Cannabis microscopy

Oh my it was .5%, a real kick in the teeth!


Okay, yeah, that’s what I thought you were referring to haha!, but I wasn’t sure.

It’s all a journey… haha.


Got some photos! Looks like the GMO tester is going to yield less than the GOG plant which is probably 3%.

This is the front of the calyx, so there are far less trichomes visible.


hah hah oh yah that’s why I use the back side. It’s way easier for the human eyeball!

Human eye says it’s going to be much less than the GOG. Good because the GOG is God Tier.


Yeah, when I started reading, I was like,”But what do JoeCrowe’s eyes tell him…?” haha.

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This is the new strain I just got in. IPW, but I’m not really sure what that means, yet. I can get the answer to that question any time I want! The yield looked like it was around 3-4% honestly, but I’m not sure on that. IT does look better than the GMO, but it was just a scrap of calyx. Not intact. So honestly, probably not worth squat in the data realm.


There’s shit on the calyx. Going to have to impatiently wait for it to grow another calxy I can look at. I think some of that weird ca-ca on there is residue? Looks like the hairs on the midvein are larger than normal, as well as the capitate ones.


I dunno, but I definitely noticed that brown thing in the first pic immediately. It’s standing out for sure haha.

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Here we go more of the plant in question. You can see why it’s so fascinating. This time, I definitely got a calyx, because it has the purple.


lol! IF I do 3% baseline with this new plant, the IPW, against the GMO it tells me GMO is shit, as well.

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You mean as a sorta “hash maker”-type plant or just in general? I’ve seen a lot of grows of it online, never been interested in it myself.

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Shit hash maker, that’s the score. It’s really hard to make a good baseline for comparison I’ve only got three so far that are 3%+ yield at 90 micrometer. I should try and remember a list of the plants I’ve nuked in the last bit to calculate a percentage.
king tut
sugar black rose
blue cheese
tirah valley
meat breath
colorado cookies

good ones:

About 10.5% using what I could remember so far. This new one coming up IPW looks really good. I’m betting 3 percent ish abouts lol! It’ll be good. That’ll skew the statistics :wink:


I was gonna ask if that was Sensi Star, but that’s listed at the bottom of the Nuke List haha. Which one was the SS?

Is that Franco’s Lemon Cheese? I was considering using some weed of a hybrid of that that I grew a couple rounds ago for my second-ever hash run, mostly because it has these unreal fresh blueberry terps (I fucking hate that word haha), thought it might turn out interesting.

Which ones were those? I’m gonna assume that BB was Blueberry (how coincidental! Haha), no idea what GOG might’ve been.


SS is the placeholder for a patented genome I can’t reveal the name of. That sounds stupid but if I said the name everyone would know exactly who grew it.
FLC francos lemon cheese
gog GojiOG
BB big bud.


I just got a new usb microscope. This one’s pretty cool. It’s Wifi capable so no cords needed. There’s a button on the scope to take pics. Pretty cool.

Here’s some shots I took today of a Love Affair plant at 11 weeks. Looks like it needs a couple more weeks.


Nice, you can really tell when the plant is done with one of those.


Patented genome? Uh… Okay then… haha.

Hm, yeah. None of the Gojis I’ve ever grown looked like they’d be ultra-hash producers or anything, as far as visibly raised trachoma stalks (or whatever) were concerned. But I didn’t have a microscope, either haha! A couple of them, from the first round, were extra-gooey, though. Very, very sticky.

That’s still around? That’s kinda cool. I mean, I guess not for making hash or anything haha, but that’s a pretty “classic” cultivar, anyway.

None of the plants you listed are really known to be great hash-making things, though, are they? Since that’s not my main criteria for the stuff I grow, I’ve never really looked into that aspect But wouldn’t it be easier to just grow some stuff from, like, those areas that’re known for hash? Afghanistan, Pakistan etc etc? The Middle East?

I dunno, just asking questions haha.

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What I learned from the genetics expert is that my project to create the ultimate hash making hybrid is legit. He said once I hybridize the ones I have selected, I’ll need to do a hunt though 10-100 seeds to find the ultimate hash yield.
I could hunt through more random strains, but I think I’m gathering what I need now in terms of plants to breed into the ultimate hash making strain.
The objective is to make a hash strain where you have more than a 50/50 chance of it being a great producer as long as it’s female. Probably…finally… zeroing in on all the variables that go into a great extract plant. I’m going to be running some thugpug extraction plants, I’m curious to see what someone else considers an extract plant. Yah that’s me… somehow running thugpug strains.


Wait a minute….

SS = secret squirrel?



lol! That name is actually closer than you’d think. I seriously wonder how many LPs patented their genome?
That’s the kind of dumb shit you can do in Canada. If I made some kind of hash wonderplant I could patent it and license it.