Cannabis microscopy

@JoeCrowe thank you sir!

I used to go through Sci-Fi audio books like popcorn (1.75 HR. commute).
Now it more like one per month…
For ‘something completely different’ check out the Bobiverse trilogy by Dennis E Taylor
(hard Sci Fi) and totally different story line!

Ohhh, ohhh!! Soon to be a 4 part Trilogy Sept. 24, 2020!!! Kool!! gotta get that one!



ok! I’m back in action! They claim the camera is in but I haven’t checked yet… hopefully tomorrow. In the meantime, I’ve been scanning for contaminates in the hash batches I won and also a sample I scooped during the contest. It was the concentrates contest heh heh.

This is a polymer strand, probably polyester or nylon(EDIT: It’s blue cotton, see below). It’s floating in a sea of iso which I used to dissolve the sample to check for solid objects. I am using phase contrast objective. uhhh 300x magnification.


here’s the same strand at 600x once the resin has solidified again.


here’s a single random organic. There wasn’t much random organics or plant fibers, that’s for sure.


couple more photos to sum it up. Got a plant fiber and a micro plastic at 300x.

I would rate this hash as really good, but this sample I took as big as the head of a pin showed this many polymer fibers. I’m not going to go back to buddy and look around his grow for fibers… but I suppose if I really wanted to, I could go there and see. In reality, what I am doing is making sure that when I make the hash like he did to get this good stuff, I will not have any polymer fibers or random organics, so I can defeat him in the contest.


eventually I’ll post some new videos I took to youtube as well. It’ll take a bit, but I have already edited the video it’s ready to go. Youtube isn’t. I always edit out the audio, so you can’t hear me say “wow this is some incredible footage!”

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I just prepped another video, this one is of the synthetic fiber. I didn’t go check if it’s nylon or polyester, because it doesn’t REALLY matter unless I was going to CSI it and figure out the origin. I would suspect it’s the equivalent of pocket lint? Fuuuuuuck I had to go fiber match it as a tiny piece of blue cotton fiber. I couldn’t even stop myself from doing it.


here’s the dissolving/precipitating video!


ok and the excellent cotton fiber! Well… at least it wasn’t polymer! Lucky! Dude has a chance of being polymer free!

If you want to match the fiber feel free to look it up online.

Add a new age whale song track, spark a pinner and you have a great meditation video right there! :+1: :sunglasses:



here’s another hash. This one was submitted before it was fully dried to trick the melt test… hah hah those dogs. Once it dried out, it turned tan-ish.

You can see a lot of pocket lint in there. All cotton fibers! Those…filthy…monkeys!!!


this is the cousin to the winning batch. It’s live rosin. Looks really nice under the scope! It gets me pumped up…yum!


hah check out the image that garbage optics produces.

You can even see crap is stuck to the lens. I would call this “Sears kids 'scope”


look!!! beginner optics!!!


dont have to lol i have a china made carson lol for trikes, plus i have old eyes. always a challenge lol

had one similar when i was a kid I remember my cousin who was at Mich U was babysitting us i was like ten, I saw a amoeba start to split , told her to look, she looked got this big smile said i have all this lab time and have never seen that. I used to see it all the time lol.

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was fond of looking at water from diff sources

That is almost exactly the scope I was given at age 7.
I loved it until I screwed it up 5 years later :upside_down_face:



I have most excellent news! The camera has been dispatched. Only a couple more weeks of waiting lol!

300x magnification darkfield. Those are some excellent root photos I posted. I’m definitely going to do a deep dive on the roots once the camera arrives…excitement!