Cannabis microscopy

No it didn’t bud it was only the eyepiece camera i got.

Messing around with it i did think about some of that stitching software, at high magnification dof doesn’t exist I’m sure it make some cracking pictures.

Cheers buddy


I went and downloaded the software from the manufacturers web site. It allows you to perform enhanced depth of field and also adjust every single setting on the camera through software. As well as do object counting etc.


I’ve been messing around with it this a better picture.

I’ll get around to trying some software.


Nice! You can really see the individual parts of the extract.


Thanks bud I appreciate you commenting on it, when I was trying to work out the best overall sharpness I did think software with photo stitching or stacking would make some spectacular images, jfc I’m not very techy.

Edit… Apologies for hijacking the post.


That is very cool.
I’m surprised at the number of stalks there. Looks roughly 3:1 between the heads popping off the stalks to the stocks popping off the plant.



Here’s a microscopic view of the PCK hash I whipped up. Even at this magnification it looks like rosin. I assure you it is not. hashtag not rosin, motherfucker.


Unicorn gold?

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The unicorn dust is made from big bud. I’m very curious as to what the whipped big bud looks like under the microscope.


Ahhh yah. My eye was definitely right, and the OGK isn’t going to yield well in the hash dept. That’s fine though, because it’s another notch.


This bud looks like the one above, except it’s from an OGK that is still in veg. The photo above this is 20 days in.


mmm, interesting. Based on my limited study with the familial females, I expected more variation in the trichomes on those OGK plants. Of course… The best data point was the SENSI so the study contained 2 plants lol! The data coming from all these related plants, is excellent. I’ll absorb those observations deep into my being. See where it leads!
See the thing about the SENSI plants is the lowest producer was like 1 gram per kilo. The sister plant had more trichomes, but it looked like 2x. That would mean the sister would be 2 grams per kilo.

What’s 52 million times zero? And don’t tell me it’s zero! - Bart, I am furious yellow.


GOG plant I called delta. I am going to try to sample all the GOG plants today, and see how their trichomes are doing.


ok… So that’s pollen. What is up with the photos online? Their photos of cannabis pollen looks radically different, so I figured this wasn’t pollen. But then, I had one of those gogi males I cut down, regenerate. And produce flowers. Which had pollen. That doesn’t look like the photos online, yet closely resembles the other photos I took where I questioned if that was pollen and decided it wasn’t because the images didn’t look like it. Now, I am really starting to question the online photos. Like WTF man.

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So I have been pondering the protocol I would use to capture images of pollen hitting a female. I’ve come up with a low-tech yet what I think could be effective, method. And it goes like this:
I’ll bring a female plant up here and clamp a carefully dissected, yet still attached branch to the microscope. Then unleash pollen on it and record an entire hour of time lapse video for consumption. I’ll keep thinking about that protocol and see if I can come up with something better or whatever. Then eventually I’ll just do it.


You are the Golden Gawd of Photo Microscopy @JoeCrowe!

Catching the time lapse of pollen meeting pistil is an awesome project: So Yes Please!

I’m fascinated by the structure(s) you are finding inside the trichome head. I think you IDed the large globs as Carbohydrates. When you get a chance can you zoom to even higher magnification, maybe on a single trich head?

Ima total FanBoy! lol
-Grouchy :v: :green_heart:


Thanks! Carbohydrates is a generic term for Cx(H2O)y just meaning carbon bonded to water. I saw a really good graphic that showed the metabolic pathways leading to THC and CBD. Also one that showed the assortment of compounds that will be found inside the trichome cap itself. Just use your imagination to join the two together. I was using the GOG plant I noticed somehow you could really SEE things inside the trichome cap. Most plants aren’t like that. Titillating!


hahah there are only two GOG females to slice and dice. The rest are way down there and tiny. Guess that’s no surprise by now, with seedlings!

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Now these images are interesting. That’s the GOG Theta plant. As far as veg plants go, it’s very promising. Perhaps I should clone it right away! hmmm this study could be bearing fruit very soon heh heh.

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Oh I see what’s up with these pollen photos. There ARE photos that look like mine, and there are photos that do not. The photos containing objects like seen in my images are the ones of cannabis. The others are not.