Cannabis microscopy

That actually made me audibly chuckle. I was reading what you wrote and was like,”Thugpug? Is Joe serious?” haha.

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Meat breath and hash face, with meat breath being number two plant, I guess because it’s some cookies hybrid. Cookies brings the stink? Hash face is going to be entering as an experimental plant. I’ll do the whole baseline and prediction from veg. That last test was a pretty good signal from the method used in the trichome study counting tech, that it doesn’t work because of the actual factors that go into the hash productivity. That’s the problem with any theory.

How did I end up running the thugpug gear? Well, it was all about the bag appeal, and that hospital clean flavor. Certainly not it’s extract qualities, even though whoever had done the pheno hunt for it was making extracts out of it. Legal Producer hunted it from thousands of plants, given to me by clone. Hash Face was a wonderful gift from an anonymous admirer. So… short answer is, people gifted me the thugpug stuff!
All names changed to protect the guilty :wink:


You want to hear the craziest shit ever? Literally I burst out in laughter when I even think about typing it in.
MIT is busy right now validating my thesis.
FUCKING NUTS! :exploding_head:


Well… Congrats? Yes? Or no? Haha. How’d they even get a hold of it? Did you send it in or did they pick up on it from somewhere or…?

What even was your hypothesis? Haha. Are you talking about the observations you made re hash production and stuff?

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hah hah my friends floated the idea they read it on the internet. Yes, the hash productivity observations and baseline! MIT is running a study that’s fucking near identical. They are on the “future predictions” phase, just like me! Except of course, with a good budget they are using robots and AI to do their future predictions where I’m just training my eye to be a robot AI. Bubbleman even referred to it as “trichome density”, which is fucked up. I was the only fucker I had ever known to utter that phrase. I think it’s a coincidence even though I never stop blabbing about it to the extract specialists at the unicorn.


Psssshhhh… I’m already so sick of hearing the letters “A” and “I” haha. Fuck that shit. I know people keep saying,”Wow! It’s just like if a human wrote this article!” but I can always tell if something I’m reading is AI-generated. Not saying that that’s how MIT is using AI, I’m just saying…

Anyway, that’s pretty fucking awesome they’re using your research. Did they ask you before they did? Did they contact you at all?

More importantly, are you gonna see some money for it? Haha. Maybe a grant or something?

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I’ve actually compiled it all into an instruction manual. Once MIT completes their study, they might be shocked to learn that some idiot they don’t even know has summarized their research in a manual about hash making. That’s actually how I was planning to cash in on my research: Sell it to other people!


Yeah, maybe. Honestly, though, I’d hit up MIT for a grant. Contact the head (or anybody) of whatever department is doing this research and tell them you were the one who wrote the paper they’re using. Tell them that you can study it further if only you had some grant money haha.

Just outta curiosity, what department is it? Why are they looking into hash production at MIT?

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No idea! Bubbleman was the one who told me, after I watched hash church. When he asked the panel which property about a plant leads to a good hash yield. They had no clue!!! And that struck me as bizarre! So I sent Marcus a message describing my theory, and he replied with “MIT is doing that”. I didn’t ask any more questions because…well, that’s what I wanted to know
I was prepared for 2 outcomes:
Marcus tells me it’s been falsified already
He tells me someone else had that idea, too.

There is an outcome I would rate at 0%:
Marcus tells me I’m an idiot. lol!!!
He was part of the group who watched me crush corporations and teams of people. Then he told me he loved me.

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Hahaha… Yeahhh, that was the thing I was thinking but didn’t wanna bring up was that, yeah, it’s cool that MIT is checking your shit out, but what if it’s wrong? On the other hand,


Are they posting their results anywhere yet? Still in the process? I’d actually like to read it if they have, just because I trust your observations more than the fucking nerds at MIT haha.

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Oh they are in the future predictions phase like I am. I had that side step where I tried the veg trichome density, but that was falsified HARD on the first round with a super strong signal.
The hypothesis goes through a couple different phases. I was on the data gathering phase long before I got to OG. By the time I got here, I already had formed the hypothesis about it being the number of trichomes on the calyx. But I didn’t have a really strong signal. One where BAM it hits you right in the fucking eyeball, leaving little doubt.
Enter my decision to rejoin OG. Trading knowledge for seeds was my objective. So I could then use those seeds to grow plants and search relentlessly for a motherfucking SIGNAL! Enter @HolyAngel I traded my knowledge of cloning/regenerating flowering plants. Got a couple packs of seeds and started sprouting! One of those seedlings was a female that had a handful of trichomes. My future prediction was The yield Blows. Which was true! A Kilo of buds gave me a fingernail size chunk of hash. It was the strongest signal I had ever gotten. That’s when it crystallized the theory was correct. Future prediction was within my grasp. Since I had one genetically superior producer, it was my 3% baseline. there were practically infinite 2% baseline plants. So Common!
Then I got this wild idea. Using that knowledge as a base to build on, can I take a veg plant I never bloomed, and predict the future outcome?
Do you see how it changed from a theory, into something I can base future decisions on? That’s how I know it’s the truth and not some hog shit I made up.


I see it @JoeCrowe, looks like you’ve uncovered a valuable diagnostic indicator, but I hope your expectations are realistic.

I’ve spent decades in Big Science and one certainty is that every new birth has multiple fathers. Esp, those that have some commercial value, like yours, are adopted without even an attribution.

I spent many happy years sailing the seas, doing oceanography for an international project, IPOD, and I can testify that, if you have found something valuable, they’ll grab it without even an acknowledgement for your efforts.

Western Science is broken… but I bet you knew that already,

So, press on, for your own satisfaction and use what you know for, well, US!

Jus Sayin,
-Grouchy :v: :green_heart:


My friends say that all the time. Hey the competition is stealing your ideas!
My reply is always fuck 'em, I’ve moved beyond that already, and left them in the dust. The shit I’m working on now, won’t be absorbed for another decade!

I’m starting to wonder lately though. Am I slowing down? Or are they catching up? I had absolutely nothing to do with the SFU trichome morphology study, but there I was looking at their completed study, and feeling like I was a child playing with toys! Then… that lab guy was quoting protocol 0 back to me like a parrot. Fucking MIT working on the same theory as me. Fucking hell! All I need now is an agriculture phd parroting back my own mildew research and I’ll know they p0wned me!


oh yah, forgot someone is copying the data from OG and putting it on reddit or something like that. I think that’s where I saw my article about hash making, it was definitely on reddit. mm I am forming an information theory.


oh damn! I forgot about my notoriety. When I was making the quest for unicorn gold thread, I did a whole thing where I showed how to remediate moldy weed. Then some cheeky bugger contacted the guy running the contest and told him I was going to enter contaminated product.
hah hah well it’s a situation where I can’t say anything else or it can be traced back to the guilty parties. First time I realized that people out there actually know who I am in real life.


Here’s a new cartoon for all you lovely people!

hah hah!


Here’s a shot of some sacks from a reversal attempt with STS. What do you guys think the round things are? I’m guessing trichs.


Definitely trichomes! The pollen is really small and spherical, but looks like someone let the air out of the ball when it dries out.


hah hah oh my. This hash church is amazing! They are actually talking about CRISPR gene editing more trichomes. They are using the phrase “trichome density”.


They just validated my theory on hash church. lol! Let the trichome talk fucking roll!!!

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