Cannabis microscopy

Alright, so this next project is going to be something. It’s either a total waste of time, or golden invaluable info gathering. You can never tell, until you’ve:

  1. wasted your time.
  2. learned something invaluable.

hah hah ok, so the information I am looking for is… can I tell if the plant will be a good producer in veg phase. So I am using the OGK triple threat plant. That is… the three plants in one bucket. I will cut a tiny bud off of each and image it in the same fashion, to see if I can determine which will produce more hash. If I can’t do it… then I’m time wasting! Except… I got a good feeling about this one.


This is from the same bucket, different plant. I’m gonna toss them up on the screen and have a gaze! See if any ideas pop up.

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hmmm…if I had a gun to my head and had to take a whang at it…
I’d put the OGK in the 20grams per kilo slot. In fact, the 2 samples from the different OGK females look the same practically. Yet, they don’t look like other samples I took. I think I should move all the veg trichome samples into the same place, for easier selection. The images I’m capturing are starting to make sense the more of them I take bah hah!


It’s difficult to get a good image without a steady hand, i tried my 30x loupe held over my phone with a elastic band lol


It really helps if you can take a sample and put it somewhere stable and then put the camera on a solid surface as well, in an effort to eliminate hand motions. Looks good, though! It helps if you can isolate a single bud as well. I usually get the one at the node where there is a single bud growing.


Analysis says it’s clean, not much contamination. Not many trichomes either, and lots of them are busted off. Musta been a hard knock life.


@JoeCrowe hey man I just got one of those usb microscopes and capture this image with it. It’s like a trichome tornado. Have you ever seen anything like this before?


You should cut it off and have a real good look at it. See how tall it is an so on, what part of the plant it is. I don’t see a pistil coming from it, so could it be the tip of a bud leaf?


I think you are right on what it is. I was just playing with the scope and caught it. Anyways thought it was cool. Microscopes are so fascinating. It’s just a cheap usb one. But I doubt I could find it again to examine further.


This is what typical dispensary weed looks like.
Round here anyway…LOL


Would you believe me if I told you I have never even been in a dispensery. But yeah if they had microscopes at dispensaries for people to see what they are about to buy oh man. Wake up call. Not saying all their products are bad at all. But you get what you pay for.


I find it really hard to extract a single bud from those dispensary weeds. It’s like someone used pressure to brick it up for storage. People give me that stuff all the time to look at, but I’ve never actually been in the stores either lol! The sad part is I know growers who care, and they are running LP’s but the 11 months storage and handling by the liquor control isn’t good for the cannabis buds.


Some have said they roll it round knock the heads off and sell it for top shelf.
A lot of dirty shit goes on in Detroit.
Folks are flocking to the store for this kinda stuff round here.
I guess it is cause it is cheap, dunno really.


Here’s a couple of photos of a trichome on a bud, before and after drying. The cap size remains unchanged!


Greetings Joe,

I know you are busy but I have a request that might be easy to satisfy.

I’m in the middle of a complicated pollen collection sequence and I wonder if there is any observable difference in shape or size of pollen from different genotypes?

Do you by chance have any photomicros of cannabis pollen? Any of them with particle sizes? Any thoughts?

Please don’t take time off to make any new images… You’ve got a Title to Claim (on all of our behalves!).

One of your many FanBoyz,
-Grouchy :v: :green_heart:


Well now, that is an interesting fact.
Thanks for sharing buddy. :wink:


Hell yeah, i dont believe ive actually seen a cannabis pollen grain under magnification! Would be cool to see individual grains and a grain sprouting into a flower.

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This was all I could find, a couple of immature pollen sacks that had fallen off, before opening.


I did this analysis of a bud…and it’s looking creepy. WTF is that brown crust clinging to the trichomes? That’s ain’t normal, bruh. I don’t want it in me, whatever it is.


That is that new ripening product out, it turns your trichomes amber.
You spray it on just minutes before harvest.
Just kidding of course but it would not surprise me if they came up with something like this in the future…LOL

If I can take a guess, it would be some kind of oil sprayed on for pest control.
Do you have any idea of what it could be?