farm down the road that is infested and nuke their colony. The farmers are STILL at a loss about how to destroy that crap. Sad.


here’s a photo in regular color at 100x obj, then the same thing in ultra violet. Crazy eh?


That made me laugh @JoeCrowe, nearly coughed up the afternoon cabernet!

There’s nothin better then watching those microbial demons die a horrible death! You should compile a “Greatest Hits” of your bug killing vids!

Here’s a good start: Aphid nymph after eating a dose of permethrin, “errr, feelin a bit bloaty, what?”


Makes me laugh each time I see it…

PS, Keep up the good work Joe, nobody does it like you do. :v: :green_heart:


I’m brewing up the ultimate snuff film. This one is off the hook! I take a bug and put a drop of pyrethins on there and… Oh, I won’t ruin the plot :wink: with spoilers bah hah! :skull_and_crossbones:
OMG This is really heating up my graphics card… Red hot movie!!! Took 3 min to HVEC encode in 4K. listens to the cooling fans


Eventually the 4K version will be up there. It took 1hour and 4 min for the bug to die once the pyrethins hit it. The thing was after a half hour it stopped moving, and you could only see the internal organs twitching until the hour mark it stopped. The video lasts 6min but the reason is because it’s high speed time lapse. Trust me, I was out gardening and drinking a coffee while I was waiting for it to die. Hah hah that’s why it was out of focus sometimes, I wasn’t there to adjust.


The Pyrethin Death Dance, part 1…

From the director of other notable bug snuff films such as, “Black Flag, take no prisoners” and the all time cult classic “Kill it with Fire!

:laughing: :vulcan_salute:



Thanks for cool shots, guys!

Can anyone say, do trichomes become milky after plant chopped, when they were clear?

It meant that smoke will be less funny with clear trichs, right?

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The trichomes don’t change, but eventually they DO disintegrate into fragments when they get old.

I would say the experience a person has is unique to themselves. I use the smell and color as well as the shape of the trichome to determine peak ripeness.


This is the big bud in veg. I’ll be sampling some veg buds and looking at the images. Then we’ll see if this could even be possible! I already have a number of veg trichome shots from different crops same plant.


Same thing, these are veg buds, which stay on the plant through their entire life cycle. That’s why I keep studying their transition! The trichomes formed here will be capitate stalks when the plant is done blooming.


Same thing… same time! I have to say it’s really hard to image the TK ones it’s got this strange thin bud! I’ll look at the photos and try to see a pattern, lol! I might have to take a few rips of hash before it all comes into focus :wink:


I’ve officially entered bloom! So now the project can continue! Imaging slurricane through bloom until I make the hash batch. It was kind of dark in there so I got this part of the plant cut off and brought back.