Cannabis microscopy

having said that… enjoy!

wow that is a way better photo of the cotton fiber in the winning hash sample. You can really see the fibers and other hash parts… that camera really unleashes the internal goodness of each photo.


holy crap some more space nut shit. If anyone wants to save and print these photos huge on their wall go nuts. All I can promise, is these photos are wild!

dissolved and crystallized and solid hash! all in one photo. Looks like outer space!


oh don’t worry, I’ve got oil slides all prepped for viewing. My plants are going to die from lack of attention!

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baha hah hahahahahah I’m baaack! I picked so many lobster mushrooms, my hands were orange! Then I took this photo of a pollen sack. It’s one of the little strange ones from the big bud plant. I was curious… so I got out the slide and an exacto blade.


This thread popped out at me just at the right time! I just pulled my oldschool microscope out and setup a sort of lab station in the grow room.
Taking properly type pictures will be interesting seeing as how this machinery is over 100 years old at this point. Uses a mirror instead of a direct light source, but hell! Makes it more fun and challenging yeah?
@JoeCrowe About image size/resolution: No zoom, enhance, zoom, zoom zoom, enhance, zoom out, enhance, zoom, de-enhance?
I wanna be a CSI!!


lol that’s the kind of setup I had as a kid you can see I have a photo of it here in this thread like a long ways back. This setup I got a long time ago is a biological research microscope it kicks the old one’s ass. Lookit the lame photos:

“ach! It’s Terrible!” - Willy
compare that to the newer root photos. I think microscopes are really helpful in the cannabis world, everything is micrometer sized.


Heh heh there’s actually some CSI to it, that’s the nutty part… I got my fiber matching handout here in pdf format.

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Concur wholeheartedly on the microscopy subject. I used to take macros with a 10x loupe and a 3MP cam, but they were as decent as anyone elses’ macros!
Maybe if I put an LED on the scope instead of the mirror I could get better shots

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aim a powerful led flashlight right at the sample, it’ll light up a room.


Oddly enough I just got a super powered pinpoint “searchlight” penlight that will do this precisely!

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It should help you pinpoint when the harvest is ready, if you are into that kind of thing.

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You’ve no idea how lost an art trichome watching has become since OG OG dipped and then the Green Rush started and people with no freaking idea about anything started muddling up the little bit left over via web archive.
Making shatter was comonplace til it suddenly wasn’t, then came back as “shatter” instead of “purged hash oil” etc.
So yes, I love trichome watching. You interested in spectography too?

you are talking about breaking light down into spectrum? I only did that in school. hah hah long ago.

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Is this PM on Cannabis?

nope! It’s a different strain of pm, but it’s identical in form and function. I think that was from a pea vine.


@JoeCrowe Fascinating work.

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Great stuff!! :+1: :sunglasses:

Dang, nice toy! That really changes up your game by a order of magnitude!
Amazing photos. and thanks for posting the Bacillaria vid. fascinating.

The 1st darkfield photo you identified with the the 10 um watermark (above). At the 1 o’clock position there is a trichome head displaying 6 or so ‘holes’ (a bit like a revolver cylinder)
A while back you had several photos of trichome heads some displaying dark vesicles internally. I was wondering if that object is what is left over when dissolving those trichome heads.
When you add alcohol, do the trichomes fully dissolve or do they leave a diatom like structure behind?



I have never seen cliestothecia on Cannabis, though there has recently been a report of Gloviomyces spadiceus forming sexual structures on hemp in Kentucky:

I would be interested in this too. I know when I make tincture, there are clearly what look like trichome heads in the bottom of my filter. I tried smoking a sample with little effect. I believe they are the waxy cuticle around the trichome. Microscopic pictures of those compared to proper hash might be interesting.


heh heh Don’t worry I was planning a crazy test where I get a hash smear on a slide then take some video of it disintegrating. I plan on getting just a single trichome then adding a tiny drop of alcohol to see just what happens. According to the previous images they eventually dissolve…but I’ll do you one better @ReikoX, and dig out my tincture with gunk in the bottom and image the gunk! You gotta give me some time though, suddenly this contract is making me really fucking busy! Which is a good thing. I’ll put dinner on the bbq and then warm up the digital imaging system :wink: