Cannabis microscopy

I have an RTX 2060 it’s a ROG STRIX system liquid cooled from memory express. RAY TRACING, BABY!
hah the irony is I used to be a computer programmer before I started growing weed.


you reminded me of a story gpaw this was from last year. This guy I know phones me up his computer is having problems. OK I go over to his place to check it out, and the computer is randomly crashing and windows 10 won’t install/work. He claims his father’s ghost is inhabiting the machine. Over the course of the next couple of hours, I determine the BIOS in the machine has…somehow never worked properly from the manufacturer. So I exorcised his fathers ghost with a quick BIOS upgrade. Yo when are people going to stop thinking crazy shit like that?


One man’s ‘magic’ is another man’s engineering. ‘Supernatural’ is a null word.

Robert Heinlein



Gimme some “The Door into Summer” You ever see what his predictions were for the year 2000??

He would be shocked to learn we haven’t cured the common cold, can’t control the weather and that robots still are useless as hell at washing dishes.


I thought I’ve read every story Heinlein had written, even the unpublished one that came out a decade ago!
How in hell did I miss this one?? :star_struck:


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I read it back in highschool. LOL! How time flies. Speaking of time flying, I am going to pull “the door into summer” and freeze my ass until the camera arrives. Also the plot of a south park episode, I wonder if they read any heinlen?

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heh heh go god go, they even send cartman back in time after he winds up in the year 2500. Of course in reality, you cannot travel back in time due to the laws of thermodynamics.
I’m going to crack out the phase contrast today and snap some insane photos! I will attempt to push it to the limit in terms of the images I can capture with the sony camera. The insanity plays really well over on the trichome shots thread, I could flood the universe with crazy photos. We’ll see what happens when I get the phase contrast unit out… I’m thinking of that hash swatch… and it’s individual trichome layer.


hooooooooooooooly I had to use all my 31337 photo editing skillz to get this phase contrast bit going. Behold! The entirely different setup for phase contrast. Note the changed objective and condenser. Strap on your seat belts this is going to be nuts.


ok everyone remembers our favourite hash smear on glass? Check this out

10x objective so basically 100x, plus optical zoom, uhhh lemme get back to you on that.
camera claims 3x so it’s 300x magnification. Now we’re livin’!


get a little closer, don’t be shy! 600x magnification!

Look at all the fascinating shit at this level!


here’s a fascinating one where the trichome has been mechanically torn apart, exposing the “payload” of weaponized THC :wink:



Yeah well you would say that, foolish table eater! If you just talked to the otters you too could be crushing thermodynamics like a clam upon your belly! Praise science!


yah those otters sure had a lust for human entrails! The funny part is if they really knew science they’d have known that arguing over something that can’t be proven isn’t valid. Which brings me to the phase contrast case study. I know everyone is like WTF are you going to do with that unit besides take incredible photos? ok ok here’s the deal, I can take someones extract and put it under the microscope and through the miracle of optics, I can see if there are any plant fibers or other contamination.

I vaped this shit, I told buddy it was clean. mmmm I remember that contamination scan… very rewarding :crazy_face: the dark orbs are just bubbles trapped in there.


heh heh there is proof that some people know what they are doing. I think it’s 90% contamination to 10% clean samples. DIRTY BIRDS!!! FILTHY MONKEYS!


:laughing: :rofl: :+1:

(Expeditionary Force by Craig Alanson) FAF!


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@JoeCrowe I have not had a microscope since i was young,I was wondering if you could fill me in on brand names and recommendations of a unit under $300 or is that just a waste of money?

hmm under 300 bucks, I’m not sure how good it would be.
trinocular darkfield biological research microscope 40-1600x that’s what I’ve got. You could probably hunt around maybe someone has a good one they don’t even know what it is. Just make sure it’s standard construction, then it can take any modern upgrades. A modern one sort of like mine would be like this:
it’s just a random one I selected for example, if you google “darkfield biological research microscope” you can find things like it. You get what you pay for :slight_smile:


I will take your recommendation! puts down his copy of “black man”

heh heh it’s the overgrow sci-fi book club!