Cannabis microscopy

Yah that girl completed the other guys dream of stealing all scientific data and giving it away.
Upside is! The things I am learning about viroids! take this tidbit:
but even for a highly seed transmissible viroid like coleus blumei viroid 1 the 0%-100% range has
been reported to depend on the host cultivar

So the key to transmission through seed is based on the plant. I was also shocked to learn the viroids infest multitudes of plants and aren’t really host specific. Blew my mind.


There is definitely a cure for the viroids. I keep reading “this plant can’t be cured” and “this plant can be cured”, but I haven’t made it there yet. I remember something about temperature and the type of plant. I think something about apical meristem and 35 degrees Celsius. It seems easier than it’s made out to be. Once I’m done 600 pages, we’ll see.


Yeah, that’s really strange and kind of alarming. I wonder how that bodes for the future… haha. I mean, I laugh, but that can’t be good, especially with all of these assholes spreading HpLVd and other shit like it’s just another nuisance.

It’s definitely not a magnifying glass. And I only say that because way back when I was a total nube and testing stuff (soil mix, freebie seeds etc) before I actually started growing indoors, I misted a cannabis plant that I had in my backyard in full sun. That was a magnifying glass haha. The plant had burned spots all over it.

Trichomes do seem to “evaporate” the more exposed they are to higher light intensity, though.


I got a feeling that the viroids are just another nuisance, and like powdery mildew, can easily be eradicated if you know how.


The key phrase there being,”If you know how” haha. Another one (for me, anyway) would be,”If you feel like it.” I personally would just trash everything, but hopefully I never even have to make that decision.

I thought you meant between different, like, species or genera of plants, like a viroid could spread from cannabis to roses to bougainvillea or whatever (I’m sitting in my backyard right now, hence the examples I used haha). But you’re talking about from host plant to other cannabis plants? I thought that was pretty well-known, at least as far as HpLVd is concerned.


Pospiviroidae is the family and that covers hops latent viroid, which infests the nucleus of the cell.
Avsunviroidae which infests the chloroplasts.

Recently, it has been reported that citrus bark cracking viroid, which does not cause
any important citrus disease, is a highly aggressive pathogen on hop
plants and causes major economic losses

Intra-species infestation.


Tirah valley! This plant will definitely yield some kind of result! This is the front of the calyx. Day 3 of bloom. The calyx is sooo small still, it’s bizarre!


Here’s my new uber-31337 drawing for the trichomes. If you keep a close eye on them, they definitely undergo a life cycle.


I think the dissonance might be over, with the trichome maturity observations. We’ve moved on since the 90s, lol! That SFU study really slam dunked it.

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What is this? I get the sense that you’re joking around, but I don’t get it haha!

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heh heh just joking around about the fact I drew it with a crayon. The concept is real though!

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Ah, okay haha! I mean, when I looked at the picture I was like,”Yeah, that makes sense…” but I knew you were kidding around about something haha…

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I’'m going with suspect male. The reason is I think I see a leaf bract forming there! This is a tiny ass seedling that I tossed into the clone chamber and despite all odds, managed to eke out a survival there and eventually reach maturity. It’s the mystical DBHPxGMOxOGK that I produced in veg. bah hah!


Hey Joe,
I’ve heard you spout many profundities regards our favorite herb, based on your research, but this one wins the title for: “I actually knew that but never put it together before!”

A bit different in every strain of course, but Clear->Cloudy->Amber(Done!), and Past-Done!!! Just So. You said it out loud and it is so.

Your brilliant Cartoon couldn’t be a better representation of what is a generally generalized Life Cycle of a Trichome. Esp “Game Over!” Well said.

I harvest consistently when the very first amber appears on an apical bud. That’s when Jorge suggested and your model supports.

Thanks and keep up the good work,
-Grouchy :v: :green_heart:


I’m just curious, what do you use to check out the trichomes? I’ve used a 30x loupe, a 60x loupe, a huge magnifying glass haha, my phone camera (with a special clip-on zoom lens thing), my girl’s phone camera, my real camera and none of them have worked. Everything just looks silver-y and shiny, can’t see shit.

So I’ve always just gone by “feel” pretty much. It’d be nice to be able to get a look at the trichs, though…


It’s a biological research microscope. Old school! I’m using dark field. All the fancy shit is performed by the camera and associated software.


I know what you use, I was asking @GrouchyOldMan haha!

Back when I had some money in the bank, I considered getting a microscope, mostly because I wanted to look at my compost teas more so than for checking out the trichomes, but it obviously woulda been helpful for that, too. I shoulda gotten one. And now I’m broke so it doesn’t even matter… haha.


Made me chuckle @minitiger!

I wish I had a better story, but I get by fine with a good quality 15x loupe (Belomo), clipped to my crappy old iPhone. The only tip I can offer is using a nice tripod with a remote shutter release. That allows positioning on an interesting site with sharp focus and no jitter on the capture.

That won’t get you “Inside” the trichomes, like Joe, but it’s plenty fine for watching for The Amber Dawn!



Looks kinda like the amscope T390 trinocular compound microscope :thinking:
Looks pretty nice! Is there a lens on the camera mount too? What objective/eyepiece lenses are you using on there?

I have a SM-4TZ Trinocular microscope for doing microsoldering stuff at work :yum:
Had a hell of a time trying to find the right camera mount for it. Still haven’t found it actually lol. Currently have the camera taped on there :joy:


I’ve got the AMscope 490. I didn’t dig too deep but I think you just need this guy. Photo mount to c mount! I may even have one if you want me to check.