Cannabis microscopy

Most plants follow a pattern, but there are outliers. Ahem, never compare yourself to an outlier. Use an established baseline.


Nice job!

I would agree.

The one I posted could have been photoshopped, you just don’t know.
with your image, you can see where the little magnified image came from.
With the image I posted there is no reference.
Again nice work, you should put your name on it, someone is gonna steal and use it in their book now…LOL


It’s a good idea, then I can sue :wink: hah hah I should write my own book and sell it for 10$. Probably be a fucking millionaire. I’ve read lots of technical weed books and they suck.


oh here’s the irony. That dumb diagram I made of the different stages of trichome growth is actually wildly popular. Honestly, I had no clue that was new information. Today I’m going to try making the hashishin diagram! I’m pumped about that.


ok! I’ve got a new analysis mode I call “hashishin diagram”. This is where you can select the hash bags to engineer your product. As you can see, the 73 will gather the Sessiles, the 90 will gather the Antherior sessiles and a 120 would gather just the Capitate. Any questions? :wink:


Now I’ve got to get a 90 bag! The set i bought is 25, 73, 120, 160, 220 i think.


Yeah, it’s a plot…

If you want the 90 micron bag you have to buy the super duper set.



220, 190, 120, 90, 73, 25 Those are the sizes I got from bubbleman’s web page. I’ve never actually studied what kind of bags different people make. Also… WTF is going to settle in the 190 bag??


I was just going to ask yesterday if you knew anywhere that makes custom sizes or screens… would you catch any more with a 80micron bag/screen? 85? Is 90 already perfect? Happy Sunday :metal:t2:


80 is getting close to the size of sessile trichomes, so it probably wouldn’t help. I swear whoever came up with the bubble bag system had already measured the trichomes in order to determine which ones it would capture. I suppose you could get there by experimenting on cannabis with different meshes and dry sifting.


One would hope so! I’ve just not seen it mentioned prior and am not at all sure about how caps have changed size or stayed the same as we continue to play in the gene pool. Wonder if it’ll become commonplace to measure heads prior to washing and change bags based on sizes.


I’ve seen them come out at various sizes when they are mature. From 120 to 180! 180 is my new record size that I found on the GOG plant. Capitate of course. For some unknown reason, I’ve never seen a sessile that hits 80 micrometers. The antherior sessile grow a smaller cap, than the capitates, but they are still over 90 micrometers in size. I’ve found plants with smaller trichomes that don’t make good hash. I think people are breeding for larger ones.


hmmm now that I think about it. I’ve reached some kind of technical pinnacle here. Fuck I’ve still got to push on. The details aren’t complete.

When I was reading the technical details about the cannabis trichomes, I got this strange feeling that there’s a gap in the knowledge somewhere about it. But the feeling also settled on the idea that it’s not COMMON knowledge…yet. So the gap is between the experts and the plebs. Experts being the people studying it and the plebs being the people actually doing it. I just fucking dive into the gap like some kind of maniac.


ok. WTF is that? Some kind of mini sessile? macro bulbous? I mean, they are sphere-ish, not blobs. They are orange ish or purplish. lol! Half the size of a sessile, yet twice the size of a bulbous. No discernible stalk. Momma Mia! :scream: I’m more confused than when I started.


ha hhah oh… six days ago. Was I so ignorant? Apparently! Things are crystallizing, so to speak, from the data on that study. Pops was like “hey did it confirm some things you knew”? I said “no it wasn’t like that. What it did was explain the things I saw.” I don’t have to try and falsify the trichome number per bud is the most important part of hash making. They fucking confirmed it.


Tomorrow I’ll do the hashishin diagram on the vegging plants. Or at least try to. 500 by 500 microns I hope that will fit on one of those small veg calyxs. I think it’s officially termed an “auxiliary calyx” the part of the plant I cut off and put under the microscope. So here’s the plan. I’ve got all these different veg mothers in the veg room. GOG, GMO, OGK. Then I have the veg plants, which are big bud and meat breath. I have blooming plants GOG, OGK and meat breath. It’s like… it was meant to be. We’ll see how far I get on this thing, because I do have other shit to do that won’t take long.


I love this thread for breaking new ground. :exploding_head:
Have you been able to confirm whether or not trichome density variable or not?
Can the number of trichomes Be increased with elicitation?

Some studies seem to indicate the number of trichomes can be increased, some studies show only secondary metabolites are increased.
I suspect they are best influenced by SAR but Phytohormones may have the same or similar effect.


“These observations indicate that trichome density and the
proportion that were stalked and/or senescent at
maturity varied with cannabis genotype.”
They verified it.


Thanks for the response!
I guess what I am asking here is…
Could the number vary within the same genotype?

Keeping the same genotype, say your big bud.
You know that one well.
You kinda know what to expect as far as trichome per centimeter squared.

So say if I grew it out using things like stress/SAR do you think the number of tricomes would increase in a trichome per centimeter squared kinda way.
Or do you feel this is something that is genetically fixed.

Studies seem to indicted they are variable within the same geneotype and I was just wondering if you were able to confirm this.
I have some personal evidence that this is true using Jasmonate but it is really just an observation AKA anecdotal.


heh heh. I’ll tell you something about trichomes. I grew this mutant plant where it had buds with trichomes, but also it had calyxs with absolutely no trichomes. There was a bud cluster with nothing and then a little side bract had tichomes. So I would make the claim that genetics is the factor.