Cannabis microscopy

Yah the way they discuss it, they are talking about certainties. There is no shred of doubt in skunkman sam, bubbleman, and Arturo. Well, I guess my research was right.
Time for some dabs. I don’t even give a shit about the MIT study anymore. lol!

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That’s the original OGK

There’s the OGKxGMO from veg mode. To my human eye, it seems to be worse. Seems to be more smaller trichomes formed, instead of large caps. Sadly, I don’t think I’m going to be extracting a clear signal.
Eventually I’ll be at the point where I can test how dominant that trait really is among these plants. Perhaps I can find signals there.


The plan is really starting to crystallize. I think what I’m doing is eradicating the other trichome types on the calxy. Those gaps in the trichome field are filled by shit trichomes. I want a huge field of only capitate trichomes. I’m like… 90 percent certain that’s what I’m doing. :rofl:

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Now here’s the funky part. Look at all those little shit trichomes.


Just outta curiosity, do you think that the “little shit” trichomes haha affect the way any particular cultivar smokes if you combust the actual flowers? I mean, obviously for the purposes of hash-making the capitate trichomes are what you want, but if you’re just burning the flowers themselves, the “type” of trichs shouldn’t really matter, right? Or no?


Lets see what I remember. Something about shit trichomes containing the sesquiterpenes and more CBD. Bulbous trichomes and sessiles.
It would explain why I love 90 micron and hate 73. Despise 25. The more CBD I dab, the more rage I endure.


lol! I should make the Joe RAGE-O-METER. I remember taking a rip off this CBD joint and feeling a rage… oooo fucking harlequin plant. MAde me RAGE!
5 out of ten anger! Took one rosin dab and I was like fuck that it’s not for me.


This is the GOG BX1 or whatever. Check near the midvein on the calyx. I see lots of huge trichome caps there! I see a few shit trichomes, but not that many.

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You could think to yourself, but look at the packed trichome caps on tirah valley! Do you notice how that entire calyx almost fits inside 1 1000x frame? It’s fucking tiny. Once it blows up during flower, it’s still got the same number of trichomes, just over a larger area. I think that’s how the trichome density per 250000 microns in veg failed. Some just pack a tiny number of trichomes into a really tiny area, making it seem like a larger count than the absolute number of them.

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Hm. Okay. That’s interesting. I’ve always found those sorta “caked,” trichome-y, crystal-covered nugs to smoke kinda similar (read: boring haha), but I guess it’s different when you’re making hash from those same nugs. I know DJ Short mentioned that “Indicas” should all be turned into hash, so maybe he was on to something there, even if he didn’t have a microscope haha.

Maybe you’re allergic to CBD haha…

I’ve only smoked high CBD stuff a few times (I think it was actually Harlequin or possibly AC/DC, don’t remember) and I didn’t mind it. It wasn’t anything where I thought,”Oh, man, I need to get some more of this!” or whatever, but I thought there was a noticeable difference in the way I felt. One particular time I blazed some turned into a mildly amusing story, but I won’t bother you with the details haha.

Yeah, I actually can see a difference between that one and the GMO thing.

That’s interesting, too. So it’s like the trich production is gonna be what it’s gonna be, almost from the get-go, and then the plant/flowers get bigger but nothing else changes.

I wish I was into making hash… Or maybe not haha!

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It’s more like a “BLEH!” and “Fucking nasty!”.

Definitely genetic. My entire process is based on that fact!

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Oh I forgot that CBD is a THC antagonist. Probably the real reason I don’t like it.


Hey bud i wanted to ask about a dark feild method using two lights.
Idk if its a thing but i discovered this by accident, odd as it seems i use two lights to get that dark effect, is this something you know anything about?

My dark feild stage was a disc suspended from cross hairs and lit from below, I’m not deep into it as such so idk if using light for dark feild even makes sense but it rocks, i can’t upload video but that’s a giffy from a footage i shot.


I usually use the dark field on my scope. Makes it way easier to see stuff when it’s lit against a dark back ground!


Outdoor male has been dumping pollen like a madman! Look at all those pollen sacks, they are looking buff! No deflated soccer balls here.


I was like… how does the GOG plant generate the signal it has that the conductivity is too low. So… I examine the leaf that is signalling. and… uhh what? It’s like I’m getting a strange sparkle from these weird colored trichomes. Not sure what it all means, yet. But, GOG is a god-tier so it’s not going anywhere.


Is this a picture of magnified pollen grains or the pollen sack itself? Many blessings and much love

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I took the slide out to the male and gave it a good shake onto the glass. I’ve just been observing pollen grains, to see if I can extract some observations that can tell me something. I’ve seen things like flattened pollen coming from a female plant in little beans. Flat pollen coming from a male, and then putting out round pollen. Also, just huge swaths of round pollen. The pollen grains do flatten out like a soccer ball with no air when they are dried out. Turn back into balls if they are exposed to water. But it almost seems to me that if the plant is pumping out flat balls to begin with they might be sterile already.
That’s the concept I want to explore.


Interesting observations, thanks for sharing. It would be a helpful tool to be able to more reliably predict sterility without needing to wait to see seeds forming or not after pollination.

It’s common to hear that water neutralizes pollen but I remember reading a one off comment on one of the forums a while back where the member was adamant that pollen isn’t neutralized by water and instead it’s simply knocked down with water. Essentially grounding them from being more airborne. I want to say I read they also said cannabis pollen is hydrophobic but I could be misremembering that part.

Your observations about seeing water reinflate their shape is interesting. I wonder how it all relates to viability.

Something else your comments got me thinking, what if there are observable traits in the individual pollen grains that more or less directly relate to specific traits or combination of traits in the resulting seeds? Selecting specific pollen grains to better target a given genetic profile in the resulting seeds type of thing. It’s enjoyable how your work gets my imagination going. Many blessings and much love


Yah it was actually @Piter who brought up the fact the pollen dehydrates and then rehydrates with water. I was thinking when it looks like a deflated soccer ball it was dead. OF course I know that’s not true, it’s just dehydrated. That was from last year! I had read online that water doesn’t really kill the pollen. No definitive proof though, so I thought I’d dive right in, see what I can figure out.